Unrivaled Under The Heaven

Chapter 102 - The Hidden Treasure

After taking the life of the young man, a dark smoke begin to drift from his nose, ears, eye, and mouth before it fades away. Jason was seeing this and couldn't help but have a second about the place after seeing what has come out of the young man.

"I don't think that this place is a treasure horde, how can a black smoke come out of someone like that after there are dead".

"It is kind of strange, let us just hope that rest are not like him" commented the bracelet.

"Yeah let's just hope so" added Jason before he began to search the young man to see if there is any treasure on him but that is when his hand begins to glow and the blood begins to flow from the young man into his money.

Not used to the pain, Jason grits his teeth as he endure the pain until it was finally gone while the body was turned to a skeleton beyond recognition.

"You breakthrough into the second level of foundation realm" said the bracelet.

"Yeah and it seems like humans are more beneficial to me than those beasts" replied Jason.

"Don't let it get into your head boy" said the bracelet.

Choosing to ignore the bracelet, Jason stood by the skeleton as he begin to scan it for any treasure until he saw a ring on his neck, and not wasting much time, Jason took it as he begin to observe it.

"Now I have my very own storage ring" said Jason with a smile on his face before pulling the halberd from the skeleton.

Going into one of the rooms, Jason discovers that the room was filled with spirit stones, and with a smile on his face, he dashed in to take them all but the moment he picked a spirit stone from the ground, it quickly turns into a cloud of dust.

"What kind of joke is this" said Jason with a frown on his face.

"How do you expect them to still function after they have been stored here for a very long time" replied the bracelet.

"If things are just going to turn into dust the moment they were picked, then what is the need of coming into this place" said Jason.

"Who knows, maybe there are other items that can still be of use in here just like the energy core all you have to do is just continue to search for them" replied the bracelet.

"Search you say, do you think it's easy running from one place to another looking for a treasures only end up getting junks" said Jason.

"Which is why you need to put more effort into your search" replied the bracelet.

"You are not even helping matters at all, why can't you just tell me the location of the treasures just like you did with the beast and save me the stress" said Jason.

"In order for me to know the location of a beast I must have caught a glimpse of the beast so also it is for the treasure I need to sense their existence before I can pinpoint where they are" replied the bracelet.

"So you mean all this while that I have been searching, I have not gotten close to any treasure" asked Jason.

"That's my point. Maybe you need to go deep inside to increase your chances of finding one" replied the bracelet.

Jason let out a sigh as he stop himself from complaining before he continue to go deeper as he continue his search while at the same time asking the beast if he is getting close to any treasure only to be disappointed. After venturing deep inside the world, Jason got to a place that is filled with an array like it was protecting something.

"The person that set this here is really getting on my nerves" said Jason with a frown as he stretched his hand forward to touch the wall as he take a look around the place.

"Don't place your hand on the wall" advised the bracelet the moment Jason was about to place it on the wall.

"What is the problem, if I am not mistaken the array is still far from where I am standing" asked Jason as he quickly dropped his hand.

"Right now we don't know if the wall is also connected to the array and yet you are thinking of placing your hand on it and let's not talk about what will happen once the array is activated" replied the bracelet.

"Then what do you think I should do now that I can't get in. I have this feeling that there is a treasure hidden inside this room" said Jason with an angry look on his face. 

"Let's forget about this room for now and look somewhere else" replied the bracelet.

"There is no way I am going to leave this place. Do you know how difficult it was before I was able to find this place" said Jason as he disagreed with the bracelet idea.

"So you want to endanger your life just because of a treasure" asked the bracelet.

"Do you hear me saying that I am going to put my life on the line just so that I will be able to get inside" replied Jason before he left the room.

Jason begins to walk around the place in search of what he is going to use as bait to see what would happen if one was caught by the array. After searching for a while, Jason came across a skeleton as he picked it up with a wide smile on his face. 

"Time to put you to good use" said Jason.

"Now you don't even have respect for the dead" commented the bracelet.

"What do you know, don't you know that the owner of this skeleton is regretting that its body has not been of any use after his departure and now that I have found a use for them, he can now rest in peace" replied Jason as he began to take the skeleton back to the room. 

On getting to the room, Jason threw the skeleton forward and the moment it went into the array that was set to protect whatever that was hidden in the room, A formation quickly appeared with the skeleton being in the center of the formation and the next thing there was sand in place of where the skeleton used to be. 

"I know it would be a bad idea to just match into the array" said Jason with a sigh as he didn't want to leave the treasure.

"I think you would be able to make it past the array before the formation appears" replied the bracelet.

"How am I supposed to make it out of the array before the formation activates?" asked Jason as his mood brightened when he heard the bracelet saying that there is a way.

It took the formation five seconds to activate, so if you were to use your lightning boot and make a run for it, you will be able to make it to the other side safe and sound" replied the bracelet.

"That is a good plan but what if there is still a trap set after the array, then it won't be safe and sound as you called it" said Jason. 

"You can go look for another skeleton and try it out since they are grateful to you for putting them into great use" replied the bracelet.

"Why do I feel like you are making a mockery of me" said Jason but still decided to go look for another skeleton which didn't take him much time to find one before he headed back into the room.

Now focusing his strength on his hand as he threw the skeleton across the array before it fell on the other side and Jason waited to see if anything would happen but to his surprise, there was no trap set in place.

"Now all that is left for me to do is outrun the array and the treasure would be mine" said Jason as he licked his lip while rubbing his hand in anticipation.

Taking a step back before activating the lightning boot as his legs were covered in lightning. Taking a deep breath before stomping his foot on the ground as he ran into the room while passing the array before it could activate. 

Making it to the other side, Jason let out a breath of relief before deactivating the technique.

"Looks like I made it through the array without getting any scratch on me" said Jason with a laugh.

"Now it is time to see what is hidden here for there to be such a powerful array setup here" replied the bracelet.

"I hope it won't be a disappointment for I know how many grateful skeletons that have contributed in helping me get past the array" said Jason as he wiped the sweat from his head.

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