“It’s really amazing battle strength, Commander-in-Chief, I never thought that Mecha could still drive like this.” Looking at the performance of the Moon’s squad on the virtual screen, Seven Princess couldn’t help but cover the little girl. The mouth was very shocked.

“Hehe, it’s just a little trick.” Li Yalin slightly smiled, just to achieve this effect.

At this time, what is displayed on the screen is Satsuki’s battle, and her opponent is Xiao Yu, who is going to show off today, but Xiao Yu’s bullet is simply nothing to Satsuki. The effect of Xiaoyue was just a few quick dodges, and all of Xiao Yu’s bullets fell to the ground. After a shuttle of bullets were cleared, Xiaoyue’s Mecha was already close to Xiao Yu’s.

The battle ended very quickly. Xiaoyue just hit Xiao Yu’s battle rifle with a hand knife. By the way, an anti-joint technique overwhelmed the opponent. Time passed quickly, even one minute. Before that, the battle is over.

“Damn it! This time I’ve lost my lord!” In the cockpit, Xiao Yu also struck the keyboard in front of him sadly. I can’t enjoy the favor of elder sister younger sister. Now it seems that the favor is gone, but it is estimated that there will be a lot of jokes.

‘Sorrowful guy, continue to mourn for you. ‘Looking at Xiao Yu’s defeat, Li Yalin in the stands pouted. Who made you bad luck? You met Xiaoyue. This girl never knew what show mercy was.

The close mecha warfare of the maids teaches all Mecha Warriors a lesson. Although everyone has practiced how to use melee weapons to fight, the bare-handed combat is for everyone. I haven’t thought about it, but now it seems that even if he holds a weapon in his hand, he won’t be the opponent’s bare-handed opponent.

The battle continues, the maid team is singing all the way, and there is no opponent at all. Even the elites of the Federation such as the knife and Harley Ana, or the elites of the Nebula Army, are defeated by one by one. At the end of the fight, the maids had crashed consecutively, and in the end, Satsuki, as Captain, was the strongest and won the championship of the Martial Great Competition.

To tell the truth, this military exercise did give Princess Seven a great shock. It also strengthened her determination to form an alliance with the EFF. Of course, this is not just about the EFF. Seven Princess knew in his heart that Li Yalin represented the first Imperial Princess of the Kamiga Empire, Brittany, and this was the top priority.

“Master, Primitive Gamma Insect’s fleet has begun to move, but their actions are very irregular and unpredictable, as if they are hiding something, but we don’t understand it, so Master, you must be careful and pay attention to the insect race on the ground.” That night, during the call with Brittany, there was a not-so-good news.

The action of Primitive Gamma Insect is not a good thing, especially at this time, looking at the action graph of Primitive Gamma Insect, Li Yalin fell into contemplation. There is no rule at all. This The fleet of Primitive Gamma Insect seems to draw a circle in the F11 galaxy, but what does this circle represent?

“I see, you guys should also be careful. If something happens, discuss with Toria and the others immediately, don’t act rashly!” Li Yalin nodded, then began to warn again, this Primitive Gamma Insect fleet The number is amazing, and there is no lack of Insect King or even the Sovereign level battleship. If only Brittany’s C-Rank fleet and Li Yalin’s fleet are fighting with them, the odds of winning are not great.

Opened the satellite reconnaissance map, and the entire Kanaga planet appeared in front of Li Yalin’s. Now the insect race has occupied nearly half of the planet’s land, and it even has a tendency to slowly eat away. , This is not fun. If this continues, the insects will soon attack the two cities near the territory of the insect race.

The two human cities are not very far apart, only less than 80 kilometers away. However, one of the cities is occupied by the Free Front, and the other is one of the sub-bases of the Nebula Army. The top priority is to increase the defenses of these two cities. Don’t be sneak attacked by the insect race.

Li Yalin’s suggestion surprised Seven Princess, but this is not unreasonable, so Li Lingyun immediately issued an order to send additional troops to the Nebula Army sub-base, even Li Yalin gave it. Order, two Wild Battle Masters plus two Mecha Army to camp near the city occupied by the Free Front, in case of emergency.

Soon, the three-day visit to the base is over. During these three days, Li Yalin and Her Majesty the Princess and the adjutant Lori get along very well, both on business and In private, even in private, Li Yalin and Her Majesty the Princess have already begun to call each other by their names, which gives the beauty general a subtle sense of discomfort.

