“The process is too slow. If we continue according to this process, if we want to infect the entire swarm, it will take at least two months. We must increase the intensity of the attack.” On the mothership, Ni Ermea, the Angel lady, was frowning and expressing her opinion. Although the biochemical weapons have achieved very obvious effects, for the entire battlefield, this is just a corner.

“That’s right, now our Quest is to attract the enemy’s attention. If more biochemical weapons erupt, then these Primitive Gamma Insects will naturally become more panicked. When the time comes, they can also Get more time.” Tessa is nodded very much in agreement. At this time, Primitive Gamma Insect must be the more flustered the better.

“If this is the case, then carefully prepare a good battle plan.” Seeing that everyone’s purpose has been reached, the doggie Lunu immediately opened the virtual battlefield map, and the positions of the enemy and us are still The number of troops clearly appeared in front of everyone. Faced with the countless number of densely packed insects, everyone had no fear at all. They began to analyze the insect swarm and looked for the weak points of the insect swarm to prepare for attack.

At the same moment, Li Yalin, who was destroying the core in the insect nest, encountered a little trouble. The core he encountered this time is probably the largest of all cores. It seems that this core must be It can produce the most powerful insect, but correspondingly, there are many insects that guard the core. If you want to break the core, you still need a little bit of time to deal with the insect.

Asura suddenly accelerated, Li Yalin’s attack mode was fully opened, and a straight line of death was drawn from the insect swarm. Within the range of Li Yalin’s attack, these insects were all killed and turned into scum. There is no counter-attack power.

But just when Li Yalin’s attack stopped, suddenly, countless lightning moved towards Li Yalin struck, turned out to be a special kind of thunderworm? This is the first time I have seen it in the insect nest, but the attack intensity of this lightning is too big, right? It is very different from ordinary Thunderworms!

Cannot meet force with force! Li Yalin knows that these lightnings are powerful. If you resist hard, Asura can indeed survive this round of attacks, but when the time comes Absolute Defense’s energy will definitely drop to a very low number, and it is extremely sensitive to energy attacks. Li Yalin knew this very well.

Since you can’t meet force with force, it’s better to flash faster! The rapid swaying back and forth in the sky, looking at the gap between the lightning and passing through the in midair, seemed extremely dangerous, but in fact Li Yalin was quite sure that the lightning in the sky simply couldn’t hurt Li Yalin at all.

After Dodge had this wave of lightning attacks, Li Yalin immediately turned around. He had discovered that his left side was already covered with densely packed thunderworms, and their second wave attack was ready. After that, you can launch it to Li Yalin at any time.

Wait! These thunderworms are not right! Different from ordinary thunder worms, these are actually huge thunder worms that are more than 30 meters long, with electric lights all over their bodies. Just a glance can tell that these guys are absolutely Supreme level. Is there a high-level Thunderworm? It should be a unique product of this huge insect nest.

At least before, Li Yalin has never seen this kind of powerful Thunderworm data. It has never appeared on the battlefield of Universe Fedation or the Milky Way, and Supreme-level insects have appeared. Each of them is of destruction level, even more how the number of giant thunderbugs that appeared in front of Li Yalin has exceeded 1,000.

With a thousand Supreme-level opponents, it seems that this battle is really a bit difficult. Fortunately, the space in this position is large enough that Li Yalin can fully use it. If it is a relatively small battlefield, Li Yalin might have to switch to another combat mode.

speaking of which, these insect races don’t know what humility is. Before Li Yalin is ready, the lightning of the giant thunderworm has appeared in front of Li Yalin’s, speeding up Dodge again, but it will continue to do so. No way, all the energy blades on Asura’s body popped out, and the black blade wings on the back exude dazzling black rays, just like summon from the underworld.

Li Yalin’s body rotates rapidly, like a tornado, moving towards the giant thunder worm, like a small tornado. This blow swept at least over fifty. Just above the giant thunderbug.

The number of fifty seems to be a lot, but it is not a big deal for this thunder insect swarm, countless Lightning Attacks on top of the tornado made by Li Yalin’s incarnation, this is what makes Asura The energy of Absolute Domain dropped by more than 50% in an instant. What a terrifying attack power this is. With so many lightning blessings together, it has already surpassed the Supreme level attack intensity.

If this continues, a lot of time will be wasted. Although Li Yalin’s tornado is powerful, it cannot be used continuously. After all, Trans-Amsystem is turned on. Otherwise, it is difficult to say Will kill such a large number of Thunderworms.

