Unrivaled Under The Heaven

Chapter 50 - Pill Making

Walking forward as he begin to lead the way forward with Austin following from behind with a confused expression on his face while the grand elder was following them from a far distance as he don't want them to notice his movement.

"Hey slow down will you, with the way you are hurrying now it won't be long before we are found out" said Austin.

"Don't worry, I didn't forget to keep watch over our surroundings" replied Jason with a smile on his face.

"So how far is the determination from here and how sure are you that wrong are going the right way or is this one of your talents to" asked Austin.

"It's a secret and yes I am certain that we are going the right way but I can't say if we are close or far from it" replied Jason before adding.

"Haven't you noticed that the number of beasts we have avoided is reducing".

"You mean it is likely for us to come in contact with a horned leopard" asked Austin understanding the meaning behind Jason's words.

Jason nodded his head in response to Austin as he continue to focus his attention on locating the location with dense spiritual energy and after walking for about 30minutes, they finally reach their destination which was devoided of any beast and Jason was beginning to doubt that they would be able to find any horned leopard here.

"According to the record I found in the library, the area where the horned leopard can be found are devoided of any beast like this with high spiritual energy concentrated there but the problem now is where are the horn leopard" asked Austin as he took a step forward.

"Hey Austin be careful, we can't just walk around aimlessly" said Jason as he warned Austin.

"I know, looks like I was all fired up for nothing" replied Austin with a sigh.

Looking at the frustrated look on their face, the grand elder couldn't help but chuckled as he mutter to himself.

"You think it is going to be easy finding the horned leopard".

"Hey, why don't we go look somewhere else" suggested Austin.

"You know how hard it was for us to locate this place and by the look of things it is safer here compared to out there, so let's wait here a little longer and see if it will show itself here" replied Jason.

"I guess that can also work" said Austin.

Jason and Austin were already discouraged and were just about to search somewhere else but before they could move, the ground tremble and they lay low on the ground while using the grass as a cover. Turning to the angle where the sound was more intense only to see a young leopard with little horns growing on its head.

"Hey buddy isn't that the horned leopard we have been searching for" asked Austin in excitement.

"It sure is a leopard with horns but the problem now is if we can take it on" replied Jason.

"Of course we can take it on if we work together" said Austin who has full confidence in himself.

"I think we should analyze the situation first before taking action" Replied Jason before turning to the bracelet.

"Do you think we can take it on".

"With the length which its horns have grown to, it shows that it is still in the early stage of the foundation realm, so you two can take it on but you will have to watch out for the horns, they have the effect of paralyzing any living thing they struck " replied the bracelet.

Turning back to Austin with a smile on his face, Jason begins to explain things to Austin.

"It seems like the horned leopard before us is at the early stage of the foundation realm so we should be able to beat it if we work together but we will have to watch the horns, according to what I heard about the horned leopard, the horns has a paralyzing effect so we will have to avoid getting hit at all cost cause if we don't it will be over".

"There is no way I am going to let that beast hit me with that horn" comment Austin as he was getting ready to attack the beast.

"Calm down will you, the only way we can take that beast down is to gain the upper hand, and since it is not aware of our presence, I say we sneak up on it to deliver a deadly blow" said Jason as he pulled Austin back.

"That is not really manly to do, only cowards attack that way" replied Austin with a frown.

"As long as we can beat it down then I don't mind being a coward" said Jason with a chuckle.

"Well if you say so then I will have to comply" said Austin with a sigh before adding.

"Then again, how do you plan to make the saliva into a pill".

"Well, I will have to bring it up to the grand elder to make the pill for me" replied Jason.

"And you think he will be happy to make the pill for you" asked Austin with a light chuckle.

"Of course he will since it has to do with pill making, he will gladly accept" replied Jason.

"What does that Austin mean when he said those words. I think it is time for me to treat these kids with an iron fist" mutter the grand elder to himself as he continues to watch the two.

After getting the answer to his question, Jason and Austin begin to crawl towards the young leopard who seen to be drinking water by a little lake. Getting in position, they both nodded at each other before jumping out of their hiding as they swing their sword at the horned leopard which lifted its head and was just about to defend itself but was too late as the sword slashes at its limbs.

"Looks like things are about to get interesting" said the grand elder with a smile.

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