“Teacher Li Yalin, what you said is really very useful.” After class, Orfina looked at Li Yalin with a look of admiration.

“Of course, my Elder Brother Yalin is the best!” Sally, who ran over to take Li Yalin’s arm after the get out of class, said proudly, and watched her little nose curl up. It’s stunned, and looks disappointed.

“You little girl.” Orfina looked at Sally a little bit didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, “I forgot the teacher when I saw my big brother?”

“Of course not.” Sally stepped forward and shook Orfina’s arm, and said coquettishly: “I am glad I met Elder Brother Yalin, Teacher Orfina is the best!”

“Is the teacher good? Is the big brother bad?” At this time, Li Yalin also teased Sally.

“Of course not, Aiya, Elder Brother Yalin, you have to hate it!” At this time Sally realized that Li Yalin and Orfina were playing with themselves.

For the second half of this Magic Class, everyone basically spent the process of meditation and condensing Magic Power, so the time flies quickly. Of course, Li Yalin was so happy, anyway, he was also relaxed. However, after class, the female students were all around Li Yalin’s side. One said they wanted to ask for advice, and the other said they wanted to invite Li Yalin to dinner. Chirp chirp twitter made Li Yalin completely not knowing what to do. Fortunately, Orfina has come forward. Under the power of the teacher, these little girls who are still idol worshipping are considered to leave, but this also made Li Yalin secretly squeeze the sweat.

In the end, Li Yalin and Sally also said goodbye to Orfina, and then they went to the Wind Element Intermediate Magic class to find Lynn who was also in the Magic Department. Although Lynn, who is an elf, is an Archer, at the same time she Wind Element Magic is also very outstanding, so Lynn is also studying in Wind Element Magic Class. After all, there is no branch in Milley Academy that specializes in learning Archery Technique.

“Lynn! Lynn! Come out soon!” Before reaching Lynn’s class, Sally had already yelled, and everyone along the way was looking at her and Li Yalin, but it seemed that Sally was there. It is very famous in the Magic Department. Basically, Sally’s name can be heard in the muttering that Li Yalin hears.

“Look! Isn’t that the Little Demoness Sally of Water Element Beginner First Class! I heard that she doesn’t have the gentleness of Water Element Mage at all, she said very violently!”

“Yes Ah, yeah, I heard that she is very funny. Several Advanced Class students have been teased by her!”

“Be quiet, she is going to look over, but the one next to her Who is that person? How pitiful.”

Li Yalin was completely shocked by these gossip sounds. He never thought that Sally was such a “great and famous”, even though these reputations were completely On the negative side, in Li Yalin’s impression, although Sally said she is rather naughty, she is a very cute, cheerful and sensible girl. These must be gossips! Yep! It must be!

“What’s the matter? Sally, you yelled just after class?” Lynn also walked out of the class when he heard Sally’s shout, and asked Sally helplessly.

“Hee hee, you absolutely can’t think of it, guess who is here?” Sally smiled at hee hee and looked at Lynn.

“Well? It’s Big Brother Lin! Big Brother Lin are you finally here?” Originally, Lynn hadn’t noticed yet, but after seeing Li Yalin, although Li Yalin could not see his face with a hat, However, Lynn recognized Li Yalin immediately, and saw that Little Elf, who is usually very shy, also rushed into Li Yalin’s arms and screamed like Sally.

“I said Lynn, how did you recognize Elder Brother Yalin?” Sally on the side asked Lynn curiously.

“Of course it is the smell! The smell of Big Brother Lin is the best!” Lynn’s face was buried in Li Yalin’s chest and said happily.

At this time, Li Yalin really wanted to say:’Is your nose a puppy? Why is it so good? ‘But this kind of complaint just needs to think about it in the heart, it’s better not to say it.

“Wow! Look, isn’t this the elf from the Wind Element Magic class? Isn’t she very scared of life? Why did she fall into the arms of the masked cloak man? What a pity!”< /p>

“Damn, who is that masked cloak man? I dare to occupy my Schoolmate Lynn! I’m going to kill him!”

“Look, don’t do that masked cloak man It’s the teacher badge of Lightning Element. Do we have Lightning Element in our school?”

At this moment, the gossip of all around started again, so Li Yalin quickly picked up Lynn and Sally, After that, he ran towards the Martial Skill Department. On the way to escape, Li Yalin’s gossip for these students was still somewhat blushed with shame, didn’t expect gossip in the alien school is not inferior to Earth’s school.

