Unrivaled Under The Heaven

Chapter 53 - The Clash

Taking his stance as he waited for the horned leopard to make the first move since it will make things easy for him.

"You know just because it is in the berserk stage does not mean it will be any weaker than it used to be, instead it will be stronger" said the bracelet.

"I don't care if it becomes a god, I just want to hold it back until Austin has fully recovered from the injuries he sustained from that attack" replied Jason.

"As long as you can avoid being hit, then you will be able to hold it back but we both know that will not be possible since it is more faster than you" said the bracelet.

Seeing that the human is not making a move, the horned leopard pushes forward at great speed at Jason who takes a step back before throwing his fist forward to clash with the beast as they exchange blows. Pulling back after the exchange, Jason turned to take a look at his hand only to see there wounds which were flowing with his blood.

Gritting his teeth as he rushed forward to meet up with the beast before it would strike since he now knows that he is at disadvantage. Throwing his fist forward and the beast also slash it's claws at him and seeing this scene, the grand elder couldn't help but shake his head in disappointment as he muttered to himself. 

"You have already tried that and you saw the end result yet you are making the same move. Will it kill you if you tried using another approach".

The grand elder was just complaining but suddenly went silent when he saw the fist that Jason threw earlier slightly moved to the side with Jason moving his left leg as he kicked the horned leopard away.

"What isn't that the same move he used to make the horned leopard go berserk, how come he was able to do the same trick with his leg" said the grand elder as he focused his gaze on him.

Meanwhile, Jason was trying to catch his breath after sending the beast flying.

"Good thing I learned how to move the spiritual energy in my body while being occupied with something else. I wouldn't have the guts to pull that trick" said Jason to himself with a smile on his face.

"Well, at least you now have the time to plan things out before the horned leopard gets back on its feet" suggested the bracelet.

"Instead of waiting for it to catch its breath and come here to tear me to shreds, I am going to beat the living hell out of it" said Jason angrily before taking off as he begins to follow the trail that the horned leopard left behind.

After searching for a little while Jason found the beast standing with an exhausted look on its face as saliva continued to flow from its mouth. And seeing the saliva coming out of the mouth of the horned leopard, Jason couldn't help but yell with his finger pointing out the beast.

"Here I am risking my life to get that nasty saliva of yours and you are busy wasting it".

"You know that it can't understand the words you are saying right" asked the bracelet.

"Who cares if it can or not. I am going to slaughter that stupid leopard right now" replied Jason as he rush at the horned leopard.

Seeing the human coming out of it, the horned leopard begin to roar as it manage to get on its four legs and turn tail to run but before it could Austin has already intercept it as he gave it a powerful slash at the neck and the horned leopard falls lifelessly on the ground dead.

"Sorry for the delay" said Austin as he bent down to pick the head of the horned leopard.

"You bastard, how could you steal my kill. Did you know the price I have to pay in order to weaken it" replied Jason angrily.

"Calm down man, I only decided to make the move when I saw it running away" said Austin as he tries to get Jason to calm down.

"You could have just turned a blind eye and let it run away" replied Jason.

"That would have made things difficult for us since the other beast will get involved" said Austin.

"Like they are not going to get involved anyway" replied Jason.

"Hey, man ain't you happy that we got what we came for" asked Austin as he raised the head of the beast for Jason to see.

"Do I look happy to you" replied Jason.

Austin became irritated by the way Jason was acting and threw the head on the floor as he looked Jason in the eyes and said. 

"Since you are not happy about it, why don't we settle this in a fight".

"I was just about to suggest the same thing" replied Jason as he took a step forward until he was standing toe to toe with Austin as he also looked him straight in the face.

"Eh, why don't you let this one slip for now and extract the saliva before the other beast notices us" said the bracelet.

"That can wait until we are done settling our business" replied Jason.

"So do you want to go now" asked Austin with a smile on his face.

"Make your move" replied Jason as he also smiled at him.

"You know this is a better place for people of the like of us to battle" said Austin.

"Yeah right, it's a good place to lay your dead body for the beast to feed on" reply Jason.

"You are looking to die kid and I don't mind giving you a hand on that" said Austin as the smile he had on his face turned to an angry frown.

"If you think you are good enough to make my wish come through then be my guest" said Jason.

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