Unrivaled Under The Heaven

Chapter 100 - Time To Hunt

Everyone was shocked stiffed as they watched them being sent into the statue before the guardian flew up high before dashing into the forest. They all have their mouth wide open as they just stare at the spot where the fire was set before turning to look at each other.

"Do you think they knew the secret of getting the guardian to show itself" asked Trace with a confused look on his face.

"Not them but that boy who was brought in by the Fox family and by the look of things, he used those fish to draw the guardian attention" replied Adam.

"So you are saying we should also do as he did" asked Trace as he turned to look at Adam.

"As long as it can get us into the ruin, then we have no choice then to do the same" replied Adam as he went to sit by the flame as he quickly brought out his sword as he begin to search his storage ring for some fish until he finally took out a big fish as he stabs it into the fish before putting it on the fire.

Seeing Adam taking the step, the rest also did the same as they quickly retrieve fish from their storage ring before placing it on the flame after some time, the smell begin to drift across the place, and unlike Jason and the rest who could only produce that much smell, this set was able to draw the guardian out quickly all thanks to their number.

When the guardian came out, it look at where the smell was coming from before dashing forward as it didn't waste much time before sending them into the statue since it already knew their reason for steaming the fish.

After they were sent into the statue, they fell into a dark room with a little brim of light coming from a tiny crack.

"Good thing you guys have found a way to come in" echo a voice in the room.

"Who said that, come on show yourself" yelled Trace as he pulled out his weapon.

"Relax it's just us, so you can put down your weapon" replied Diana with a giggle.

Recognizing who has just spoken, Trace put down his weapon as he turned to look at the angle where the voice is coming from only to see the three inside a cage that is hanging above them.

"And why are you hanging up there" asked Trace with a frown on his face. 

"Who would have thought that the guardian will be so tricky as to send us into a trap after providing it a good meal" replied Jason with a frustrated look on his face.

"Did the guardian send you into the cage or did you just walk into it" asked Adam as took a step forward to take a closer look at the cage.

"You don't need to give us any answer, knowing the kind of person you are, you seem to be the one that is responsible for walking into the trap" said Steven with a chuckle as he looked at Jason.

"It wasn't him who triggered the trap but me so can you let us out now" replied Diana.

Not waiting for the others to speak, the members of the Platton family came forward as they quickly opened the cage for them to come out. After coming out of the cage, the first thing that Jason did was walk up close to Steven who was angry that he was let out of the cage.

"I can see that you don't want me to come out of the cage" said Jason with a smile on his face.

"You just have to pray that we don't cross paths since we are inside the ruin now, it won't matter if we came from the same family since we are here to hunt" said Steven as he is hinting at Jason with killing intent in his eyes.

"You don't need to stress yourself on that cause the moment I see you, then there is nothing on this earth that is going to save you from my halberd" replied Jason with an evil grin on his face.

"We shall see about that" said Steven as his killing intent intensified.

Looking at the two who couldn't wait to get their hand on a treasure before getting into conflict. Adam took a step forward as he said in a voice that everyone could hear.

"From here on out is every man for himself".

"It was fun being with you guys, hope we don't get into a fight" said Diana with a smile on her face as she waved at Jason and Austin before leaving with her people.

Trace didn't bother to waste his time with words as he also left the darkroom in search of treasure and it was the same with the phoenix family as they also left the room. Leaving the Fox family in the darkroom as they stare at each other.

"Don't look at me like that, I don't intend to go with you guys" said Jason as he smiled at the Triplett who was looking at him oddly.

"And who told you that we wanted you to join us" replied the eldest of the Triplett.

"Since that is not the case, then why are you looking at me in that way" asked Jason as he placed his hand on the front of his chest while waiting for answers.

"I just want to tell you to watch your back while you search for treasure, for you might not know what hit you" replied one of the Triplett before leaving.

"Look what you've done to yourself, causing trouble everywhere you go, even the family that should be protecting you is also after your life" laughed Henry before leaving with Steven.

After everyone has left, Jason was just looking at the path that the Triplett took as he muttered to himself.

"How are they angry at me".

"Maybe it has something to do with you acting to be weak before then making them feel kind of been fooled" replied Austin who has not left the room.

"But I was only trying to help. And by the way, why are you still waiting here for" said Jason.

"I just want to give you a reminder before leaving, you see Steven and the rest might come after your life and there won't be a problem but it will be a different case if you were to get rid of them since you don't have any backing" replied Austin.

"If anyone comes for my head I won't mind taking. I don't care if they are from a big family or not as long as they come for me I won't show them any mercy" said Jason as he clenched his fist together in anticipation.

"Whatever you say man, I just thought I should inform you beforehand but since you have already decided, then there is nothing left for me to say to you" said Austin.

"Thanks for the advice my friend and I also advise you to take good care of yourself and if you were to come across an opponent that is difficult for you to defeat, forget about pride and run" replied Jason.

"I should be the one to tell you that Jason anyways good luck and see you on the other side" said Austin in a light laugh before walking out. 

After Austin has left the room, Jason couldn't help but have a cunning smile on his face as he said.

"Looks like my time here in the ruin would not be a waste".

"Are you planning on robbing others of their findings" asked the bracelet as he was curious as to why Jason had that evil look on his face.

"Who has the time to rob others of their finding when I have you here to help me locate any treasures" replied Jason with a smile on his face.

"Since you are not thinking of robbing them, then what are you planning to do" asked the bracelet.

"Since they want to come for my life, I think it's time I hunt them down before they have the time to come attack me when I less expected it" replied Jason with an evil smile on his face.

"Now you are thinking of hunting humans when you should be looking for treasures since it is the reason why you are here in the first place" said the bracelet.

"Don't worry, we still have much time to search for treasure so come let's go hunt" replied Jason as he giggled.

"You do know that you are not going to stay in this ruin for a long time before you are kicked out right" asked the bracelet.

"I know we can't stay for long but there is still time for me to get them down since it hasn't been long since they left" replied Jason with a smile.

The bracelet decided to let him do whatever he want since he is the one who is in need of resources and not him.. Seeing that the bracelet has given up on persuading him to go look for treasure, Jason likes out a chuckle as he went into the path that Steven took.

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