“Why do you think I will improve those guys?” Li Yalin was a little puzzled by Headmaster Wendy’s words.

“Just by my intuition!” Headmaster Wendy looks calm and easy going.

“I’ve only heard of women’s Sixth Sense is very powerful, didn’t expect Headmaster Wendy, you are not bad.” Li Yalin said without the slightest hesitation.

“So-so, polite.” As if Li Yalin was complimenting himself, Headmaster Wendy laughed at Hehe’s replied.

“Let’s talk about the main point, I don’t have time to spend time with you.” For the old fox of Headmaster Wendy, Li Yalin still can’t deal with it, because the most important thing is that Li Yalin is not as thick as Headmaster Wendy.

“Okay, but I want to ask you a question before I talk about the main point.” Although Headmaster Wendy agreed, he also asked a question: “Teacher Yalin how old are you?”


“It’s eighteen, is there a problem?” Li Yalin replied angrily.

“Really? This is really very good!” Hearing Li Yalin’s answer, Headmaster Wendy’s eyes lit up. He was not surprised that Li Yalin had such strength at such a young age, and He clapped his hands very excitedly and said.

“Then the plan is totally feasible.” Headmaster Wendy whispered whispered.

“What the hell is going on?” Li Yalin was made a little unfathomable mystery by Headmaster Wendy’s nagging look.

“In this way, Teacher Yalin, you, Teacher Schley, and Teacher Orfina can all participate in this Academies Great Competition.” Headmaster Wendy said to Li Yalin proudly at this time.

“What? I still have Teacher Schley, Teacher Orfina? Did you make a mistake? All the students in my class are all ready to do a big fight, even though I don’t How optimistic about them, but I can’t make them happy.” After listening to Headmaster Wendy’s words, Li Yalin yelled to Headmaster Wendy a little anxiously.

“It’s nothing, it’s about Academy’s Honor, I believe they will understand.” Headmaster Wendy looked indifferent, “If it doesn’t work, just let them participate in the Individual Competition. Anyway, there is no limit to the number of places in the Individual Competition. , But you and Teacher Schley and Teacher Orfina are required to participate in the Team Competition.”

“But we are teachers, is it too fake to participate in this competition?” Li Yalin now again A question was raised.

“This is totally okay, you are only 18 years old, and Teacher Orfina is as old as Teacher Schley, and this year is just over twenty-five years old, which happens to be the critical age for competition, so No problem. As for the teacher problem you mentioned, it doesn’t matter at all. I can give you a name in the Academy’s special class, which means you have completed your studies in name. In this way, you are also Milley Academy’s students, although it’s just It’s just a part-time job.” Headmaster Wendy has a treacherous expression on his face at this time.

“Old fox.” After listening to Headmaster Wendy’s words, Li Yalin couldn’t help sighing.

“If this is the case, you can give me a few more places, which can be counted as students of our Academy Special Class. When the time comes, let them participate in the Academy Great Competition. . Don’t worry, they are all strong players, and there is no weak one.” Looking at Headmaster Wendy’s uneasy look, Li Yalin said after giving him a blank look.

“Okay, then. Do it yourself, when the time comes, I will stamp you.” After listening to Li Yalin’s words, Headmaster Wendy did not raise any questions, but rather Readily agreed.

After being approved by the Principal, Li Yalin gave all the girls of Evolved Space a school certificate. In this way, Saeko and them all became Milley Academy’s students.

This time’s Academies Friendship Discussion Assembly was held in Tanni Kingdom’s capital. Tanni Kingdom is located in the east of Heavenly Wind Continent. Because of its borders with many countries, the commerce here is also very developed, and all of them have commerce. The reputation of the capital.

Tanni Kingdom is bordered by Light Empire and Phoenix Dance Kingdom to the north, Elves Forest and Galan Empire to the east, Milley Kingdom and Demon Beast Forest to the south, and many small ducky borders to the west. As a result, although Tanni Kingdom’s economic strength is very developed, its geographical location is also destined to be a must-see for many countries. This has also led to Tanni Kingdom becoming a neutral country with very few troops, but the surrounding area The nations also have a treaty with each other, which is inviolable to Tanni Kingdom, which also guarantees Tanni Kingdom’s integrity. To sum up the above factors, generally any huge celebrations or competitions on the continent will be held in Tanni Kingdom.

Although Milley Kingdom is close to Tanni Kingdom, it takes April 3rd to go from Milley Academy to Tanni Capital City. So Li Yalin needs to prepare everything today and will officially set off tomorrow morning.

The candidates for this competition have all been determined, except for all the students from the Special Department brought by Li Yalin, as well as the top students selected from each class. Of course, these students must also have the strength above Third Rank Low-Level, but in this way, only Sally’s strength is not enough, because she is only the Intermediate Mage of Second Rank High-Level, so this time Sally has gone specially. Li Yalin’s back door brought her out, but Sally still couldn’t play due to lack of strength, so it was a pity for Sally.

