“Yes, Ikaros-senpai and I belong to the Master’s Angeloid.” Astraea said without a word.

“Man-made…Angel?” After hearing Astraea’s words, Rose and Schley were both taken aback.

“No…this…Astraea, she just…” Hearing this, Li Yalin hurriedly stepped forward to explain, but it seemed that he was hesitant to explain why. Now Li Yalin can only secretly scold Astraea as a little idiot in the heart, and even said this secret casually.

“Alright, younger brother. Elder sister knows that you have something to hide from elder sister, but if you don’t want to say it, don’t say it. Elder sister has never heard of it, I think Teacher Schley will also keep it secret for the younger brother, don’t you think, Teacher Schley?” Rose looks empathetic right now, after all, this is also related to Li Yalin’s secret.

“Of course, if this matter involves Teacher Li Yalin’s secret, then we will help you keep it secret.” Schley also said with a smile.

“This…I’m really sorry, it’s not time to say it, but I believe you will understand it soon.” Li Yalin was also slightly sighed in relief, and then he pulled it up again Rose’s hands.

“Elder Sister Rose, you have to believe me, I will tell you everything in a while.”

“Alright, younger brother, elder sister I see.” Rose smiled and tapped Li Yalin’s forehead, saying a little funny.

Actually, Li Yalin can tell Rose some secrets now, but the main thing is that Schley is also on the sidelines. For Schley, Li Yalin’s doesn’t know much, so Li Yalin should tell her the truth now. Once something happens, Li Yalin won’t even have a place to cry.

As far as Li Yalin’s current strength is concerned, it is actually very strong. Not to mention the two Saint Rank Angels, the strength of the girls like Saeko is also growing. But in fact, Li Yalin’s main strength is not relying on these girls. What he needs to rely on is the castle of “Heroes of Might and Magic III” in the constant violence in the north of Evolved Space, and the continuous production of weapons in the west of Evolved Space. Super Military Factory.

So the only thing that Li Yalin lacks now is time. As long as there is enough time, Li Yalin can go up to heaven or down to Hades, the heaven and the earth are the only one. This is actually one of the reasons why Li Yalin is now willing to nest in Milley Academy’s.

Speaking of Ikaros, under Ikaros’ supervision, none of the Special Department’s students can use Battle Aura or Magic, so after a period of time, people who can run on the field can be counted on one’s fingers up.

But the most conspicuous one is the little Cat Clan’s girl. She seems to run very happily. There is no other person to run like that. This cat girl is laughing while running. Think of running as a recreational activity.

The next thing that can run down is Warriors’ Leader Murobo. Behind him is Werewolf Warrior Murobo who refuses to admit defeat. Behind Murobo is Thief with at first and Li Yalin glib tongue. A sword and a shield Warrior went hand in hand, and the remaining students were all falling to the ground, all tired snort snort chirping.

“What’s the matter? Aren’t you all geniuses? Why can’t you get up one by one? Did the trifling run stump your geniuses?” Then Li Yalin came to Ikaros ‘side, said mockingly to the students who fell on the ground.

“You…you…” Lemmy who fell beside Li Yalin tried to say something weakly, but said nothing for a long time.

“Schoolmate Lemmy, what do you want to say?” Li Yalin crouched beside Lemmy’s and asked a little amused.

“You…you…Demon…” After a long breath of breath, Lemmy recovered a little.

“You actually… let us… these Mage… go for a run… are you… revenge… us?” Lemmy said very strenuously.

“What do you guys deserve my revenge?” After hearing Lemmy’s words, Li Yalin smiled and said to her.

“But as a Mage, you don’t have any physical strength, so what kind of Mage are you?” Then, Li Yalin said to Lemmy in a very cold tone, “You still go home and get married. The child is all right.”

“Why? I am Mage, not Warrior. Why do I need such good physical strength? Besides! Why should I go home to marry and have a child?” Listen After Li Yalin’s words, Lemmy’s expression was very excited.

“Who told you that Mage doesn’t need physical strength anymore?” Li Yalin asked Lemmy amusedly.

“What does Mage need such a good physical strength for? If you have time to exercise, why not go to meditation to increase your Magic Power!” Lemmy said with some disdain.

“Do you think that Magic Power is enough for Mage? I tell you, your idea is very wrong!” Li Yalin stepped forward to Lemmy’s head, and then he went Asked Lemmy.

