Unrivaled Under The Heaven

Chapter 62 - Envoy Richard

The Fox family meeting room.

The family head and elders are already sitted as they wait for the arrival of the grand elder alongside a young man who wore a foreign robe.

"Why is it taking long for the grand elder to arrive" said the young man.

"Calm down envoy Richard, I believe the grand elder is already on his way" reply the family head.

"But it is taking forever, I don't know why your family seems to be different from the other families already. Always wasting time before the start of a meeting" said envoy Richard.

"Mr Richard do I remind you that this is not your Allen family where you can run your mouth as you like. Any more word from you will be taken into an account" replied the grand elder who just arrived.

Seeing the grand elder has arrived, the family head and the elders bow to pay respect together with envoy Richard.

"What brings you to my family territory and be fast with your explanation" said the grand elder as he took his seat.

"We just received words from the watched men that the ruin to the ancient tomb will be opening soon and since it was our turn to keep watched over the sealed, we discovered that someone has forcefully opened the seal so I was sent by the family head to do some investigation within the other four families" replied envoy Richard as he stood up.

"Since the seal was forcefully opened, you think it must have been the handwork of the other families, am I right?" asked the grand elder.

"That is correct since it will be impossible for someone from our family to do that" replied envoy Richard.

"And what makes you feel that your family is not also a suspect" asked the grand elder with a frown on his face.

"That is not possible, every member of the family is very loyal to the family" replied envoy Richard.

"Whatever you say then, so now that the deal is open what is your family suggesting we do" asked the grand elder with a wave of his hand. 

"The rule since remains that eight members of the family that are below twenty-five years of age are to go into the ruin" reply envoy Richard.

"This is what I am mostly afraid of happening, anyways what did the others say about it" asked the family head with a sigh.

"They agreed and your family is the only one left" replied envoy Richard.

"We have heard you and just like the other families we will also participate but before then when will the seal be completely opened" asked the grand elder.

"According to our calculation it will be completely open next year" said envoy Richard.

"Then we still have enough time to prepare before it is fully open" said the grand elder.

Seeing that the fox family had also agreed, envoy Richard sat down as he waited for them to say something but to his surprise, the grand elder asked him another question which was kind of frustrating.

"Now that you have already delivered the message, how do you plan to catch the suspect behind the seal".

"Some part of the seal is missing and just like the other times that the seal will still be seen around the watched man so it won't be that difficult to find the suspect" replied envoy Richard.

"Then I will have to leave you to that but if you didn't the suspect, then you should take your leave" said envoy Richard.

Bowing down to the grand elder before taking his leave but before he took his leave the grand elder instructed an elder to keep an eye on him.

"Now that the envoy is gone, let's talk about who we are going to send to the ruin cause I don't think there is any selection on your mind seeing how they are not serious with their training" said the grand elder to the family head.

"That is not true grand elder, we still have some kids that have shown great talent so far so there won't be any issues with picking those that will be going into the ruin" replied an elder.

"It's not about showing potential but will they be able to protect themselves from danger once they are inside that ruin, you of all people should know what it's like to be in a place filled with insecurity" said the grand elder as he looked at the elder that made the statement in rage.

"Of course they will be able to protect themselves as long as they put their differences behind them" replied the family head as he supported the elder idea.

"I see you guys have already made your suggestion but I need two slots, I don't care who you have to tick out of your list of selection" said the grand elder.

"That won't be a problem since the grand elder needed two slots, it is likely they would be able to contribute more while in the ruin" replied the family head with a smile. 

"Damn those Allen's, this is surely their doings" said the grand elder with gritted teeth.

"I believe the others also think the same way but the problem is what proof do we have that they are the ones behind the seal" replied the family head.

"Anyways I will leave you guys to make your selection but be sure to make the right pick" said the grand elder before waking out of the room as he make his way to the alchemy room.

Walking back to the alchemy room, the grand elder could see Austin meditation while Jason walked around as he stroked his hand around the furnace.

"Let's just hope they will be able to protect themselves while they are inside the ruin" said the grand elder in a low voice before proceeding into the alchemy room.

Seeing that the elder had arrived, Jason quickly took his hand off the furnace as he went forward to greet him.

"I can see that you are enjoying yourself Jason" said the grand elder.

"Well I got tired of reading the book of herbs so I decided to take a walk around the place" replied Jason with an awkward laugh.

"And the best place to take your walk is near my furnace" asked the grand elder.

"I didn't destroy them did I" reply Jason as he turned back to talk a look at the furnace.

" Did anything happen grand elder" asked Austin as he rose from his meditation.

"Well an envoy from the Allen family came with bad news and it seems like you all are going to be busy for sometime" replied the grand elder.

"What really happened" asked Jason with a frown on his face.

"A ruin was forcefully opened and according to the rules we are supposed to send eight family members that are below twenty-five years" replied the grand elder.

"And how is that a bad news" asked Jason as he was confused since there should be treasures hidden inside them.

"The reason why I said it's bad news was because it is filled with danger and you all are not ready for that level of danger" replied the ground elder with a sigh.

"If I may ask why can't those above the age of twenty go in" asked Jason.

"No one knows the fact about that except for the fact that they will be expelled while suffering severe injury" replied the grand elder.

"Then I guess the ones that are going will have to be those from our generation" said Austin.

"Exactly though I don't know who the family head had his eyes on, but it has to be a good pick else the family is going to come out of this in defeat" replied the grand elder.

"Is it possible for me to also go along with the rest" asked Jason with a smile.

"I know you must be thinking of making a living from the loot you will get from there but it is too risky to send you not to talk of you not being a member of the family" replied the grand elder with a frown.

"And who told you that I won't be able to make it out alive" asked Jason with a frown.

"That's because you are too weak boy" replied the grand elder with a laugh.

"No I am not, in fact, I am more stronger than Austin here" said Jason.

"If you ever want to go into the ruin, then you will have to prove to me that you deserve to be among the selected few and that also implies to you also Austin" replied the grand elder.

"And how are we supposed to prove that we are worthy enough to be in the slot" asked Austin with a smile.

"Easy, I want you guys to achieve a breakthrough into the next realm before next year" replied the grand elder.

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