Unrivaled Under The Heaven

Chapter 51 - Going All Out

The cut was able to leave a cut on the limb of the horned leopard but it was not deep enough. Taking a jump back with a roar the horned leopard stares at Jason and Austin in fury before leaping forward towards Jason who quickly rolls to the side to avoid being caught by the grip of the horned leopard.

The horned leopard had yet to balance itself when Austin came slashing at the horned leopard before distancing himself again.

"This seems more fun than fighting with Larry and the rest" said Austin with a short laugh as he swung his sword around.

"I see that you are enjoying yourself" comment Jason as he got up from the grass.

"Of course I am but it will be more interesting if we play a little game here" said Austin with a smile.

"What do you have in mind" asked Jason as he went to confront the beast.

"How about this, the person to land the killing blow will have to pick when that duel between us will begin" said Austin.

"I accept but I hope you won't go back on your words in case I win" said Jason.

"You are the one who has broken a promise once so I should be the one to ask you that question" replied Austin with a frown.

"Let's just forget about that and deal with the beast alright" said Jason with an awkward laugh.

Pointing his sword at the horned leopard, Austin suddenly charged at the horned leopard as he begin to yell before swinging the sword at the horned leopard seeing the threat before him, the horned leopard bow his head slightly as it pointed the horned at the incoming sword which made a dull sound as Austin's hand went numb due to the force from the horn.

"Looks like you are outmatched by the horned leopard" said Jason with a chuckle as he charged in to attack the horned leopard but before he could get close enough, the horned leopard took him by surprise as it leaped at him and bare its fangs at him. Placing his sword in front of him to shield himself from the beast in which his sword broke into two. 

Taking a step back as he threw the other part of the sword beast which was easily evaded by the horned leopard.

"I think his horn is not the only thing we need to watch out for" said Austin with a frown as he focused his gaze on the beast.

"Yeah, it is not only fast but also has a powerful fang" replied Jason.

"How do you plan to fight now that you are not armed" asked Austin.

"That is what you get for depending on external force" replied Jason as he began to crack his fist.

Meanwhile, the grand elder was watching them as he was not intending to give them a helping hand unless they were in danger.

Seeing that Jason was planning to battle with his fist, he chuckled before rushing forward to battle and this time he was cautious not to strike the horned since it would only put him at a disadvantage. The horned leopard didn't care for its life as it just charged at Austin. Moving to the side as he kick the beast at the abdomen before rolling to the side with Jason coming from behind as he delivered a powerful iron fist on the back of the beast as it was sent flying into the far distance.

Letting out a sigh of relief as he straightened his back to look at Austin who was still laying on the ground.

"Looks like I won the bet" said Jason with a smile.

"I wish it was that easy to beat a beast this powerful" replied Austin as he got up from the ground.

"That punch was not an ordinary one so stop thinking that it will be able to survive" said Jason still keeping the smile on his face but it all changes into a frown when he saw the horned leopard coming towards them steadily.

"See, I told you it won't be easy to take it down. so the bet is still on" said Austin with a chuckle.

"Both that is impossible, it should have been dead by now" replied Jason in doubt.

"You can't compare a beast to humans since their defense is way higher than that of a human and do not forget that it is a realm ahead of you" said the bracelet as he begin to explain things to him.

"So how are we supposed to beat it if we can't injury it" asked Jason in frustration.

"Just keep on attacking it, maybe you will be able to get it down" replied the bracelet.

"You trick me you bastard" Jason curse at the bracelet.

"Hey as long as you apply more power to your iron fist with Austin attacking with his greatest move, you should be able to take it down " replied the bracelet as he tries to calm Jason down.

"Lookout" yelled Austin as he pushed Jason out of the way and letting the horned leopard bear its fangs in thin air.

Jason was shocked as he turned to look at where he was standing previously before looking at Austin who was laying beside him.

"Try to always focus on your fight, you would have lost your life if I was a little bit slow" said Austin as he stood up from the ground while pulling Jason up.

"Yeah and thanks for the save" reply Jason.

The grand elder let out a sigh as he mutter to himself.

"Go thing they came together else I would have lost my apprentice. I will have to lecture him more when we get back".

"It seems like taking this beast down won't be an easy thing to do" said Austin as he turned to look at the beast.

"We will have to go all out if we ever want to kill it" replied Jason with a frown.

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