Unrivaled Under The Heaven

Chapter 61 - The Invisible Force

Turning back to Austin who has finally rolled out of the wall, the grand elder said.

"It is surprising to see one from this generation and age with such brute strength, keep it up boy".

"Thank you grand elder but if I may ask, that move you used against us is it possible for you to teach me" asked Austin with a bow.

Jason took a peek at Austin before saying in disdain.

"I see you now want to be like this old cheater".

"What are you talking about Jason, don't you know if this were to be a real battle we would have lose our life with that move so it would be more than a trump card if I were to learn" replied Austin.

"Hahaha is good having younger ones by your side it kind of makes you feel young as well and Austin I would love to teach you the technique but there is a catch that is applied to it" said the grand elder with s laugh.

"As long as I can learn it then I am willing to" replied Austin in determination.

"What about you Jason, do you also what to learn it too" asked the grand elder.

"As long as I will be able to keep my life then I am in also" reply Jason.

"That is the spirit boy, you see in this world there is no technique or skills that are considered trash. One way or the other they will prove their usefulness" said the grand elder with a smile on his face as he turn to them and said.

"This is not a good place to talk, why don't we go inside".

Walking into the alchemy room as he took his seat, the grand elder look at Jason for a while before saying.

"Go turn me a cup of tea".

Gritting his teeth as he tried to contain his anger, Jason quickly went to get the tea jar with a cup before turning a cupful. Picking the cup of tea, the grand elder took a sip before speaking.

"You see the invincible force is not just a technique you can execute continuously since it requires a lot of energy and concentration to perform".

"The invincible force, who the hell came up with such lame name" asked Jason as he cut the grand elder off.

"The one that came up with the naming was me. I gave it that name due to its nature" reply the grand elder with a cough.

"I didn't mean it in that way grand, you see what I am trying to say is that it just need a little finish touch" said Jason in fright of what the grand elder could do to him.

"Well, I didn't think much about it since I am the only one using it so you don't have to worry about getting me angry but if you try cutting me short when I am speaking again, then you will have to pay the price" reply the grand elder as he glared at Jason.

Lowering his head while filling the cup as he tries to avoid the look in the grand elder eyes.

"Wait a minute, when you said you are the one that name the technique, could it be that you actually created it yourself" asked Austin.

"You got that right kid. During our time there was war and could your age would usually be sent to complete some minor task which could get them killed and back then I was not as powerful as I used to be now and my peer usually bully me and the family head would refuse to send me along with the others whenever they are about to embark on a mission all due to the fact that I am weak. But it all stop after years of training I was able to attain a higher height due to this very technique you called cheating" reply the grand elder.

"Now I know why you like bullying me" said Jason as he tried to hold his laughter.

"Very funny boy" chuckles the grand elder with a chuckle before taking another sip of his tea.

"So grand elder now we know the catch behind the technique I still want to learn it" said Austin.

"I am sorry but I can't teach you at least not now that you are on the verge of a breakthrough" reply the grand elder.

Austin was down that he couldn't learn the technique straight away and looking at him like this, grand elder let out a sigh as it was difficult seeing someone who is determined to learn more.

"We will talk about that another time after you have a breakthrough so for now I want you and Jason to clean this place" said the grand elder.

Austin became excited as he quickly rush off to clean but before leaving, Jason stop him as he reminded him of their deal before letting him go. After cleaning the place, Jason went to check on what pill the grand elder was making only for him to see him sitting on his chair with his eyes close.

"Grand elder ain't you going to concoct any pills today" asked Jason when he saw the grand elder napping.

Opening his eyes to look at the annoying kid before him, the grand straighten his back before replying.

"I don't feel like doing anything right now by the way do you have the recipe to making the pill for your mother's treatment" asked the grand elder.

"I do but the problem is I am not with it right now" reply Jason.

"As long as you have the recipe then the probability of making the pill will be high" said the grand elder.

"I will leave you to do your thing then" said Jason before walking to one side.

"Hey, I hope you have the recipe for making the pill" asked Jason to the bracelet after making sure that he is in a quiet place.

"Nope there is no recipe of it in the space" replied the bracelet.

"What, how can you say you don't have it and yet you told me to go hurt a hurt a horn leopard," said Jason in anger.

"Relax man I said there is no recipe of it in the space and not how to make it" replied the bracelet.

"Thank goodness, please don't play such a joke on me again it's quite exhausting," said Jason with a sigh of relief.

"So you are the only one that is allowed to play jokes on others" asked the bracelet.

"Hey I am your master so do as I say" replied Jason.

"Whatever you say" said the bracelet.

"Anyways how are you going give me the recipe since you don't have the recipe in the space" asked, Jason.

"When you are ready, I am going to list the procedure to you so you don't have to worry about that" replied the bracelet.

"Then I get we have to wait for the herbs to arrive" said Jason with a smile.

While Jason was discussing with the bracelet, an elder came in search of the grand elder and it didn't take long before they left together leaving only Jason and Austin alone in the room. 

"Where is the grand elder going this time" asked Jason as he meet up with Austin.

"I have no idea but seeing that an elder was sent to come and get him, it could only mean the family is facing a problem" replied Austin.

"So you mean to say it is only when the family is in a mess that the grand elder would be summon" asked Jason.

"Not really, you see the grand elder is only called on when the situation has to do with the other families" replied Austin.

"Meaning someone from the other family is in our territory" said Jason to himself as he was finally able to put the puzzle together.

"Well, I guess we will have to sit and wait until he comes back" replied Austin before sitting down in a cross leg position before shutting his eyes as he began to meditate.

Now that Austin has gone into a meditational state, Jason has no one to talk to and decided to take out the book of herbs that the elder gave to him to read as they continue to wait for the grand elder. But after waiting for some hours and he Was still not back, Jason quickly kept the book out of boredom as he begin to walk around the furnaces in the room while stroking it with his hand.

"It won't be long before I will start making pills with your help" said Jason with a smile on his face.

"Yes it will but that could only be possible if you can quickly understand the art" commented the bracelet.

"Which is why I don't want to leave this place yet not until I have learned what I need to learn"

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