The girls named by Li Yalin each have super powerful strength. First, Saber doesn’t explain, then Ikaros and Astraea two Angel sisters. Claymore Onee-san Teresa is indispensable. As for the rest Among the girls who went down, Li Yalin watched it again, and finally only chose Saeko.

In this way, a six-person squad headed by Li Yalin was formed. Li Yalin believes that the candidates for this Quest battle are expensive and not too expensive. The girls he selected are all super strong. The battle awareness, and the strength is above the God Rank, if you encounter unexpected situations, you can also handle it immediately.

For Li Yalin’s choice, although many girls are very dissatisfied, but there is no other way. Even Pokky and Betty are better than Saber. Li Yalin also chose to ignore the old Gao.

Although it’s dangerous to enter the insect nest, the girls outside the insect nest are also not easy. You must know that they need to resist the Primitive Gamma Insect fleet outside of the insect nest and the Flying Insect of the universe. It is delaying time, but in the face of so many enemies, it can’t be solved in two clicks.

Pokky and Betty and the others, after Li Yalin leaves, they must shoulder the responsibility of protecting everyone. The battlefield is changing rapidly, and Li Yalin must ensure the safety of all girls.

In this way, according to everyone’s plan, the fleet of Li Yalin and Deviluke King was launched. For Deviluke King, all battleships will be divided into two directions to attack the insect nest, and the battle will start soon. Countless battleships were instantly submerged in the artillery fire. That scene really made Hisashi unforgettable in his life.

“Then everyone, let’s get ready to fight too. This is an opportunity for Debbie Deviluke King’s troops to trade in blood. We must grasp it and not let these sacrifices go to waste!” Seeing through the virtual screen Arrived in the chaotic battlefield, Li Yalin’s heart throbbed for no reason. These sacrifices are valuable, and the only thing Li Yalin can do now is to destroy his goal as quickly as possible and save as much as possible. s life.

“Yes!” Under Li Yalin’s order, all the girls entered the battle state. Yes, all battleships entered Space Jump. The predetermined target jumped successfully. The main gun was charged and attacked!

Just after Li Yalin’s fleet appeared at the pre-determined coordinates, all the battleship main guns were fired, as originally planned, instantly destroying the surrounding enemies and giving Li Yalin’s squad into the insect Nest opened the door to attack.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, Li Yalin and Saber’s girls all dispatched and drove their special machines to the huge insect nest.

From a close up, this is really impossible to see at a glance. On the surface, the entire insect nest is glowing with a disgusting yellow-brown, as if there is life. The surface of the insect nest is crawling with various unknown objects, but these things have one thing in common, that is, how they look and feel nauseous.

“This Quest is really difficult enough.” Sitting in his dark Sword Saint, Saeko couldn’t help shook the head. As long as it was a girl, he would naturally hate it. Things that wriggle back and forth, all kinds of mucus make people feel a little uncomfortable even if they sit in the cockpit of the body.

“No way, this is insect.” Li Yalin shook the head, let’s start! According to the method that Yumen Matsuko gave him, Li Yalin took out the super weapon he had prepared, and moved towards the insect nest that was a cannonball. In an instant, the insect nest was exploded with flowers, and all kinds of disgusting The slime is gone, and replaced by a large pit with a diameter of more than 30 meters. It seems that this should be a relatively high-level insect-producing cave.

“Let’s go!” Teresa took the lead and drove his special machine to the forefront. Saberand the others followed, but Li Yalin, who fired the gun, seemed a little behind.

“Now, everyone is ready to act separately. If you encounter special dangers, contact everyone immediately and pay attention to your positioning device. In the event of an accident, everyone can join together urgently.” After entering the insect nest, countless staggered Complex passages appeared in front of everyone, so in order to complete the Quest as quickly as possible, the division of forces is naturally indispensable.

Just as Li Yalin took the girls into the insect nest, Primitive Gamma Insect had discovered the whereabouts of Li Yalin and the others. How could this be possible! Primitive Gamma Insect Although I don’t know where these battleships came from, an enemy has entered the insect nest. This is not acceptable to Primitive Gamma Insect. This insect nest has exhausted all the power of Primitive Gamma Insect. If so, the blow to Primitive Gamma Insect would be too great.

