In the next few days, what Special Department’s students have to do every day is to run in the training ground. No other training is carried out at all, but the results of the training are relatively great. Warriors can now carry more than 20kg, and they can run a hundred laps on the training ground that is nearly one kilometer in one lap. Mages is also good. Although he can run less than 30 laps without a load, he has already scored about 20 laps.

But to achieve such results, I also have to owe Ikaros’ inhumane training Dafa. Under Ikaros’ strength, no one can escape training.

“Very good. I have seen everyone’s performance in the past few days. Everyone is good. Among them are Schoolmate Kei, Schoolmate Murobo, Schoolmate Lemmy, Lucia, The six students from Bostoff (glib tongue Thief) and Yuta (sword and shield Warrior) performed the best.” Standing on the training ground, Li Yalin first praised Special Department’s students.

“So, today we are going to start a new course, now we will arrange training.” But then, Li Yalin announced the next hell training project.

Since the basic physical training has been completed, and this group of guys can withstand this kind of exercise, Li Yalin will certainly not be polite, so the next exercise is even more terrifying.

The first thing Warriors do every day is sword-swing training, the basic techniques of Sword Technique such as swinging, slashing, stab, chopping, picking, etc., each swing a thousand times, and then continue to load a series of running, etc. High-intensity training is ultimately Battle Aura practice, but after these trainings are completed, one day has passed.

The training of Mages is relatively simple, that is, the Spiritual Power training is carried out in the morning, and the first is to use the Spiritual Power to move a piece of paper in front of oneself. Because these little Mages are still novice scholars, they are completely outsiders to the application of Spiritual Power, so at first even moving paper is a very laborious task. After Spiritual Power training is completed, it is also running training, but Mages running training is much easier than Warriors. After several days of training, Mages is not so resistant to running training. After the running training, Mages’ last course was meditation, but after the previous fatigue, Mages’s already very tired body became even more exhausted, so on the first day two Mages even fell asleep during meditation. This is really true. Some people called Li Yalin didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.

The last two Thief training Li Yalin also took some brains, but the final plan was worked out, that is to train the speed of the two, enhance the dagger training of the two and stealth training, in short, Special Among the students in the Department, only these two Thief are relatively relaxed.

In this way, the so-called Special Department’s devilish training is officially launched. What Li Yalin is doing now is to squeeze everyone’s potential out, so that they can fully emerge, so as to achieve a better training effect.

Time flies quickly, now there are only five days left before the opening of the Academy Friendship Discussion Assembly, and in this nearly one month, all the students of the Special Department have achieved remarkable strength Improved, the strength has basically all been constant at the Third Rank High-Level, and even Kei and Murobo are about to break through to the Fourth Rank, only a step away.

Of course, Li Yalin has not been idle these days, Amazon Skills and Healer Skills are all brought to the point of perfection practiced by Li Yalin, especially Dimensional Jump, this move is Life-saving trick, so Li Yalin first practiced this skill to LVMAX. Originally, it took a few seconds of buffer time to perform this skill, but now Li Yalin can fully use Dimensional Jump for short-distance teleportation, and there is no move at all. The detention time.

And Li Yalin’s own strength has also increased to a certain extent. Although he has not yet reached the Sixth Rank High-Level, I believe that as long as you kill a few more mid-level Demon Beasts or a High-Level Demon Beast, You can definitely upgrade. However, Li Yalin has done basic practice most in this month. Although his own God’s Body is already perfect, Li Yalin still needs to lay a firmer foundation.

And during this period, Li Yalin has experienced Lottery Exchange twice, and the rewards drawn are not bad, but I don’t know if it was the reason why they were drawn together. The two equipments drawn were actually from “Heroes of Might and Magic III”, and they all belong to the same type of equipment, namely Fire Spirit Ball and Water Spirit Ball. Fire Spirit Ball can increase the lethality of Fire Element Magic by 50%, while Water Spirit Ball can increase the damage of Fire Element Magic by 50%. Water Element Magic’s damage is increased by 50%.

In general, Li Yalin is quite satisfied with lottery’s results. After all, these two equipment are also of the more expensive kind, although Li Yalin is somewhat disappointed by not getting any more novel things. .