“Generally, Mage uses its own Magic Power and Spiritual Power to mobilize Magic Elements, but Mage’s body has a certain tolerance for Magic Elements. As long as this tolerance is exceeded, then Mage cannot mobilize Magic Elements. Elements, if you continue to forcefully assemble it, it will cause Mage to collapse and cause element disorder and eventually lead to exploding death. I believe you know that too?”

Listen to Li Yalin’s question, although I am Yalin knocked his head a little uncomfortable, but Lemmy was still nodded.

“So, if you want to become a High-Level Mage, you must integrate your own Magic Power, Spiritual Power, and physical strength. A powerful body can withstand more Magic Elements. In this case, Magic Power and Spiritual Power will better perform Magic. In fact, I didn’t want to tell you these things, but I know you are a smart girl, so I believe that as long as I explain it clearly, you will definitely understand. “Li Yalin said all his words in one go.

“Yes, I understand, Teacher Yalin.” After listening to Li Yalin’s words, Lemmy frowns thought for a long time, but finally smiled at Li Yalin, as if opening a door in his heart .

“I knew you would understand.” Li Yalin also smiled at this Lemmy knowingly, then he came to the center of the field and said to the few people who were still running: ” Okay, stop running, everyone come here, I have something to say.”

After listening to Li Yalin’s words, Kei and the others felt a sense of relief. In fact, they are just holding back. They were running out of breath, and now their strength was running out, so after Li Yalin called to stop, Kei and the others immediately sat down on the ground, and only the cat girl ran to the ground quickly. In front of Li Yalin’s.

“teacher! This training is really interesting!” Kitty said to Li Yalin with a smile.

“What’s your name? You are very good.” Li Yalin also smiled and asked the cat girl.

“My name is Lucia, and I am Cat Clan’s Warrior! Although the Elders really want me to be Assassin, I still prefer the Warrior class.” The cat girl Lucia seems to have not seen Li Yalin for many years. Like my old friend, there is no sense of strangeness in the words.

“Oh? Your stamina is good, do you like running?” Li Yalin is very interested in Lucia’s performance.

“Of course, I am the fastest in the village!” Lucia said proudly.

“Very good Lucia, but I hope you can give your running experience to everyone. You will also be responsible for your running in the future. What do you think?” After listening to Lucia’s words, Li Yalin turned to Lucia asked.

“Of course, teacher, I like running the most, and I like running with everyone!” Lucia happily agreed.

“Very good.” Li Yalin said with a smile, but then he turned around and shouted to the students who were still on the ground: “Hey! What are you doing? Are you sleeping? Is this also worthy of Milley Academy’s elite? Get up quickly and stand by me!”

When I heard Li Yalin’s shout, Ikaros was also very cooperative and waved his hand from the side. After that, the students who were present helped each other in twos and threes and stood in front of Li Yalin’s.

“Now I can tell you very clearly that in the First Stage test, only Lucia passed, and all the rest failed. So, now you don’t need to take the second test. , Improving your own physical strength is now your primary goal.” Li Yalin said to everyone blankly.

“Now I announce that for the next ten days, Warrior will carry a weight of 20kg a day and run 100 laps around the training field. Mage can not bear the weight, but will have to run 30 laps. It is a basic physical training method and will be sent to you by Ikaros. If you have any questions about running, you can also ask Lucia, she is very knowledgeable about running, which will also save you from taking some detours.”< /p>

“Ah!” Hearing Li Yalin’s words, everyone present opened their mouths wide and looked incredible. After all, Li Yalin’s words are really difficult for some strong people. Today, everyone is not burdened, but Mages It’s not enough to run for only one lap. Even the Warriors are basically constant at about 30 laps. Someone like Kei and Murobo are only more than 50 laps. Now they actually say they want to. With a load of 20 kg and a hundred laps around the field, it is really difficult to do it.

“teacher! Can this really improve our strength?” Kei first raised his own question. In his opinion, this is completely useless. Which Warrior needs such a run?

“Are you questioning me?” Li Yalin squinted at Kei.

“Of course not, but…” Kei, who was shivered by Li Yalin’s stare, repeatedly denied it, but from his tone of voice, it could be seen that Kei still had some disbelief.

A new week is here, and this week we will rely on the support of brothers and sisters, and thanks to the small Book Insect 7752521 classmates for their rewards and updated tickets~

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