Unrivaled Under The Heaven

Chapter 191 - Prince Trace

"Well good thing I was not the one who made the decision of going through the door" commented Dragic.

"What do you mean by that" asked Jason with a frown. 

"What I am trying to say is that you are to be blamed for leading us here when you know anything about where they will lead to" replied Austin.

"Like you knew any better" said Jason.

"At least I knew more than enough to agree on picking the door that Dragic chose in the first place" reply Austin with a chuckle.

"This is not the time for us to quarrel among ourselves, instead let's take the time to look around and see if there is anybody around to asked about where we are '' said Diana as she barked at them angrily.

The guys suddenly quiet down after hearing what she said and they begin to walk around while searching for someone to ask questions but it was quite unfortunate that the place was devoid of any human presence and they had to continue their search while covering wide space.

"There don't seem to be anyone here" said Diana after they has searched until nighttime when they decided to take a break.

"Hey Dragic, haven't you been to this place before" asked Jason as he turned to Dragic.

"I could have but due to how time has flown, it would be difficult to recall something about this place" replied Dragic.

Hearing dragic reply, Jason let out a sigh as he mutters to himself.

"I guess I have made the wrong move this time around".

"You sure did, next time listen to others' opinions before making a decision" said Austin.

"Guys wait, something is heading our way" said Diana as he instructed them to keep quiet.

And it was only after they have quieted down that they were able to hear the sound of something heading in their direction and it seems to be in a hurry. They prepare themselves for battle just in case it was trouble heading their way but after waiting for a while, a wagon came into view with some guards escorting them.

When seeing some people standing close to them couldn't help but halt their movement as a voice rang out from the wagon.

"We are from the yin yang empire and demand you leave the way".

Hearing the stranger saying they are from the yin yang empire, they couldn't help but look at each other before Jason asked the question.

"Have anyone of you heard about any yin yang empire".

"Don't ask me, I spend most of my time training" replied Austin.

"Same with me, why don't we just ask Dragic since it has been a long time since he has been roaming the world" added Diana.

"A lot has changed since the time I was roaming so don't bother asking me" reply Dragic.

"I guess we will have to turn to them for an answer if we want to get out of this place" said Jason before speaking loudly for the other party to hear.

"We are not actually from this place and it would be great if you can help us get back to where we came from".

Then came an angry roar from the other side.

"Do you think you can trick us with those lame excuses of yours. Look if you don't want trouble with us, then get out of the way or face the consequences".

Jason was already angry that they are in the middle of nowhere, to begin with, and for this newcomer to try and use their number to oppress them, he suddenly lost it as he yell out.

"I'm telling you that we are lost and would need your help in getting back, but instead of you trying to reason with us you chose to threaten us. Do you think just because we are small in number we wouldn't date challenge you"? 

"You insolent fool, you think you will be able to win against our army. Guards take them down since they dare to stand in our way" replied the voice in a roar.

Austin and Diana were shocked to see how their friend was able to cause trouble within a period of time. 

"I guess next time I will be the one to speak instead of this loud mouth" said Austin as he took out his sword.

Just as the guards were about to charge forward, a voice bellow from within the wagon.

"Stay your hand".

A young man walks out of the wagon while wearing a glowing robe which signifies that he is a very important figure in the yin yang empire.

"Is this how you all present yourself to others all because you are guards from the palace?" asked the young man. 

"We're sorry about that prince Trace" reply the leader of the guards with a bow.

"Let this be the last time that you do something this stupid, if I were to find out that any issue similar to this, I will have your head cut off" ordered prince Trace with an angry tone.

"Yes, prince Trace" replied the captain with a shiver as he knew the prince met what he said.

After he was done speaking to his people, prince Trace turned in the direction where Jason and his group were standing before speaking up.

"This stranger is it true that you are not from around this place".

"Finally someone who truly hears what I said" reply Jason with a sigh.

Seeing the way the young man was talking to their prince like they are equals, the captain couldn't help but yell at Jason in anger as he said.

"Who are you to talk to the prince in such a manner, now get down on your knees and apologize".

Prince Trace to the captain with a frown on his face as he asked.

"And who gave you the order to speak" he said before hitting the captain on the face as the captain could only lower his head without retaliating.

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