“Is it funny?” When everyone was laughing, Li Yalin asked softly. However, everyone present did not pay attention to Li Yalin, but continued to laugh.

“Is it funny?” At this time, Li Yalin suddenly uttered a rage, and the energy of his body was circling extremely fast. Suddenly, a huge breath broke out. The airflow generated by the energy movement formed a small-scale in the whole classroom. In the storm, Li Yalin’s laughter stopped dumbly.

“Laugh, why don’t you laugh?” Li Yalin’s voice was very gentle at this time, but it was not the same when it reached the ears of the other party. The student headed by that boy They shuddered unconsciously.

“I tell you, today I’m here to teach you to give you Old Fox Wendy face, don’t give you any sunshine, you will be bright, now since I am your mentor, then here is what I said Forget it!” Now Li Yalin’s tone is not so gentle, but very cold.

“You! Yes, that’s you! Don’t look around, you’re right.” Li Yalin pointed to the boy who had just talked back to him.

“What is your name?” Li Yalin asked him.

“My name is Kei.” The boy’s voice trembled a bit. After all, the energy that Li Yalin exploded just now was too terrifying to him. He was originally a genius, but he was less than two. The age of ten is already the strength of the Third Rank High-Level, but for Li Yalin, he really can’t make him look at him.

“Kei? Okay? I rely on, but Kei, why don’t you call Iraq?” Li Yalin couldn’t help but spit out about this name, but after spitting out, Li Yalin was secretly strange, usually He is not a person who likes to mock people, what happened today? Are you confused by anger?

“What is Iraq?” Kei asked somewhat puzzled.

“You can’t control this.” Li Yalin waved his hand impatiently. “You go to the yard room and call me Old Fox Wendy. Tell him, if he doesn’t come, take responsibility. for the consequences.” Li Yalin gnashing teeth said.

“Yes, I understand.” After speaking, Kei ran out of the classroom in a hurry. Perhaps in his opinion, this is already dragon’s pool and tiger’s den.

However, none of the students present here are simple characters. When they heard Li Yalin’s unceremonious call to Headmaster Wendy as old fox, they already realized that they had kicked the iron plate today. The masked cloak man in front of him looks like he can’t afford to offend.

Soon, Kei brought Headmaster Wendy to the classroom. Seeing that the Lord is coming, Li Yalin immediately came to Headmaster Wendy’s and said with an unkind expression: “Dear Headmaster Wendy, can you explain it to me?”

“This…” Headmaster Wendy’s There was a few drops of sweat on his head, “Teacher Yalin, don’t get excited, I can explain this.”

“Then I will listen here.” Li Yalin was expressionless at this time.

“In fact, all the Special Department students from the previous time have graduated, but there is still one month left, the entire continent academies’ Greatest Grand Occasion-Academies Friendship Discussion Assembly is about to be held, this is one every 10 yrs.” Headmaster Wendy explained quickly.

“What does that networking meeting have to do with the students of the Special Department?” Li Yalin asked somewhat puzzled.

“Of course it does matter. One of the most important programs on the Academy Friendship Discussion Assembly is the Academy Martial Great Competition.” Headmaster Wendy wiped the sweat on his head and continued to explain.

“Academies Martial Great Competition stipulates that participants must be no more than 25 years old and possess the strength of Third Rank or above to participate. Although there are some Fourth Rank students in the Advanced Class of our school, But they are all approaching 30 years old, simply can’t. And those children of Advanced Class, the young grade is too low, if the grade is high, the age is too big, so only these children are the best candidates for the competition. “Finally, Headmaster Wendy finished speaking in one breath.

“If you participate, just take part, then why did you let me come over? They said, is the Special Department’s teacher a mascot, or do you think I am more like a mascot?” Although listen Headmaster Wendy’s explanation, but Li Yalin’s tone is still so bad.

“Who said you are a mascot? If there is a mascot like yours, what am I?” Headmaster Wendy looks like who will kill you if I know I will kill him.

“Don’t come to this set for me, please explain to me quickly.” Li Yalin is completely immune to Headmaster Wendy’s performance. At the first meeting of Headmaster Wendy’s, Li Yalin thought he was an amiable The old man, after contacting him, Li Yalin only thought he was a long-winded old man. After he fully understood Wendy, Li Yalin positioned him as an old fox, treacherous, cunning, and insidious, all of which are Headmaster Wendy’s adjective.