In this case, Primitive Gamma Insect immediately sent troops to prepare to return to the insect nest, and at this time, the fleet staying in place played a huge role. There was only one goal for everyone to work hard. That is to block all enemies in front of oneself.

Soon, the battle has entered a white-hot stage, and the intelligent Robot forces have all attacked. With these intelligent robots, it is estimated that they will be able to persist for a long time, and during this time, the girls I didn’t have any idle time, and began to use biological and chemical weapons on a large scale, and began to carry out infectious devastating attacks on the insect race. Suddenly, the unprepared insects were recruited.

The biochemical weapons developed by Mikiko have never been formally put on the battlefield. Of course, the insects will not understand the terrifying nature of these weapons. In particular, Mikiko’s experiment has been successful again recently. These biological and chemical weapons are actually accompanied by infection characteristics. In this way, as long as there is enough time, then no matter how many insects come, they will not be able to withstand this devastating virus.

As everyone confronted the enemy, the raids in the insect nest never stopped. Li Yalin alone destroyed more than fifty insect nest cores. The girls also have their own gains. If added together, the six people have destroyed more than three hundred insect nest cores.

Of course, these cores are not so simple that they can be destroyed. Around each core, there are a large number of insects. Li Yalin has even seen Primitive Gamma Insect aircraft here. , Can Primitive Gamma Insect also enter here? This is the first time Li Yalin has heard that it shouldn’t be generally speaking.

But even if he encounters the Primitive Gamma Insect aircraft, Li Yalin is just stunned for a moment. Facing the endless aircraft in front of him, Li Yalin will of course retaliate quickly. It is not a daze now. Time!

Endless insects, endless enemies, what Li Yalin faces at this time is endless killing, killing! kill! kill! No matter what the enemy looks like, Li Yalin only mechanically manipulates his Fallen Angel gundam, hacking back and forth until the body’s energy is exhausted.

Exhausted energy? This is basically impossible for a semi-Hisashi-moving power source with a GN solar furnace, but the fact is that the dual GN solar furnace is actually scrapped due to the large-scale release of GN particles. This shows how tragic the fight Li Yalin experienced.

Fallen Angel Gundam’s energy was exhausted, Li Yalin flashed out of the teleport and got out of his dedicated machine, the light flickered, Li Yalin’s exclusive ISAsura appeared, waved the Asura blade in his hand, and Li Yalin started himself again A new round of fighting.

As for the other five girls, their situation is almost the same as that of Li Yalin’s. The energy of the dedicated body is exhausted. Only Ikaros’ Chi Angel continues to operate. As for the reason for the operation, that is because Chi Angel There is also the support of Uranus Mode. If there is no Uranus Mode, I am afraid that Ikaros’ Chi Angel will not be spared.

For this situation, Li Yalin and the girls have long been mentally prepared, so everyone has several dedicated machines in their Spatial Ring for backup, but Astraea, this fool, is in her After Angel’s GN solar furnace was damaged, she didn’t even take out a new body or call out her own IS. Instead, she started to fight with her fleshy body. Compared with driving these machines, Astraea is better at close hand-to-hand combat. .

At the same time, the fighting outside has intensified. Primitive Gamma Insect found that it was unable to break through this small fleet. That was quite annoying, but there was no way to be annoyed, no matter which troop was sent. , They can’t shake the slightest of the fleet in front of them. It can even be said that it is very difficult to destroy an aircraft or a single Mecha of the opponent.

Of course, although it is equipped with a pseudo solar furnace, the solar furnace is still a solar furnace after all. If it does not release GN particles as crazy as Li Yalin, then it can be a long battle. time.

And you must know that these Mecha and fighters are all equipped with the Absolute Defense system. The particles produced by GN-T can also be used as the energy source for the Absolute Defense system. In this way, the defense is Li. The largest capital in Yalin.

But now, in addition to defense, the offense has also begun to work. Three days have passed. The biochemical virus has continued to expand. For the time being, let’s not mention the python weapons with highly toxic attributes, just armor piercing weapons. There are also poisonous moth weapons, which makes the Primitive Gamma Insect brains.

Under the attack and corrosion of these biochemical weapons, the hard shells of ordinary insect races began to fall off in large areas, their bodies became involuntarily rigid, their vitality continued to decrease, and their battle strength continued to decline. Under the circumstances, the scale of war began to tilt, and Primitive Gamma Insects are very troubled by this, and they should have the upper hand! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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