Although basically all the Warriors have already besieged Li Yalin, in fact, only trifling is the only one who can play against Li Yalin on May 4th. Others cannot enter at all because of lack of space. In the battle circle, the Magic of Mages on the periphery has also been abandoned, because Li Yalin’s speed is too fast, and Mages’s Magic controlling ability is really not high, so after experiencing two or three accidental injuries to his companion’s Oolong, Mages also stopped. attack.

But in this way, Li Yalin seems more like a fish in water. However, Li Yalin was only planning to play around with these supercilious guys, so Li Yalin didn’t use any skills, but instead used his own speed and power to shuttle between the people. I saw Li Yalin see the needle, as long as anyone showed a weak spot, then he fell down with a stick, and the poor original knight spear has now become a sap again.

The time has passed less than 3 minutes, and the Warriors of the Special Department are all lying on the ground and can’t get up. The remaining two Thief are still in stealth, while Mage is standing in comparison. Far away.

“Hey, what else are you hiding?” Li Yalin only heard such a sentence, and then his body moved, and suddenly a Thief appeared in his hand.

“This…teacher, don’t get me wrong, I just have nothing to do for a stroll, and I don’t mean to fight you with the teacher. Look at the sunny weather, it’s a good time to wander around.” Li Yalin grabbed Thief and said with some glib tongue.

“Oh? If you don’t want to fight, what are you doing on stage?” Li Yalin squinted and said with a smile.

“This…” Just when Thief was thinking about how to defend himself, Li Yalin suddenly kicked Thief in his hand. Thief flew more than ten meters like a ball. Just stopped.

“Want a sneak attack? You are still a little tender.” At this time, Li Yalin found that another Thief was sneaking towards him, apparently planning to engage in a sneak attack. Thief’s stealth is not invisible, and the little Thief Li Yalin of the Third Rank did not ignore his existence from the very beginning, so this little Thief’s sneak attack is destined to be tragic.

“Ah…” There was another mournful scream. The little Thief who was preparing for a sneak attack flew in the direction of Thief, who was kicked by Li Yalin before. The two difficult brothers finally met.

“Now you are left.” After solving the two Thiefs, Li Yalin walked over to the moved towards Mage team with a smirk.

“You…what do you want to do… don’t come over.” A boy with a delicate and pretty appearance said tremblingly.

“What do you say I want to do?” Li Yalin got closer and closer, but Mages retreated again and again until he retreated to the edge of the Magic Barrier and was blocked by the barrier before stopping.

“Look at the move!” As Li Yalin approached Mages, behind Li Yalin suddenly heard shouting loudly. It turned out to be Kei, his strength in Warrior is the highest, and Li Yalin didn’t use much power, so Kei recovered quickly. But when he stood up, he found that Li Yalin was approaching Mage’s team, so he picked up the underground dual sword, carried the few remaining Battle Aura and attacked Li Yalin.

“Naive.” Li Yalin didn’t turn his head back, but the long spear in his hand poked back. The point of the long spear’s spear hit Kei’s sword edge, and Kei’s attack was immediately resolved.

Although his offensive was resolved by Li Yalin, Kei was still unwilling to give up, and went forward again with his sword and slashed. But will Li Yalin be cut by Kei? The answer is of course no. Li Yalin’s spear tip hits Kei’s sword edge again, but this time Li Yalin’s Counter-Attack is not an ordinary attack, but an attack with a simplified version of Might Strike, although it is a simplified version of Might Strike. , But Kei was still numbed by the electric current, lying on the ground and convulsing.

After solving Kei again, Mages completely gave up. I saw Lemmy dejectedly and said to Li Yalin: “teacher, we surrendered.”

“Give up? Isn’t it? Let’s play for a while.” Li Yalin is a small man intoxicated by success, and said to Lemmy reluctantly.

“teacher…” Seeing Li Yalin playing tricks, Lemmy sighed secretly complaining about why he provoke this Demon in the first place, and now the whole army is wiped out. It’s good now, and he didn’t bring back a bit of face. All fell into a big somersault.

“Okay, younger brother. You don’t want to play.” At this time, the Magic Barrier on the field was taken down by Schley, so Rose went forward to persuade Li Yalin, and After getting Li Yalin’s consent, Rose has gained the favor of everyone present.

But Rose doesn’t take seriously the goodwill of these people. Instead, she looked at Li Yalin dumbly. After she stroked the face under Li Yalin’s hat, she was a little confused. Li Yalin asked, “Younger brother, are you really my younger brother? Why is the elder sister feeling so far away from you now?”

