“Okay, okay, Astraea is also the most obedient.” Li Yalin also touched Astraea’s head, and then after Ikaros and Astraea went down, he signaled that the duel could start.

After a ray of milky white Magic Barrier rose, Li Yalin smiled and said to Murobo: “Schoolmate Murobo, you can start attacking.” After that, he still looked casual.

“you guy! You guy really underestimated me! I will make you regret it!” Murobo picked up Battle Aura all over, holding his giant axe tightly with both hands. , A dive attacked Li Yalin. Although I have seen Li Yalin’s terrifying aura yesterday, Murobo is still so courageous at this time, without any fear at all.

But in the face of Murobo’s offensive, Li Yalin did not take seriously at all. Because in his opinion, Murobo’s attack is not only ridiculously slow, but also the weak spot of the move is too big. Because Murobo’s huge battle-axe is very heavy, he needs to use all his strength to swing it, so Murobo’s offenses are often open and closed, but in this way, the space left is also very large. Now, Murobo is completely a snack for Li Yalin.

I saw Li Yalin long spear shake, and a few shots shot out in an instant. After looking at Murobo, I saw that both of his hands had already raised the battle-axe, but did not continue to attack, just standing there motionless.

“Murobo! What’s wrong? Fight!” The students outside the court were yelling, but soon they discovered the real reason why Murobo didn’t attack.

“No, impossible!” Murobo threw the huge battle-axe on the ground after a while, and said with an incredible face.

“What is impossible?” Li Yalin looked at Murobo amused, only to see Murobo gently stroked his chest at this time without speaking, but anyone could see it. Murobo originally quoted There are more than a dozen small holes pierced on the armor of Weihao’s High-Grade High-Level armor, and these small holes are very regular, arranged in a circle, and this circle is just right. At the front end of Murobo’s heart.

“The knight spear in your hand is just a weapon without grade, but my armor is a High-Grade High-Level weapon. Why can your weapon pierce my armor easily? I didn’t find that you used Battle Aura.” After stroking his armor for a long time, Murobo first raised his own question.

“Poor weapons do not mean poor strength. Your failure is normal for you. First, my strength is stronger than you. Second, my controlling ability is higher than you. Third, because I am teacher You are a student.” Li Yalin smiled and replied.

“Really?” Although Li Yalin’s remarks have some jokes, it does not mean that this is not the truth. So after a period of silence, Murobo lowered his head and said to Li Yalin: “teacher, Murobo will follow Your instructions, how do you train us, just train us.”

“This is a good comrade! Haha.” Upon hearing Murobo’s words, Li Yalin also laughed at hee hee, but He also secretly sighed in relief, because according to Li Yalin’s secret channel, Murobo is one of the thorns in this class. Now that he is levelled, it is a good start.

“So now, students, if anyone is still not convinced, you can come up and compete with the teacher. I have no opinion at all. Even if everyone goes together, it’s okay.” But at this time, Li Yalin exploded again. An amazing sentence came out.

“What?” The classmates in the audience all looked at me and I looked at you, and the murmurs spread.

“younger brother, what are you going to do?” Because the duel is over, the Magic Barrier on the stage has now been cancelled, so after hearing Li Yalin’s words, Rose dashed away Go up and ask in a low voice in Li Yalin’s ear.

“Liwei is only, now I am very boring, you must know that unless I go to Demon Beast Forest’s deep layer, it is difficult to improve my strength quickly, and if I go to Demon Beast Forest’s deep layer now If that is the case, I’m not completely sure there yet, so now I’m everyday all to consolidate my strength, but if it’s just like this, it’s really boring, so playing with these guys is a good choice now.” Li Yalin smiled and said to Rose.

But what Li Yalin said is also true. Now even if Li Yalin has Ikaros and Astraea two Saint Rank bodyguards, the legendary Demon Beast Forest deep layer Li Yalin is still a little worried, because there is a relationship with Divine Forbidden Land and Dragon Island are both called Heavenly Wind Continent Three Great Forbidden Land. It is said that the Combatant of Saint Rank’s strength will also skeleton doesn’t exist when entering it, so Li Yalin thinks it is better to be more cautious now and try to improve his foundation.

“Have fun?” Rose said incredulously.

“Of course, Elder Sister Rose, you don’t think I really want to be a teacher, do you? What an international joke.” Li Yalin replied as it should be by rights.