After leaving Magic Academy, under the leadership of Sally and Lynn’s, Li Yalin first came to the Intermediate Warrior Fourth Class where Rose is. In terms of Milley Academy’s classes, it is actually very easy to distinguish. The entire Academy is divided into two branches, namely the Martial Skill Department and the Magic Department. Among them, the Martial Skill Department is divided into mainstream classes such as Warrior Class, Knight Class, and Assassin Class, while the Magic Department has more classes. Six Great Elements are all mainstream classes, and even similar to Lightning Element and Alchemy Department. An unpopular class in the Summoning Department. However, there are really very few people in these unpopular classes. No, it should be said that there are basically no students, like Lightning Element, there is no student, only Li Yalin is a general without an army, and the Alchemy Department has a total of 17 teachers, including teachers. , The Summoning Department was also miserable, and all of them together did not exceed ten.

Moreover, each departments are divided into 3 classes, Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced. Beginner Class students are all with Second Rank strength. After their strength reaches Third Rank, they can apply for an upgrade and come to Advanced Class. And so on, Advanced Class is naturally Fourth Rank, but there are too few students with Fourth Rank strength. In Milley Academy, you can apply for graduation as long as you reach Third Rank High-Level, but if you need further studies, Can be promoted to Advanced Class.

In addition, due to the large number of mainstream classes, each department will also be divided into small classes, which are ranked down by numbers. For example, the Water Element Beginner Magic Class where Sally is located has a total of two For this class, Sally is in the Water Element Beginner First Class. Of course, like the Warrior Class with a larger number of people, there are more small classes. However, although there are many small classes, there are actually only more than 20 students in each class. This is also to ensure the students’ learning environment.

Of course, only the Milley Royal Magic Military Academy, which is one of the best in the kingdom, can do this. I heard that there are even hundreds of people in the same small academy. The situation in the classrooms, although most of the hundreds of people did not even reach First-Rank.

In fact, this also explains some problems from the side, but in general, Milley Academy is the best academy in Milley Kingdom. There are also reasons why it is the cradle of genius.

After they came to the Intermediate Warrior Fourth Class, Li Yalin and the others found that there was no one here. It turned out that Rose’s class is undergoing actual combat training today, so the students in Class 4 are all practicing on the training ground. But in order to see Rose’s eager Li Yalin, Sally and Lynn came to the training ground without stopping.

Milley Academy’s training grounds are also very huge, or you can say that if you have money, you are a cow. I have already inquired before that the training ground of the fourth class is the Warrior training ground No. 7, so the three of Li Yalin came directly here.

After arriving at the training ground, Li Yalin found that the students here were all training in a frenzy. Li Yalin has not undergone this kind of system training, but he has also received some guidance from Rose’s, and he also understands how hard the training of these Warriors is.

Warrior is not like Mage. As long as you sit and meditate, you can increase your strength. The strength of Warriors is all improved by sweating, although the display of Battle Aura also requires a certain amount. However, compared to Mage, which relies entirely on talent, Warriors still occupy a relatively high proportion of the continent’s Class.

Now the students on the training ground are doing hacking training. With Li Yalin’s eyesight, he easily finds out where Rose’s is, because she is always so dazzling, even though Rose is also now She meticulously chopped Claymore in her hand, but her style at that moment made Li Yalin linger.

“Shall we go to Elder Sister Rose now?” Seeing Rose’s hard practice, Sally was also a bit sorry to bother, so she asked Li Yalin’s advice.

“Let’s wait a while, and wait for Elder Sister Rose to find her after practicing.” Li Yalin couldn’t bear to bother at this moment, and he also likes to see Rose now.

“Well then, let’s just wait a while.” Hearing Li Yalin’s answer, Sally and Lynn also agreed with Li Yalin’s words.

“Are you who? I don’t know if there are already classes in training here. The school regulations do not allow you to stay on training grounds other than your class. Don’t you know?” At this moment, one of them The sound reached everyone’s ears. When everyone looked back, it was a female Warrior standing wearing a red battle armour, has a beautiful short hair, carrying a sword but not a sword. a blade but not a blade. In front of everyone, but Heavenly Wind Continent does not have the concept of a sword, so she should be carrying a strange sword.

Look at the look of this female Warrior again. It is the kind that is more handsome and fortitude. Also the face is pretty. A pair of fiery-red eyes flash with dazzling brilliance. It is indeed a beautiful one. Beauty, especially with a suit of equipment, is even more heroic.

“Excuse me, are you?” Li Yalin asked in confusion. The beauty in front of her is not a student, but if she is a teacher, she is a bit too young.

“I am the teacher who instructs this class, my name is Schley, are you the teacher of Lightning Element?” Seeing the teacher badge on Li Yalin’s chest, Schley looking thoughtful asked.

“Yes, I am a new teacher, and my name is Li Yalin.” Li Yalin also gave Schley a friendly smile and introduced himself.

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