“Um…Teacher Yalin, I have something to trouble you.” Just after Li Yalin agreed to Headmaster Wendy’s request, when he got up to leave, Headmaster Wendy rubbed his hands again and looked at you must Helping expression.

“May I ask if you have something to say in one breath?” Li Yalin asked, staring at Headmaster Wendy’s gnashing teeth.

“Of course, that’s of course.” Headmaster Wendy said with nodded bow at this moment, not at all the solemn and majestic temperament just now.

“Then you just say it.” Li Yalin looked like I was very busy and impatient.

“This, now the Academy’s enrollment has been completed, but because there are so many students this year, the school’s teachers are no longer enough, so I hope Teacher Yalin can bring a new class like Teacher Orfina. “

“Of course it’s okay, and this is my duty. Although I told you before that I need absolute freedom, didn’t I also say that I can help, why? Headmaster Wendy, what do you want to do?” Li Yalin was a little puzzled, if it was just such a trivial matter, Old Fox Wendy simply couldn’t commit such a low-handedness.

“As expected of Teacher Yalin, my intuition is really extraordinary.” Headmaster Wendy thumbed up again, admiringly said.

“Come on, you’d better be straightforward.” Looking at Headmaster Wendy’s, Li Yalin knew that nothing good was waiting for him.

“Hehe, then I’ll talk about it.” Headmaster Wendy laughed, and Li Yalin got goose bumps all over his body.

“In fact, it’s also simple. You know, Teacher Yalin, your class is an Elite Class. Although they are all just registering for school for the first time, their strengths are not simple, and they all reach the Third Rank or above. Genius youngsters, so it’s a bit inappropriate to put them in a normal class.” Headmaster Wendy said while looking at Li Yalin’s face.

“Why do you say that they are not suitable for the ordinary class? The strength is not simple? Do you want to say that they are all thorns? The kind that makes trouble? Or is there something big and can’t afford to offend That kind?” Li Yalin said looking thoughtful.

“This, it’s a bit too much to say that the sting is too much, they are just more naughty, naughty.” Headmaster Wendy’s forehead is already a little sweaty.

“Naughty? Then ask Headmaster Wendy to tell me how naughty they are?” Li Yalin looked at Headmaster Wendy with a smile, although Li Yalin’s face could not be seen clearly because of the cover of the hat, but Li The sneer at the corner of Yalin’s mouth, Headmaster Wendy can still see clearly, which made him sweat even more.

“This…” Headmaster Wendy’s eyes rolled quickly, as if thinking about how to answer Li Yalin’s words, but Li Yalin interrupted his thinking at this time.

“Forget it, isn’t it just a bunch of thorns, I want to see and see.” In fact, Li Yalin the past few days has read all the useful books in the library, and Saeko and Saya They are also assiduously studying Heavenly Wind Continent’s Magic and the Battle Aura system in Evolved Space. What is the difference between the spell of their own class? Seeing all the girls working so hard, Li Yalin has been idle, so this is also the case. Li Yalin agreed to Headmaster Wendy’s one of the reasons.

“Really?” Hearing Li Yalin’s quick response, Headmaster Wendy seemed a little unbelievable.

“Of course, where are they? When are they in class?” Li Yalin said impatiently. For an old fox like Headmaster Wendy, Li Yalin is very reluctant to deal with him.

“The sooner the better, it’s best to start tomorrow, but Teacher Yalin, you don’t have to be pressured. The so-called class is just a look that’s all. Genius youngsters like them don’t lack teachers. Coming to the Academy to go to school is just a cutscene and make more friends.” Headmaster Wendy said to Li Yalin with a smile.

“Then why are you doing everything in disorder? By the way, what kind of department do I teach?” Li Yalin asked with some doubts.

“Teacher Yalin, your teaching department is called Special Department, because these children’s classes have nothing common with each other, so they are called Special Department. As for why you want to do this, it’s actually nothing, just But those children prefer to tease the teacher.” Headmaster Wendy smiled at Li Yalin, seemingly a bit tricky.

“Forget it, I have to see how they can tease me.” Then, Li Yalin was a little curious.

“That’s good, that’s good, I will send someone to inform the students, Teacher Yalin, you just have to go directly to the classroom.” After that, Headmaster Wendy handed Li Yalin a badge.

“This is the Special Department’s teacher badge, you have to put it away.” After that, he told Li Yalin the address of the classroom.

“Okay, I know, I will contact you if you have anything.” After listening to Headmaster Wendy’s words, Li Yalin left the Headmaster room without looking back.

