Unrivaled Under The Heaven

Chapter 192 - He's My Pet

After getting the captain to shut his mouth, Prince Trace turned back to the three as he apologized on behalf of his captain.

"Do forgive my subordinate for acting rudely. I hope you don't mind telling me where you are from and how you came to be in our yin yang empire".

"We are from the Grador Empire and we were transported here by a teleportation mechanism" replied Austin who took a step forward to explain things before Jason would cause more trouble and truly, Jason has already given him a funny look.

'You must be joking if you think that I am going to let you speak for us' Austin thought to himself. 

"The Grador Empire it does sound strange to me for I haven't come across such a name during my time studying about places that are close to our empire" prince Trace said in contemplation before turning to his subordinate for answers only for them to shake their head.

"Looks like we won't be leaving this place anytime soon" said Diana with a sigh.

Seeing the disappointing look on their face, Prince Trace couldn't help but make a suggestion.

"I may not be able to know of this Grador Empire you speak of but I think I can take you to meet someone who might have an idea about this place you speak of".

"But my prince, we are already short on time" said the captain.

"I know which is why they are coming with us. Since we are going to see Elisa anyway" reply prince Trace.

Seeing that the young man is willing to help them out, Austin bows slightly as he thanks him before prince Trace invites them to join him in the wagon only for the captain to disagree about it.

"My prince these people can't be trusted and let's not forget the in-fighting between you and your brothers, they could be either of their men '' said the captain.

"Don't be silly, how can those who are working under my brothers be this young" reply prince Trace.

"We wouldn't mind following them to be on a safe side" suggested Diana.

"But I insist you follow me inside" said prince Trace with a serious look on his face.

"Come on guys, he insisted that we go with him so why make things difficult for him. Thank you for your offer" replied Jason with his fist clenched together in greeting before going inside.

Austin and Diana couldn't help but let out a sigh before going inside as well and that is when the captain came close to prince Trace and began to whisper.

"My prince, although they look young, their cultivation isn't weak so you have to be cautious while you are with them".

"I can tell that they are strong which is why I invited them in, if they are not one of my brother's men then I can persuade them to work for me" replied prince Trace with a smile as he slapped the captain on his shoulders before entering the wagon.

Entering the wagon, prince Trace smiles at the three before speaking up.

"I'm prince Trace the fifth prince of the yin yang empire and the heir to the throne if nothing goes wrong and you are".

"My name's Jason and these are my friends Austin and Diana" replied Jason with a smile. 

"And what is that humongous lizard that is resting on your shoulder" asked prince Trace after spotting Dragic.

"Oh, he's my pet Dragic" replied Jason. 

Right after the word left his mouth, Dragic suddenly turned his gaze at him before sending him telepathy.

"So now I am your pet eh".

"Do you prefer to be called servant since you don't like being called a pet which still has some respect? '' replied Jason.

"If I knew that I am going to fall this low to the extent that a youngly like you would treat me as a pet, I would have stayed back with my master" complained Dragic.

"Too bad you can't go back now" replied Jason with a chuckle.

Just as Jason and Dragic were discussing, Austin suddenly raised a question for prince Trace.

"About this Elisa that you speak of, are you sure that she will be able to help us out".

"If there is anyone in the empire that I can think of who would be able to help you with your answers, it has to be her" replied prince Trace.

"Seems like it is our luck for running into you my prince" said Diana.

"Please just call me Trace, I kind of feel uncomfortable when my title is included" replies prince Trace and they all laugh at it.

After traveling on the wagon for a long time, they finally made it to their destination where the three couldn't help but open their mouth in amazement when they saw where they were standing. The place seems to be a lot bigger than the capital.

"You actually came late even after promising that you would be here early Trace" said a voice coming from after while Jason and the others are still observing their surroundings.

"Calm down now Elisa, something came up and I have to attend to it" replies prince Trace with an awkward smile as he tries to explain things to Elisa.

"You always come up with an excuse, why can't you just keep a promise for once" said Elisa feeling disappointed in him.

"I really tried to Elisa but it wasn't easy for me to sneak out with my guards following me around" reply prince Trace.

"Whatever you say, so who are they" asked Elisa while looking at the strangers.

"They are my friends, we met not too long ago and they seem to be in need of your assistant in going home" replied prince Trace before he begin to introduce them. 

"They need my assistant in going back, how can I be of any need to them when you are here" asked Elisa.

"That is because you are the only one who can help them in finding their way back" replied prince Trace with a smile.

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