But early in the morning of the 2nd day, Li Yalin saw a silhouette he was familiar with. A closer look turned out to be Angy, who hadn’t seen him for a long time. Since the last time Angy broke up, it seems that one has passed. Months, time flies by really fast.

“Big Brother Yalin, are you surprised to see me?” Angy came to Li Yalin’s a little mischievously and asked.

“To be honest, I am really surprised, Mercenary Guild’s affairs are finished? And why are you here?” Li Yalin also asked with a smile.

“Well, although it’s a bit troublesome, but it’s done. I heard from the instructor that everyone will participate in this tournament, so I’m here to join in the fun.” Angy smiled and vomited. Own little fragrant tongue.

“Angy, when did you know your younger brother so well?” Seeing Angy’s attitude towards Li Yalin’s, Rose was a little puzzled by the side.

“I’m very familiar with Big Brother Yalin.” Angy grabbed Rose’s arm and said a little coquettishly.

“Well, Elder Sister Rose, don’t tease Angy, let’s go together when you are ready.” Li Yalin smiled and said to Rose.

“Well, for the sake of the younger brother’s face today, I will let you go for the time being.” Rose blinked at Angy, and laughed in her arms.

The journey to Tanni Kingdom is not close, so most of you ride on Flame Colt, because this kind of Demon Beast is more common and cheaper. The most important thing is that these Flame Colts are sent to you by the Academy of. Of course, there are some students who have their own mounts, and their mounts are more High-Level Demon Beast than these Flame Colt, so these students will also ride between the mounts.

Although Flame Colt is a more commonly used transportation tool, its load-bearing capacity is relatively poor. A fully armed Warrior cannot be pulled simply by a Flame Colt, but Headmaster Wendy is very stingy. Not only does he only issue Flame Colt as a mount, but these Flame Colt will be returned to the school after the tournament is over. It seems that Headmaster Wendy has the new nickname of Stingy Headmaster after the nickname of old fox.

But now some students of the Special Department have encountered some difficulties. For example, Werewolf Warrior Murobo. The armor of Murobo who was originally a heavy armor Warrior is already heavy enough, plus his The giant battle-axe, even if it comes to two Flame Colt, it is estimated that he will not be able to pull him. Therefore, Murobo had no choice but to walk, but he would definitely not be able to keep up with the big group. In the Special Department, Murobo was not the only one who encountered this situation. A total of four people could not mount the Flame Colt, but there is no way now. The large group has now left the Milley Royal City. If you go back to find a suitable mount, Then the large army has long disappeared. You know, the registration of this kind of tournament is registered by the Academy group. If you register separately, it is impossible to be accepted.

But Li Yalin can also see that Headmaster Wendy should have some conspiracy in this regard, because not only the reinstalled Warrior has left, but some Mage also left the team unconsciously, which is a little bit Problem. Is Headmaster Wendy stingy or has another reason, then only Headmaster Wendy knows in his heart.

Headmaster Wendy’s problem Li Yalin can’t manage that many now. What Li Yalin needs to solve is the mount problem of these students in his class. Although Li Yalin’s Ghost Wolf has reached the LV16Fourth Rank High-Level Strength, but if they were to be used as mounts to bear such a heavy weight, I am afraid it would be difficult for them. After all, wolves are well-known tofu waists.

After thinking about it, Li Yalin released four Fierce Wolf fighter mounts from the summon in Evolved Space-Fierce Wolf. The Fierce Wolf under the Fierce Wolf fighter seat is completely different from Li Yalin’s Ghost Wolf. This Fierce Wolf is completely trained to be used as a mount. Perhaps this is also because of Law Power. In short, these Fierce Wolf can be used as a mount for Special Department students.

But Li Yalin’s hand surprised everyone present, especially Sally, who took Li Yalin’s hand and didn’t let go.

“Elder Brother Yalin, when did you become a Summoner again?” Although it is said that these four Fierce Wolf were summoned by Li Yalin from Evolved Space, it seems that Heavenly Wind Continent has not been installed yet. The Spatial Ring of living creatures, so everyone naturally thinks that these four Fierce Wolf are Li Yalin’s summon creatures.

“You Elder Brother Yalin knows a lot, but you don’t know it.” Li Yalin smiled and pinched Sally’s little nose, then said to Murobo and the others: “What are You staring for? Pick one by yourself and don’t let me talk nonsense.” In front of the students like Murobo, Li Yalin was able to show off his prestige as a teacher.

“Yes, teacher.” Murobo and the others looked at Li Yalin with grateful eyes. After all, without these few Fierce Wolf, they would have missed this tournament.

The Fierce Wolf of Li Yalin summon is very obedient, so Murobo and the others found that these Fierce Wolf are really comfortable and very conducive to Knight’s performance.

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