“What’s wrong? Elder Sister Rose?” This sudden sentence made Rose a little unfathomable mystery, but Li Yalin still comforted Rose gently.

“Of course I am Elder Sister Rose’s younger brother, who said we are far away? Are we not very close now?” Then, Li Yalin suddenly came forward and hugged Rose, and Rose didn’t resist either, just leaned over Li Yalin’s chest silently, without saying a word.

“What’s going on? Elder Sister Rose? Do you have any concerns?” After the two hugged quietly for a while, Li Yalin asked softly.

“No, it’s just that you suddenly found out that the younger brother is really amazing, elder sister, I am proud of you.” Rose rubbed her red eyes and said softly. But Rose’s performance made Schley straight aside, because she had never seen Rose like this before.

Although Schley felt that the scene was very beautiful and warm, she still coughed, breaking the warmth of Li Yalin and Rose’s, because there were still 23 pairs of eyes watching the show on the duel field. It.

“Ah!” Hearing Schley’s coughing, Rose looked like a frightened little bunny, and quickly jumped out of Li Yalin’s arms, and then ran to Schley’s a little bit shyly. Lived in Schley.

“What do you look at! Looks good? One by one, I will stand in line!” Li Yalin is also a bit sorry, so some of him fly into a rage out of humiliation initiated Special Department’s students The fire is coming.

“Yes!” Seeing Li Yalin’s appearance, Special Department’s students are not stupid, even those who are still lying on the ground pretending to be dead also got up, and quickly ran to Li Yalin’s. Spontaneously stand in two rows.

“I said! From today, I will train you well, and now I will introduce you two of my assistants, this is Ikaros, this is Astraea, they will also be training Your teacher!” After the students stood in the line, Li Yalin sorted out his emotions, and then officially introduced Ikaros and Astraea.

“Ikaros, according to the plan execute.” After Li Yalin introduced the two women, he bowed his head and said to Ikaros.

“Yes, Master.” Ikaros slightly a nod, then drew a whip, and said to the students in front of him: “Now your First Quest is running around the entire training ground. It is not allowed in the middle. Use Battle Aura or Support Magic, no matter what class is the same, start now.”

“Ah? “When I heard Ikaros’ words, everyone was dumbfounded, even Lemmy was a weak move. He raised his hand and asked Ikaros, “That…Teacher Ikaros, should girl run with everyone?”

“Yes, girl is the same.” In Ikaros’s eyes, there is no distinction between men and women. , It’s just the high and low strength. Now that Li Yalin’s order has been issued, Ikaros will of course execute it faithfully.

“Run!” Seeing the students in front of me were all stupid, Ikaros waved the long whip in his hand, and the whip was swung extremely fast in the air, creating a powerful air current and burst. Sound, Ikaros at this moment really looks like a queen.

“Yes!” Seeing the strength of Ikaros’s whiplash, everyone’s scalp could not help but feel numb. If the whip is drawn on the body, it would be uncomfortable, and I heard that this one is called Ikaros’ teacher, there is no feeling in the words, it is simply non-human, so everyone ran quickly.

But running this training is usually not practiced by everyone, and Ikaros is not allowed to use Battle Aura or Support Magic, so after the first lap, those delicate Mages have been either squatting or sitting On the ground, I can’t stand up anymore, and I don’t have the noble appearance of Mage before.

While Ikaros was training the students of the Special Department, Li Yalin brought Astraea to meet Rose. Because in Li Yalin’s heart, Rose is also his family, so introducing Astraea to Rose is also very important. It should be.

“Elder Sister Rose, let me introduce to you, she is Astraea and my family.” Li Yalin pulled Astraea to introduce Rose, and then introduced Rose to Astraea. “Astraea, this is what I often call Elder Sister Rose, come and meet you”

“Hello, Astraea.” When I heard that the girl in front of me is also Li Yalin’s family member, Rose is also kind to Astraea greeted.

“Hello, Young Lady Rose, I often hear Master talk about you, you are really beautiful.” Astraea is not like Ikaros, her feelings are very rich, so she pulls He lowered the hat on his head and said excitedly when he came to Rose’s.

“Astraea is also very beautiful, especially your blonde hair, which is really enviable.” Although I was shocked by Astraea, I heard Astraea’s praise and saw Astraea’s appearance. Rose also immediately liked the innocent girl in front of her, but she still asked Astraea with some doubts: “Why are you calling the younger brother as Master?”

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