“Ah! Teacher Orfina! Teacher Schley!” Sally has called out the name of the person outside. It turns out that it is Orfina and Schley. The two are already standing outside the courtyard of Li Yalin’s dormitory, looking inside.

“How about, don’t you invite us in?” Orfina smiled and looked at Li Yalin.

“Of course, please come in.” Li Yalin hurriedly welcomed the two girls in. “Have you had Teacher Orfina and Teacher Schley for dinner? If you don’t have any, then join us for dinner, if you If you don’t dislike it.”

“Of course we didn’t eat, Oh? Who made this dish? I’ve never seen it before, and it smells so good.” Schley didn’t seem to take it. Being an outsider, I sat down on the chair and smelled the dishes on the table as if I was about to drooling.

“These are my hometown dishes, they are very common, please eat them soon, we just want to start.” Li Yalin said with a smile.

“Then we’re welcome.” Orfina also slightly smiled to Li Yalin, and then started unceremoniously.

This time Li Yalin made more than ten plate dishes, all of which are full of weight dishes like sweet and sour pork ribs, Red Braised Pork, red braised crucian carp, but after a lot of strong wind scattering the last clouds. , But they all bottomed out, and there was nothing left.

“Ah, I’m full, it’s so delicious!” Schley sighed while drinking the juice after the meal.

“Yes, didn’t expect Teacher Li Yalin’s cooking skills are so good.” Orfina also smiled at Li Yalin and said, but Li Yalin always felt that Orfina has harboring malicious intentions.

“Of course, my Elder Brother Yalin is the best.” Whenever someone praises Li Yalin’s, Sally is always the happiest one, and she always continues to praise Li Yalin.

This day passed very quickly. Everyone who had eaten together talked about the experience after leaving. Of course, Li Yalin said that after Demon Beast’s experience, his memory was restored and he found it later. Nonsense like Ikaros. Rose also talked to Li Yalin about his experience after returning to the Academy.

After everyone had dinner together, everyone also dispersed, because students must go back to the dormitory for the night while they were in school. This rule is very strange, because the school does not require students to go to class, but it stipulates that must spend the night in the dormitory, which is really very strange.

But everyone still abides by the Academy’s system, so Maca and Kiruvere also carry Sam who is still asleep in hu hu, and Li Yalin has also left with everyone.

In the next few days, Li Yalin’s daily life consisted of reading books in the library, chatting with Rose and the others, wandering around the campus, meeting with Saeko and the others in the Evolved Space. Practice Diablo Skills in the yard and practice Heavenly Wind Continent’s Magic and Battle Aura.

By the way, Li Yalin also checked the new redemption options that appeared in Game Exchange after completing the dungeon. This new redemption is «Wind Fantasy 3», which cost 600 Energy Points, Li Yalin After redeeming the game, he got another Class Change opportunity.

To say that the classes of «Wind Fantasy 3» are very practical. At this stage, it is more suitable for Li Yalin’s, Archer and Knight, because Archer is an expert in arrow technique, and Knight is also proficient in spear and sword . But Li Yalin already has Amazon’s lance skills and bow and arrow skills, so Li Yalin did not want to Class Change into Archer or Knight, but Li Yalin is still interested in Mage, because Mage can also be upgraded to Forbidden Spell Mage or Holy Spirit Master, these two classes are also very powerful.

But in the end, what Li Yalin exchanged was Healer’s Class Change. In fact, the classes in «Wind Fantasy 3» have their own merits, but what Li Yalin values ​​most is the two skills in Healer, that is ——Dimensional Jump and Space Teleportation, these two are related to Heavenly Wind Continent and Lost Magic, the Magic of Space Element. There is also the more heaven-defying Resurrection Technique, which is a skill that can be resurrected, but I don’t know if it can be used.

Class Change is Li Yalin after Healer. It is not like a game that requires additional learning to save energy, but has fully learned all the skills of Healer, but if Li Yalin wants to upgrade to Priest, he needs Seventh Rank. , So now I only have to practice Healer Skills.

As for skills, this also requires proficiency, but level MAX is not LV20, but all LV10. No matter any skills are the same, this is also very different from the game. So Li Yalin the past few days in addition to practicing Diablo Skills, Fengse skills have also been added to the practice outline.

But it didn’t take long for the leisurely days. On this day, Headmaster Wendy invited Li Yalin to the Headmaster room. Although I don’t know what Headmaster Wendy calculated, Li Yalin still thinks he should go there. Going to Li Yalin is also the teacher of Academy.

“Headmaster Wendy, what do you want me to do?” Li Yalin asked straight to the point as soon as he entered the Headmaster room.