Although this is the case, don’t forget that Li Yalin has another opportunity for Character Exchange, so this time Li Yalin’s character exchange is also from Angel-Nymph in “Heaven’s Lost Property”. For the tsundere little loli of this twintails, Li Yalin is also very fond of saying, although Nymph’s attack power is not very strong, but her super computer ability, and especially good at electronic warfare, can become Ikaros and Astraea’s powerful help. .

It’s not a lot to redeem Nymph’s Energy Points, only 200,000 points, but Nymph also has the strength of Seventh Rank High-Level, although it is not as good as Astraea and Ikaros, but now it’s not as good as Astraea and Ikaros. Li Yalin’s is a big help.

“Nice to meet you my Master, I am Type Beta Angeloid here to serve you.” As soon as Nymph came out, he half-kneeled in front of Li Yalin’s and said with his head down.

“Get up quickly, Nymph.” Li Yalin smiled and helped Nymph up.

Nymph, Ikaros, and Astraea who are Angeloid each other are no strangers to each other, and she quickly integrated into this big family. Now Nymph loves to do every day in Li Yalin’s Evolved Space Find a movie theater and eat snacks while watching a romantic drama in the noon theater.

Of course, the girls in Evolved Space have also made great progress. Although everyone’s ranks have not improved, but for spell and the display of skills, they can be brought to At the point of perfection, even Saya has begun some melee training.

Of course, Li Yalin is very happy with this result, and the castle in the north has started a complete riot. The nine races, from First Rank Units to Seventh Rank Units, have all begun to exchange, although Advanced Units are expensive and have a long production cycle. However, because Feifei’s has done a good job in the early stage, there are no problems now, and the troops are also being mass-produced in a continuous and orderly state.

However, although the Unit in “Heroes of Might and Magic III” is a flesh and blood body, it seems to have no self-consciousness at all. Some only follow the orders of Li Yalin or Li Yalin Subordinate God. Of course, The order is still given priority to Li Yalin. Moreover, the minds of these Units are entirely war and killing, as if they were born to fight. The most important thing is that these Units actually don’t need to eat or sleep. All kinds of actions are completely dependent on their own energy. If the energy in the body is consumed a lot, they can return to the castle to replenish them. Of course, they can also restore energy on their own. But this is not as fast as adding it to the castle.

The Super Military Factory in the West is also in continuous production. A large number of engineering robots have been manufactured. Production workshops have also been erected, and huge warehouses are also standing next to each other. Now Military Factory has begun to produce some low-level Mechas. Although Heavenly Wind Continent is still inferior to some High-Level Classes, it is also quite good for some Low-Level Classes. It’s easy.

It can be said that this month, Li Yalin’s strength has grown substantially. In all respects, Li Yalin has the qualifications to challenge the continent. Of course, Li Yalin, Otaku, has never wanted to conquer the world, so in his mind, as long as others don’t bully me, Then I will not bully others, but if someone dares to provoke myself, then I will immediately stab him back.

Li Yalin increased his strength only because he wanted to live better. Now Li Yalin’s daily life is very beautiful, practicing skills every day, training and training students, and communicating with the MMs in Evolved Space Feelings, it’s okay to talk to Elder Sister Rose and the others, it’s very moisturizing.

But today, Li Yalin can no longer moisturize, because old fox Headmaster Wendy specially came to find Li Yalin, because now it is necessary to determine the candidates to participate in the Academy Martial Great Competition.

“Hey, I said Old Fox Wendy, what are your plans? This Martial Great Competition can really rely on the guys in our class? There are so many Academy on the continent, I I don’t believe that there are not a few young Fourth Rank Class people.” Li Yalin frowns asked Headmaster Wendy.

“I can’t help it.” Headmaster Wendy also said with a sad face, “I thought my broken can would be useful, didn’t expect it is still a bad move. .”

“Damn! Broken cans? So you threw these bastards at me because of broken cans? Then I will throw these broken cans right now!” Finished, Li Yalin turned around and left.

“Don’t! Don’t! Don’t! Teacher Yalin, can’t it be my mistake. Aiya, why is youngster so angry?” Headmaster Wendy held Li Yalin while still nagging Said.

“Then what do you think? Tell me the truth!” Li Yalin was very sure that the old fox did not tell the truth.

“Ai, actually handing these children to you, I plan to take a bet to see if you can quickly improve the strength of these children. Although I am not wrong, these children are all There is a significant improvement, but after all, it is still a little bit behind the winning standard of the tournament.” Headmaster Wendy finally sighed slightly, explaining to Li Yalin.

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