Unrivaled Under The Heaven

Chapter 101 - Mini World

The moment Jason walked out of the darkroom, the world he was brought to was completely different from the world outside as the sky was pure green in color, and Jason who was new to it was stunned as he was just looking at the sky while forgetting about his mission.

"I never knew that a world that is different from where I came from actually exists" mutters Jason as he continues to look at the sky.

"This is not a real-world kid, it is just a mini world created by a practitioner who has a breakthrough into the profound immortal realm" said the bracelet.

"Wow, I never thought one can actually make a world of their own" commented Jason in surprise at the bracelet words.

"As long as you are delighted with your training, it shouldn't be a far cry for you" said the bracelet.

"That all depends if I don't get stuck in my cultivation" replied Jason.

"Sure but it is strange to see that a world was left at a place like this" said the bracelet.

"What do you mean by that" asked Jason as he don't understand what the bracelet is driving at.

"Have you heard about the plane that is above this one we are now" asked the bracelet as he ignored Jason's question.

"I have never heard of any plane that is above ours" replied Jason with a confused look on his face.

"I guess no one close to you has ever broken through to half immortal which is why you don't know a thing about the upper plane" said the bracelet.

"So what does that have to do with the mini world" asked Jason as he still doesn't understand what the bracelet is getting. 

"You see, when one made a breakthrough into half immortal, they will be expelled out of this plane since this plane is not strong enough to hold such master and for a mini world to appear here, it could only mean that the cultivator life was in danger and he has to forced his way back into this plane and made this world we are in now to hid from the enemy" replied the bracelet as he educated Jason about the plane above.

"Wow, I never knew that something like that truly exists in this world we live in. So what do you think must have happened to the creator of this world" asked Jason.

"It is possible to say that it no longer exists in this world since this mini world has been here for a long time, he must have aged and died since there is no way he will have to cultivate since his presence will be sense by those who are in control of the plane which will lead to him being expelled from the plane once more and let's not forget about the punishment that comes after" replied the bracelet.

"So what do you think the punishment is going to be if he were to be caught?" asked Jason curiously.

"Who knows, maybe his cultivation will be destroyed" replied the bracelet.

"Ouch, that is kind of hard for a punishment" said Jason.

"That is why you won't see anyone forcing their way back into this plane" replied Jason.

"So since this whole place belongs to a powerful cultivator, there is ought to be a lot of treasures in this mini world of his" said Jason.

"Yes and if you are lucky enough to chance with its energy core, it would be a great harvest for you" replied the bracelet.

"What is this energy core you speak of" asked Jason. 

"That is where the spiritual energy that the cultivator has accumulated for a long time is been stored. Although it won't be dense like it used to be in the past, but it should be very beneficial for you to make a breakthrough" replied the bracelet.

"So now my objective is to locate where the energy core is been kept but what if someone else is already making his or her way there" thought Jason. 

"The more reason why you should ignore your pretty for now and go look for the energy core" advises the bracelet.

Jason didn't bother looking for Steven and the rest as he began to search for the energy core. Crossing over a bridge that lead to the other side, Jason saw a skeleton laying all over the place which reminded him about the dream he had after touching the book.

"This should be the remains of those that lose their lives while fighting for treasure" said Jason as he quickly walked past them.

Continuing with his search, Jason came across a member of the Phoenix family who seen to be separated from his family members walking around the place with a blank look on his face. 

"Looks like there is another prey for me to take down once more hahaha" laughed the member of the Phoenix family after scenting Jason present.

"Be careful Jason, I think something must have happened here for him to be speaking like someone who is been manipulated and just take a look at the blank look on his face" advises the bracelet when seeing Jason gripping the halberd tightly.

"Yeah yeah, I can tell that something is actually wrong with him with the way he is speaking" replied Jason with a smile on his face before taking a step forward as he said to the member of the Phoenix family.

"Hey look here, I don't have any problem with your family so just let me through as I don't want to fight with you". 

"Why do I have a feeling like you actually want to have a fight with him" asked the bracelet.

"Of course I really want to, for him to approach me, it shows how confident he has in himself that he will be able to take me on" replied Jason.

"I think you should avoid him, there is something about him that just seem off" said the bracelet.

"I am prepared for anything" replied Jason as he ignored the bracelet and continued with his advancement.

When the young man saw Jason coming forward, it smiled with his teeth showing clearly well, and seeing this, Jason couldn't help but comment in disgust.

"Urg, I wonder how the members of your family are able to survive this long while journey with you".

The young man suddenly slash his sword to the side before dashing at Jason like a savage beast and seeing the young man coming at him, Jason took a breath before swinging the halberd at him only for the young man to quickly flip into the air as he avoided Jason attack before letting out a kick of his own at Jason who barely avoided the kick.

"I can't believe that he can be this fast" said Jason with a frown on his face. 

Seeing that he has missed his target, the young man quickly moved forward and this time it was difficult for Jason to see him as he began to take hit after hit before a powerful kick hit him on the stomach which sent him flying.

"Dammit, how can he still have some much energy even after coming at me" said Jason as he stood up while enduring the pain that he is passing through.

"It is better you begin to fight seriously or else you are going to end up in a serious injury" said the bracelet.

"Haha, I thought I should have some fun first but since I don't have much time on my hand, I guess it is time we end this fight of ours" said Jason to the young man.

Dusting his robe, Jason let out a roar as he activated the lightning boot with a smile on his face. 

"Be glad that you are the first to have a witness my lightning boot" said Jason proudly as he dashed forward the young man in top speed while leaving a trail of lightning in his track.

It didn't take him much time to get to where the young man was standing and landing a punch that was powered by the invisible iron fist technique before he could make a move. Not giving him time to recover, Jason threw the halberd at him which easily pinned him to the wall before he stopped the lightning boot and walk up to the young man as he said.

"Do you still feel like you can take me on".

"You think this will be enough to stop me, just wait and see what I am going to do to you once I get out of here" roar the young man.

"I guess there is no saving you and since we are here all by ourselves, I don't see any reason why I should keep you alive since you came for my life in the first place" said Jason with a frown as he left his fist and smack the young man on the head killing him on the spot.

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