“Oh, it’s Teacher Yalin, please take a seat. Haha, how about it? Is the past few days okay in school? Is there anything missing? You can just find it if you need it Teacher Orfina’s.” Headmaster Wendy did not answer Li Yalin’s question directly, but kept asking Li Yalin diligently.

But the more Headmaster Wendy is like this, the more it means there must be something in it. So Li Yalin didn’t care about Old Fox Wendy’s diligence, but continued: “Headmaster Wendy, just tell me if you have anything to do. I will definitely help if I can do it. Please don’t be circumspect.”

“It’s Teacher Yalin, it’s straightforward!” Headmaster Wendy gave a thumbs up. Although Li Yalin had made him faceless, there was no trace of embarrassment on his face, which made Li Yalin inwardly shouted old fox in his heart. what.

“Then, Headmaster Wendy, please speak up.” Li Yalin said blankly.

“In fact, this is the case. I heard from Teacher Orfina that Teacher Yalin has developed a Mist Element Magic, and has also worked out how to make Beginner Magic Instant Magic. Is there such a thing?” Headmaster Wendy looked at Li Yalin with a smile.

“There is such a thing.” Li Yalin nodded.

“Then Teacher Yalin, can I ask you not to teach you how to get Beginner Magic Instant Magic?” At this time, the trace of crafty on Headmaster Wendy’s face was gone, replaced by a face The seriousness.

“What’s the problem with this?” Seeing Headmaster Wendy’s serious face, Li Yalin couldn’t help asking a little strangely.

“Yes, the problem is very serious, and it can be said to be very serious!” Headmaster Wendy said very seriously.

“I have heard of this method from Teacher Orfina. It is really terrifying, so for the students of Water Element Beginner First Class, I have cleared their memories.”< /p>

“What!” Upon hearing this, Li Yalin quickly slapped the table and jumped up, “Sally’s memory has also been erased? Will there be any repercussions in this erased memory? Old fox, let me tell you! If you are If you dare to touch Sally’s hair, I will make Milley Academy restless!”

“What are you worried about! I already know the relationship between Schoolmate Sally and you, so I just imposed a ban on her. It’s just the password, as long as she doesn’t say it. Really, youngster is so frizzy, can you pay for it if you scare my old man?” Headmaster Wendy looked calm and easy going.

“Damn! Are you gasping for breath? What do you have to say?” Hearing Sally was okay, Li Yalin was also sighed in relief, but then he said very uncomfortably. .

“I haven’t come yet to say something in a hurry.” Headmaster Wendy’s looked a little aggrieved.

“Forget it, let this be aside for the time being, continue with your previous topic, what is the serious problem?” Look at Headmaster Wendy’s, Li Yalin only panting with rage sitting opposite Wendy Said from the chair.

“Oh, where did I just say it? By the way, it is a very serious problem.” After a while, Headmaster Wendy continued to speak, which made Li Yalin want to ask him if he could do it. Alzheimer’s disease?

“I tried your method. Although it is difficult, it is not impossible. As long as after a long period of exercise, almost every Mage can do Instant Magic. But in this way, The crisis is coming.” At this point, Headmaster Wendy paused, looked at Li Yalin, and then continued.

“The Mage that can be used for Instant Magic is simply an ultimate weapon. Although Mage is not strong in battle strength at Low-Rank, the high-level Mage wins after being separated from the Warrior of the same level. It will definitely be Mage, and the mystery is that High-Level Mage can be Instant Magic! But if your method First-Tier spreads, all Mage will definitely be invincible afterwards, and it will surely occupy a complete dominant position in all Classes. . In this way, the balance on the continent will be broken, and the war will not be far away.” Headmaster Wendy said a little heavy.

“Is there such an exaggeration?” Li Yalin didn’t believe it.

“Of course, don’t think I’m alarmist, no matter it’s any country, even the Milley Kingdom where we are now, as long as we get this method, it will develop at a very fast speed, and In this case, Lord of a Country’s ambitions will become more and more inflated, followed by expansion and aggression. In this way, Heavenly Wind Continent’s war will be ignited again.” Headmaster Wendy gently sighed.

“But Headmaster Wendy, aren’t you from Milley Kingdom’s, why don’t you want your country to be prosperous?” Li Yalin still asked with some confusion.

“I am indeed Milley Kingdom’s, but I am even more of a human on Heavenly Wind Continent, so I don’t want humans to kill each other. I want peace. Do you understand that?” said At this point, Headmaster Wendy was a little excited.

“I understand, then I agree to your request.” At this moment, Li Yalin also understood some of Headmaster Wendy’s intentions, so he readily agreed to Headmaster Wendy’s request.

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