“hehe, this, when the two of us were fighting last time, your tricks were very insidious, so I think you can teach these children. And these children are a little bit awkward. Tame, so with your strength, you can beat them too.” Old Fox Wendy said all these words in front of everyone, which made Li Yalin think secretly, this old fox is a bottle gourd. What kind of medicine is sold here.

“That’s it?” Li Yalin asked hesitantly.

“Of course that’s all!” Headmaster Wendy is sure to replied.

“Then, let’s beat them and grind their tempers?” Li Yalin asked Wendy again.

“Of course!” Headmaster Wendy was of course nodded again and again.

“It’s just that it’s easy to handle.” At this time, Li Yalin suddenly smiled. Today Li Yalin is wearing a black warrior suit with a black cloak, and the cap on the cloak covers most of Li Yalin’s appearance. Now the sneer from the corner of Li Yalin’s mouth makes everyone present People shudder.

“By the way, Headmaster Wendy.” At this time Li Yalin told Headmaster Wendy again: “I have one more thing to tell you. Since these guys are so arrogant, then I will also find two helpers. Come and help me.”

“Oh? Teacher Yalin, can you still find a helper?” Hearing Li Yalin’s words, Headmaster Wendy asked in disbelief.

“Of course, I need to find my two assistants to train them well.” Li Yalin said with a smile.

“That feeling is good.” Looking at Li Yalin’s smirk, Headmaster Wendy couldn’t help wiping the sweat from his forehead.

“Since Headmaster Wendy agrees, then I’m not welcome.” After saying this, Li Yalin turned his head and no longer paid attention to Headmaster Wendy, but sat opposite to him. Listening to their conversation with Headmaster Wendy’s, the sweaty students said: “I believe everyone understands what Headmaster Wendy’s said. Now that you are already members of Milley Academy’s, then you should be proud of Milley Academy! We must fight for the honor for Milley Academy! Now, this honor is in front of you, and it depends on how you strive for it. Therefore, before this, I will guide you and guide you, I wish you all in the next month During the time, have a good time.”

After listening to Li Yalin’s words, all the students here had a chill. Li Yalin has only one impression on them now, that is-horror what.

“Well, today’s class will end here, and now everyone is disbanded. But at the same time tomorrow, everyone will continue to have class in this classroom, teacher, I will take good care of you. Don’t think about absenteeism. Question, if anyone wants to absent from class, I will let him know what hell is like.” Finished. Li Yalin turned around and left the classroom.

“Everyone, you guys have heard Teacher Li Yalin’s just now. Starting tomorrow, Teacher Yalin will train you so that you can achieve good results in the tournament, so please do Be mentally prepared. Of course, if students who can’t endure hardship or are afraid of being affected can withdraw from training, I will be responsible for transferring him to the ordinary class. “After Li Yalin left, Headmaster Wendy was still in a daze. Said the students sitting in their seats.

But after hearing Headmaster Wendy’s words, although you look at me and I look at you, none of the classmates here opted out of training. After all, they also have their own pride. This pride is not only Represents themselves, but also represents their family and honor.

Let’s talk about Li Yalin back home, now he is discussing with the girls in Evolved Space how to train these supercilious guys. Among them, Saeko’s opinion is to exercise the physique of these guys first, because whether it is Warrior using Battle Aura or Mage using Magic, it is very necessary to have a healthy and strong body.

And Saya also put forward her point of view, that is to improve the Spiritual Power of the students, because powerful Spiritual Power is also the best method for controlling Battle Aura and Magic.

Combining the views of the two beautiful women, we worked out a final plan together. Looking at the plan in front of me, Li Yalin couldn’t help laughing out loud, which made all the women look at Li with aversion. Yalin, especially the little Alice, saw her shaking Li Yalin’s arm and coquettishly saying: “Big Brother, you just laughed like a bad person.”

After being kind to the girls for a while , Li Yalin came out of Evolved Space because he needed to study this training program with Ikaros and Astraea. After all, the two helpers Li Yalin and Headmaster Wendy said were these two Angels.

“Ikaros, Astraea, come here.” I found Ikaros holding a watermelon in the bedroom on the second floor, and found Astraea who was eating from the kitchen, and Li Yalin gave the training plan. Handed it to the two women.

After Ikaros got the training plan, his eyes immediately turned into Red Strategy Mode and began to interpret the training plan, but after Astraea got the training plan, it was just “Um, Ah, Oh.” After sighing a few words, he slumped on the table with a sad face.

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