“Don’t be too nervous, let’s do this. In formal occasions, we will be the same as usual, but in private, let’s relax. After all, I am not an antique uncle of 30-40 years old, no That many rules have to be said.” After calming the flustered Ye Xiaoyou, Li Yalin made his proposal.

“Such as… if this is the case… then please forgive my impoliteness, and the commander in chief, oh no, Yalin, you can also call me Xiaoyou, my friends call me like that Yes.” With his head down, Ye Xiaoyou’s face showed a trace of blush and a trace of tension. Although his identity is no longer low, in front of Li Yalin’s, he is just a small adjutant, Nebula. The colonel of the kingdom and the major general of Universe Fedation, there is no comparability at all, and this is more related to the problem of getting along between the two parties, for which Ye Xiaoyou really feels a lot of pressure.

“Everyone said don’t be so nervous, or are you a little girl who likes to be nervous?” Seeing that the other party was still cautious, Li Yalin couldn’t help but teased him.

“No, I don’t like nervousness.” Ye Xiaoyou small mouth pouted, how could she like nervousness, but then she reacted, Li Yalin was just teasing herself, but Because of this, the atmosphere between Li Yalin and Ye Xiaoyou has eased a lot, and the two sides can finally calm down and talk to each other peacefully.

“It turns out that this is the case, Xiaoyou, you were adopted by the Royal Family of the Nebula Kingdom since you were young to assist Her Majesty the Princess. You must have suffered a lot, right?”

“It’s nothing. Although the training is cool, Her Majesty the Princess’s efforts are not inferior to ours. They will even train and study harder than us. Because of this, we will be recognized by Her Majesty. Attracted by the Princess, she willingly assists her, and will accompany Her Majesty the Princess anytime.” Shaking his head, Ye Xiaoyou’s eyes became very firm.

“so that’s how it is, Her Majesty the Princess is very lucky to have such a good friend by your side.” Li Yalin said with a smile.

“I’m just the servant of Her Majesty the Princess that’s all, but Yalin you, your beauty is really not shallow, but I have been to see your private army, all of them are beautiful Girl, and I followed you with all my heart, I really don’t know what Magic you used, but then again, Yalin, you are indeed very attractive, even…Ah! Sorry, I was rude.” Li Yalin’s smiled Ye Xiaoyou quickly relaxed. While feeling relaxed, Ye Xiaoyou also began to talk about Li Yalin as a real friend. It was only at the end that Ye Xiaoyou realized something was wrong, and hurriedly covered it. Own little mouth.

“Hehe, what you said is right, so many girls follow me without complaint, I am indeed a very happy person.” Li Yalin did not pursue Ye Xiaoyou In the last sentence, it was shrugged bladder, and there was a hint of tenderness in his eyes. Saeko, Rei, Saya, Teresa, Chifuyu, sisters who have already had a relationship with him, as well as Toria and Himari, are the same. What can be done is to make everyone happy.

“Yalin…do you have someone you like?” Seeing Li Yalin’s gentle expression, Ye Xiaoyou couldn’t help but softly asked.

“Of course, although there are more than one, I really like them.” There is nothing to hide from Li Yalin. Although the Republic of Midici is monogamous, the Kamiga Empire And the Kingdom of Nebula are both polygamous countries.

“so that’s how it is, I am really envious.” Ye Xiaoyou said this from the heart, because she could see that the gentleness and longing in Li Yalin’s eyes were not deceiving. of.

“Hehe, in the future Xiaoyou will also meet the boy he likes.” Li Yalin said with a smile.

“This is impossible. I will follow Her Majesty the Princess all my life until Her Majesty the Princess no longer needs me.” Ye Xiaoyou shook the head, love and happiness, these It’s really far away from myself.

“Is that so…” Li Yalin was silent. Everyone has the right to choose. Ye Xiaoyou has already made a choice, so what reason and identity should he use to persuade him? After all, he is just an outsider.

“Don’t show such an expression, this topic is too serious, let’s change it.” With a relaxed smile, Ye Xiaoyou quickly returned to normal, thinking too far away. It’s better to focus on the present, maybe next moment, you will die under the mouth of the insect, thinking so much now, it is a bit ridiculous.

“That’s what I said.” Li Yalin nodded, it is indeed a bit heavy, so I should turn my gaze to now, and it seems that I have not been with this Lori adjutant for a long time, what I just said It’s already very abrupt.

