Unrivaled Under The Heaven

Chapter 193 - Research Room

"What makes you think that I will be able to help them in getting back when you can't Trace?" asked Elisa with a frown on her face. 

"That is because they are not from this empire and if there is anyone who could help them is you Elisa" replied prince Trace with a smile. 

"Did you just say they are not from here?" asked Elisa with a surprised look on her face.

"That's right miss, we are from the Grador Empire" replied Diana.

"Wow, why didn't you say that earlier instead of wasting time on words" said Elisa as she took Diana by the hand.

"I see that you have grown some interest in them" chuckled the prince Trace, seeing Elisa changing her attitude.

"You know how rare it is to meet people who are not from our empire, so why shouldn't I be interested in them. I don't know we are wasting time here, come let's go inside" reply Elisa before dragging Diana into a building while the others followed from behind but before following them in, Prince Trace instructed the guards to wait outside.

"But my prince it's not safe to leave you alone inside" said the captain.

"It will be unwise for anyone to attack me while I'm inside so just do your best to guard this place" replied prince Trace before joining the others.

Meanwhile, after being dragged into the building, Elisa didn't stop there as she continued to take them toward a deep room where she pulled some level and an underground passageway came into view.

"Where are you taking us to" asked Diana who was confused by the way Elise.

"We are going to my research room of course" reply Elisa with a smile before walking down the stairs.

"Is it really necessary for you to build your research room underground?" asked Jason.

"To keep my research a secret from the world, the best choice I have in doing so is to build an underground research room" replies Elisa.

After they have descended from the stairs, they came across a roadblock and that is when Elisa let go of Diana's hand before walking up to the wall and resting her palm on it while moving it to the side like there was a mechanism in place.

After moving her hand around for a short time, the wall began to split in two as a huge room came into view with books laying everywhere.

When they enter the room, Jason couldn't help but be amazed by the number of books they are in there and he decides to pick one of the books to flip through only for him to be attacked by a weasel.

"Ah, I am being attacked here" yelled Jason as he tried to pull the weasel off his face. 

"Hahaha, that's enough Molly" orders Elisa and the weasel jump off Jason before jumping into Elisa's embrace.

"Is that your pet?" asked Jason with scars all over his face.

"Yes, isn't it cute" replied Elisa before hugging the weasel?

"Cute my foot, that crazy beast almost rips my eyeballs out, I won't be satisfied if I don't cut him to pieces" said Jason in anger. 

"I would like to see you dare" reply Elisa whose face suddenly turns serious as her aura begin to surge.

"Kid I will have to advise you to give up on the idea of fighting with her, she is not someone you could face" advises the bracelet.

Seeing that Jason has gotten Elisa angry and knowing how frightening she could be if things were to continue this way, prince Trace came forward with an apology look on his face as he began to speak.

"Please calm down Elisa, he didn't mean what he say".

"That's true, I only said those words out of anger. How can I cut such a cute weasel to pieces" added Jason?

"Hmmph, you better be" said Elisa as she began to calm down.

Seeing that she has calmed down, Prince Trace let out a sigh of relief before speaking up.

"Since that is already taken care of, while don't we move to the question at hand".

"You said you came from the Grador Empire right?" said Elisa before she begin to put some scrolls as she began to go through them in hope of finding something that is related to the empire they spoke of but after searching for some time, she had a disappointing look on her face.

"There doesn't seem to be any Grador empire in my research but I promise to research more on the other empire and see if I could find anything about it" Elisa said with a bitter look on her face.

"Oh well, I guess we'll have to stay here a little longer before we can go back home" commented Jason.

"Why don't you give me some names that will help with my search like places that are popular there? '' asked Elisa.

That is when they begin to call their clan names since it is the most popular place there and when they are done, Elisa told them to move to the side as she still has business to settle with prince Trace.

Seeing that they have been given some space, Elisa turns her gaze to him as she asks.

"So do you have it".

"Yes I do, although it took more time than I expected but I was still able to get my hand on it without being caught by my brothers" replied prince Trace before pulling out a dagger that was wrapped in cloth as he passed it to Elisa.

After receiving the dagger from him, Elisa begins to observe it with a curious look on her face which leads to prince Trace in asking her.

"Are you sure that you would be able to identify the poison that my father has been affected with".

"I am the one that told you to bring it to me so enough with the questions and let me focus for once" reply Elisa with a frown.

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