“So be careful, if there is a situation, I will send troops to support you immediately.” moved towards Li Lingyun waved goodbye, watching the battleship float slowly into the air.

“Should I say that I really deserve to be Yalin? In just three days, I actually received the heart of Her Majesty the Princess.” After the battleship that Her Majesty the Princess was riding in, the beauty general could not bear it. I couldn’t help speaking, and the slightly sour taste in the words made the beautiful general unique.

“What is the heart of Her Majesty the Princess, do you think that as a country of Her Majesty the Princess, you will be easily tempted? Don’t look too high at me.” Li Yalin smiled and shook the head , Yi said this without any basis at all.

“Even if Her Majesty the Princess is not tempted, the adjutant around Princess is really tempted, right? Seeing her like that, maybe she hasn’t reacted yet, but I can see clearly Chu, every time I talk to you, my face turns red to death. When I can be alone with you, I feel very happy. Isn’t there a beautiful woman? It doesn’t seem to be so hard to guess.” There was a hint of ridicule in the beautiful general’s words, and it was obvious that she had been completely immersed in the vinegar this time.

“The observation ability is pretty good, but I only treat Xiaoyou as a friend, or a young Little Sister, without that many unreasonable thoughts.” Li Yalin Waved, this thought was a bit crooked, and besides, I was not a lolicon.

“Big brother…” At this moment, Li Yalin, who walked back to the base, was pounced head-on by the little loli waiting for him, and the little loli rushed straight into Li Yalin’s arms.

“I said Lori, it’s not a child, don’t just run around, there are a lot of weird uncles here.” With that, Li Yalin touched Lori’s head. They turned their eyes to Harley Ana and Xiao Yu not far away. These loli controllers are too dangerous. Even if Li Yalin is there, they will not take excessive actions, but in order to satisfy the weird uncle’s wickedness. , They might come up with some vulgar idea to seduce Lori, even if Lori breathe the same air as them, Li Yalin thinks it will pollute Lori.

“I said Xiao Yu, why do you suddenly feel that we are very bleak?” At this time, Harley Ana shivered, a very subtle feeling suddenly rose, making him feel very desolate.

“I heard you say so, what the hell is going on?” Xiao Yu nodded, he had already noticed this sad and desolate feeling.

“Return to the team!” Before the two of them chatted about anything, the knife had already stepped forward, and one person had a hand knife, by the way, coldly said.

“The insects’ change has begun, and as expected, Yalin, the insects moved towards the cities of Lenka and Max have moved, and the third and fifth Infantry divisions are preparing , The Tigers and the Falcons, the two Mecha Army are relatively fast, they have already taken a step forward, moving towards Lunka City. As for the Mecha City where the Nebula Army is stationed, should we take the initiative to help?” In the next few days Here, Li Yalin has been dealing with his own job, but on this day, the insects finally started to act.

“I see. Going towards Lunka City at full speed, Max is not under consideration for the time being. Although a consensus has been reached with the Nebula Army, the other party did not issue a joint request, and only moved forward. It’s a taboo.” While looking at the information on the virtual screen, Li Yalin tapped his fingers on the table. The radar showed that the number of insects had been dispatched to more than three million, but he did not find Flying Insect and High-Level. Insect, these three hundred Ten Thousand Insects are all the lowest-rank insects.

“Something is wrong.” Looking at the ratio of the number of insects on the screen, Li Yalin is lightly frowned, three million Low-Rank insect troops, impossible, a High-Level insect also does not appear, so too In other words, these three million Low-Rank insects are very likely to be just vanguard forces. If this is the case, then today’s battle will probably be the biggest battle on the Kanaga planet!

“What’s wrong?” The beauty general is a little curious, what’s wrong in the end?

The satellite scan did not find the slightest abnormality at all, which is even more wrong. Li Yalin immediately exuded his Divine Consciousness. Although the distance was a little farther, it was simply not a problem to Li Yalin.

“Turn on the heat source detection device!” Sure enough, although there is no slight abnormality on the surface, there is a huge hole hidden in the underground not far from the two cities. In the emptiness, hundreds of millions of insects are all concentrated here. Let alone the Low-Rank insects, even the High-Level insects are countless. Things are a bit big this time.

“Yalin, this is…” Looking at the insect swarms hidden underground, the beautiful general was also shocked. With so many high-level insects, this battle is difficult to fight, and even if it can be won , It will also suffer a lot of losses. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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