Continued to chat with Ye Xiaoyou for a while, and after filling up his stomach, Li Yalin got up and left. There are still many things waiting for the federal base to deal with, especially the combat personnel. For Infantry, I have to worry about it, and the generals of the group army, none of them are someone who is easy to deal with. The fact that there are so many intestines is that the army is not like the Mecha Army, and not all of them are directly controlled. In Li Yalin’s hands.

Li Lingyun Princess came to the Federal Army base on the 2nd day. A small military exercise was carried out inside the base. This is the meaning of the beautiful general. Although Li Yalin feels that the military exercise is a bit out of date, the beautiful general Persist, Li Yalin has no objection, anyway, the guys in the base are idle, even if they are allowed to move their muscles and bones.

The entire military exercise is dominated by Mecha operations. After all, there are not many Infantry in the Federal Army base. Many Infantry are scattered in various sub-bases. Therefore, the best one in the base is the beautiful general’s. Directly under Mecha Army and Li Yalin’s Mecha squad.

For this military exercise, Harley Ana and Xiao Yu are gearing up one by one, each preparing to show off their strengths. Even last night, these guys came to Li Yalin’s room to intercede. I hope they can participate in a good project during the military exercise. For this reason, they even grabbed the reticent knife.

Li Yalin is very helpless about this, but since these guys have asked themselves so, it seems that for the sake of knowing one, Li Yalin still agreed to these guys and let them participate in the military exercise. The highlight-Mecha Martial Great Competition, this makes these guys who think that Mecha is a matchless in the world cheered instantly.

In their eyes, what is the ability of those Mecha land warfare? If they are not beaten to the ground by themselves with three punches and two kicks, then they can naturally accept the cheers and applause of the girls. If good In the case of luck, it is not impossible for a girl to come and dedicate her life.

Thinking of this, these Mages that have not yet been Class Change are all on fire, and they are ready to prepare one by one, just waiting to show their skills in the military exercises, watching this group of doomed tragedies Guy, Li Yalin couldn’t help shook the head and pushed them all out of his room by the way.

As for why they are doomed to tragedy, it is because in this military exercise, Li Yalin will send his own dedicated maid squad, whose purpose is to win the Mecha Martial Great Competition. By the way, I also showed my strength in front of Seven Princess. Now that I have my own maids on the stage, what benefits can these guys get?

By the way, in order to show the fairness of the battle, the Mecha Warriors participating in the tournament must drive the same four-generation mecha called Arctic_Wolf (polar wolf), that is to say, these are good at driving the universe The fighters and cosmic Mecha guys must first get familiar with the operation of the land warfare Mecha before they can consider whether they can show off on the tournament.

Because it is only a small military exercise, all kinds of exercises are simply over after a short period of time. However, the beginning of the Mecha Martial Great Competition caused a wave in the entire Federal Army base and participated in it. In addition to Li Yalin’s Federal Army, several people from the Nebula Army Mecha Warrior under Seven Princess also signed up for this military exercise. Although there was no medicinal smell, no matter whether it was the Federal Army or the Nebula Army, who would not want to lose The opponent’s.

“Oh? Did your commander-in-chief’s personal army also participate in this Martial Great Competition?” On the stand, Princess Seven quickly saw the maid’s eye-catching maid uniforms, who signed up for the competition. The number of Mecha Warriors has exceeded one hundred. In order to show fairness, Li Yalin only sent five of his own maids. Except for the leader Satsuki, the remaining four maids are all members of the Moon Squad.

“Yes, these girls seem to be very interested, so let them go and have fun.” Li Yalin slightly smiled, I can’t say that I sent these girls to win the championship, right?

The entire Martial Great Competition is divided into ten venues, which happens to occupy all ten training fields of the Federal Army base. This allocation can speed up the Martial Great Competition. After all, this military exercise It was originally small, so Li Yalin was ready to go through a cutscene and it was over.

Above the Martial Great Competition, all live ammunition weapons are all modified with paint shells, and beam weapons are replaced with low-energy magazines. In order to protect Mecha from too serious damage, the melee weapons have been harmonized. In other words, this game is basically just a test of Spear Art.

Of course, this is only for ordinary Mecha drivers. The race at first, the moon squad maids headed by Satsuki, really explain what is called Mecha close combat. Zhan, looking at the drivers who were thrown down, Li Yalin couldn’t help shook the head, the sad guys, mourned for you for three seconds.

These Experts, who thought they were invincible in the whole world, couldn’t walk out of the maids for three rounds. After the battle, these guys all ran out of the competition in despair. The stage place is really shameful! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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