“It seems that even the sixth-generation machine is still subject to certain restrictions. I hope that the seventh-generation machine of Sister Shu can give me a little surprise.” shook the head, although it is an enhanced version of the sixth-generation Asura, However, the performance of the machine still cannot bear the full strength of Li Yalin’s. Although a little disappointed, it can only stop here.

At this time, Asura disappeared from Li Yalin’s body instantly, and then what appeared to him was a gorgeous golden armor with six pairs of wings behind Li Yalin’s. It was time to play for real.

Holding his own Heaven’s Blade, Li Yalin disappeared in an instant. Before the thunderworms on the opposite side could respond, Li Yalin had already appeared in the swarm, waving a silver light, A Thunderworm suddenly separated from its head, and the purple black blood spewed out at high pressure like a fountain. It seems that the blood of these Thunderworms within the body is really a lot.

There is nothing to stop, the Heaven’s Blade in Li Yalin’s hands dances continuously without using any skills, but even so, the thunderworms around Li Yalin are still like lambs waiting to be slaughtered. , Li Yalin harvested life as quickly as cutting grass.

Those seemingly powerful and extremely powerful lightnings can’t do anything in front of Li Yalin’s. The huge body and sharp claws of Thunder Bug can’t hurt Li Yalin even a bit. This is the so-called one-sided battle, and now it seems that Li Yalin’s speed at killing insects at this time is even faster than summon Asura’s.

But even so, these huge thunder worms did not mean to retreat a little bit, until the last thunder worm fell to the ground, the battle was considered to stop, finally killed? Li Yalin raised his eyes and watched all around. On the ground, there was only the fragmented thunderbug corpse.

Wait, this long-lost sense of upgrade! Upgraded unexpectedly?

At this moment, a warm current suddenly burst out of Li Yalin’s body, and he actually upgraded! The official rise from Lord God Low-Level to High-Level is really amazing!

It’s been a long time since Li Yalin entered the Lord God level. During this time, Li Yalin killed more than a million High-Level insects, but Li Yalin always thought of killing These insects don’t give a lot of experience, but even if they don’t have much experience, the accumulated experience is terrifying. These thousand Supreme-level opponents can also be regarded as a cathartic breakthrough for Li Yalin. , The upgrade was straightforward and smooth.

Very good, really awesome. Li Yalin feels that the body is full of strength now, and it is almost overflowing. There is a feeling of unpleasantness. In this case, Li Yalin raised his hand and swung a straight punch. He didn’t have any skills or skills. Just this straight punch directly smashed the core of this huge insect nest. You must know that under normal circumstances , These cores need missiles to bomb them.

Haha, this kind of power is really a pleasant surprise! Li Yalin is full of joy. In this way, the speed of destroying the core of the insect nest will definitely increase again. It is a timely upgrade.

Without summoning out his own dedicated machine or IS again, Li Yalin just flew the fleshy body back and forth in the insect nest directly, even many times faster than driving the gundam, killing the insect The speed has also increased a lot. Generally speaking, Li Yalin who encounters insect is just a power grid in the past, directly turning these guys into coke.

As Li Yalin was upgraded, Saber and the others also encountered a relatively unusual situation. Let’s take a look at Ikaros first. At this time, a group of huge Flame bugs are blocking Ikaros in one of the cores. In addition, the bodies of these Flame worms are extremely huge, more than five times that of ordinary Flame worms, just like those hills.

Faced with these Flame bugs, Ikaros instantly entered the Strategy Mode. When her eyes became wine-red, a white armor appeared on her body at the same time. Without any hesitation, Ikaros directly Rushed into the Flame bug.

The golden rays of light flashed with both hands. Ikaros made a Fist of Miracle and instantly knocked out a big hole in the body of a Flame bug. The hard shell was like paper, there was nothing at all. Play the slightest role.

Seeing that their companions were killed, the Flame bugs quickly turned around and sprayed Flame, but how could these ordinary Flames have an effect on Ikaros? Aegisabsolute defense circle was turned on, and a circular defense circle covered Ikaros’s body. In addition, these flames, which seem to be able to burn everything, simply cannot break through Ikaros’ defense.

Unbreakable defense, this battle simply needless to say, although these Flame bugs have reached the level of Supreme, it is a pity that if you can’t attack the opponent, everything is just a cloud. For Ikaros, these Flame bugs can only wait to be killed. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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