“But Headmaster Wendy is not…” Rose hesitated and stopped.

“Okay, Elder Sister Rose.” Li Yalin smiled and said to Rose: “Headmaster Wendy’s old fox cultivation is deep, from the very beginning, he didn’t want me to teach these guys , He just wants me to shock these unruly bastards with my strength, and then I can use the talents of these guys to participate in the so-called tournament.”

“Well, anyway. Don’t care about the elder sister, as long as the younger brother is happy.” Seeing Li Yalin’s sturdy appearance, Rose was also a little relieved. You know that Headmaster Wendy is the only Seventh Rank Fire Element Great Magister in Milley Kingdom, so even if King Milley meets Headmaster Wendy, he must show respect. If Li Yalin always looks like this now, in case one day anger After the Great Magister, Rose could hardly imagine the consequences. Of course, this is also the reason why Rose has not seen Li Yalin true strength. If she knows that Ikaros and Astraea behind Li Yalin are Experts of Saint Rank, it is estimated that Rose will faint immediately.

When Li Yalin was talking to Rose, the students in the audience also formed a unified opinion, that is to fight Li Yalin together. Although Li Yalin is very strong, but a good tiger can’t hold a group. These students still understand the truth about wolves, so everyone is gearing up one by one, ready to do a good job, at least to save some of their own face.

“teacher, after discussing it, we all found that we did have a lot of deficiencies, so we decided to ask the teacher to advise us, can you teacher?” At this time, Kei, as the pioneer among the students, first Li Yalin asked.

“Of course.” Li Yalin slightly smiled, “teacher I like teaching students the most, but don’t cry if it hurts.”

“Of course not Yes, we will ask the teacher with a learning attitude. If we are beaten, our skills are not as good as others. Of course, there will be no complaints, but I believe that the teacher will not bully us children.” Li Yalin Although the previous words made some of the students a little angry, at this time there was a girl who stood up and said to Li Yalin with a calm demeanor.

“Oh? What’s your name?” Li Yalin asked this girl with great interest. As one of the few women in this class, she can still have this calm and composure. It is indeed an individual talent.

“My name is Lemmy and I am a Fire Element Mage.” Lemmy smiled at Li Yalin and replied.

“Very good, Schoolmate Lemmy. Let’s go to the stage, and I will guide you as the teacher.” Li Yalin didn’t talk nonsense, just let everyone on stage, and then opened Magic Barrier.

“Teacher Schley, wouldn’t the younger brother suffer a lot when you said that.” Rose said to Schley with some worry off the court.

“Don’t worry, Teacher Li Yalin is also the one who tied with Headmaster Wendy.” Schley is full of confidence in Li Yalin, so she just prepared to watch the show. .

“The younger brother tied Headmaster Wendy?” Hearing this news, Rose was almost startled, because no one had ever told her about it. In unconsciously, the younger brother who needed to be guided by himself has become so strong. Although Rose’s knew that Li Yalin’s strength has far exceeded her, she absolutely did not expect that the gap between the two was unexpected. With this big, it seems that there is a huge gap between Rose and Li Yalin. Rose looked at Li Yalin’s eyes with a sense of strangeness.

In the audience, Rose’s has mixed feelings. Let alone on the stage, the students facing Li Yalin have already set up a battle. Warrior is at the front and Mage is at the back. They are ready for battle.

Warriors have all drawn out their weapons. Several sword and shield Warriors are in the middle to protect the five Mages who are preparing for Magic. The Dual-wielding Swordsman are responsible for the guerrillas, and the Thiefs also enter. In stealth state, although there are two knights on the field, since the mount is not there, the long sword is also drawn out to prepare for the battle.

Looking at the formation in front of him, Li Yalin stretched out his index finger and hooked the front, which means you can attack. And the guys on the opposite side were not polite. With Mage’s first round Magic as the sound of gunfire, the battle had already begun.

The Warriors headed by Kei all started to charge, leaving only the sword and shield Warrior to stay behind. Suddenly, the huge shouts of everyone charging on the duel field sounded. Although seeing the students on the opposite side rushing over, Li Yalin still shook the head, and these guys are really a bunch of rookie. Although they are all charging collectively, they do their own things, and they do not have the team spirit at all. It is weird that this can pose a threat to Li Yalin.

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