“This Little Brat, respect the old and cherish the young.” Looking at the back of Li Yalin away, Headmaster Wendy smiled and shook the head, then turned back to his seat and was busy Get up, as the Headmaster, he has a lot to do.

After returning home, Li Yalin thought about it for a while and summoned Astraea, because Saeko and the others were studying spell and simply didn’t have time to take care of other things. Even Li Yalin was ignored. even more how is Astraea. And Ikaros was also brought out by Li Yalin summon, so Astraea should be lonely in Evolved Space. For this reason, Li Yalin brought Astraea out of summon too.

However, Astraea’s wings are bigger than Ikaros’ even if they are shrunk, so even with cloak on, her back looks a little bulging, but there is no other way. Finished.

Astraea, who came out of Evolved Space, seemed very happy. He pulled Li Yalin’s hand and screamed and jumped. Then he looked left and right in Li Yalin’s room, and finally found out from the kitchen. I ate a sausage. Seeing Astraea’s appearance, Li Yalin couldn’t help laughing.

Early on the 2nd day, Li Yalin came to the classroom of the Special Department. The classroom of the Special Department is located between the Martial Skill Department and the Magic Department. It is a separate three-story building and looks like this building. There is only Li Yalin in class.

Moreover, the teacher badge on Li Yalin’s body is also very special now. The engraved on it is a Claymore and a Magic Staff crossed together. All around are all burning Flames, and they look very Is beautiful.

As time passed, Li Yalin was the only one in the classroom, and even a student had never been there. This made Li Yalin very upset.

“This group of kids, when I have a chance, I must teach them a good lesson and let them know what a Revered Master is.” Li Yalin has some whispered gnashing teeth, but Li Yalin completely forgot about himself. It’s just an eighteen-year-old boy.

But just when Li Yalin was about to leave, students entered the classroom one after another. Soon, the classroom was neatly seated with 23 students, which is on the roll The data is exactly the same.

‘These guys made an appointment? wrong! It should be trying to give me a good start! ‘Li Yalin in the heart thought to himself, but looking at these young faces, Li Yalin’s heart felt a sense of vicissitudes.

Looking at the roster in his hand, most of the 23 students are Warrior, Mage has only five and Thief has two. And there are not only humans here, there are even two Beast Races, Heavenly Wind Continent’s Beast Race is somewhat different from the Beast Race in the movie game.

Like this Werewolf Clan Warrior, he has a huge wolf head, wolf tail and claws, but he has a human body, but his body is covered with wolf hair that’s all. The other Cat Clan’s girl is completely different. She has the same body and face as a human, but her ears are those of a cat, and there is a cat’s tail on her ass. The others are exactly the same as humans.

“Hello everyone, my name is Li Yalin. From today, I will be your Class Teacher.” Putting the roll call list in hand on the podium, Li Yalin started to be himself Introduction, but after introducing himself, Li Yalin continued.

“I know that you are those so-called geniuses, but I warn you, don’t play your genius temper with me, because it won’t work! I have seen many people with higher talents than you, so You can’t be proud of me here, because I’m going to hit you all. Now what everyone has to do is to cooperate with my work, so that everyone can get along with each other in peace and it’s good for each. But if anyone wants to play a high profile, If you want to be thrilled, then I will teach him an unforgettable lesson. Do you understand now?” Li Yalin revised a bit of what the head teacher said during the class meeting when he was in high school, and repeated it again. come out. For this line, Li Yalin has been pondering for a long time, and now Li Yalin only understands after saying it, why Lao Ban said so vigorously at the beginning, and now after trying it, it turns out to be so cool.

But the students under the podium are you looking at me and I looking at you, but after that they all burst into laughter.

“Hey, I said you are new here?” A boy in a warrior suit sitting in the front row stood up and said, looking at him, it seemed that tears were coming out of his eyes.

“Huh?” Li Yalin was a little puzzled, how did they know that they were new here?

“Let me just say it.” The boy looked as expected.

“In fact, the so-called Special Department is also in the Milley Academy’s tradition. In fact, everyone knows that the students of the Special Department don’t need teachers to teach, because our family will give us a better education than the school. That’s why In this way, the teacher of the so-called Special Department is just a mascot, or a decoration. Today we are here to go through a cutscene, but now you actually tell us that there are so many things, it does not mean that you are a Newcomer?” After speaking, the boy continued to laugh.

Thank you for the reward from the frustrated porridge classmates. Tomorrow is Saturday. I hope brother sisters will continue to support Xiaoshuai~

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