Unrivaled Under The Heaven

Chapter 63 - Competition

When Jason and Austin heard what they are required to do if they want to participate, they turn to look at each other before turning their attention back to the grand elder.

"I think I didn't hear you clearly, did you just say we need to be at the foundation realm in order to join the others," asked Jason.

"If you can achieve a breakthrough into the foundation early stage, then the chances that you will be able to protect yourself will be high" replied the grand elder with a smile. 

"You should have just say that you don't want us to go instead of saying we need to make a breakthrough to the foundation realm before having the thought of joining the others" said Jason as he went back to take a sit.

"Achieving a breakthrough into the eight-layer of the tempered body shouldn't be a problem but the foundation realm, grand elder that is just too much" added Austin.

"You may be thinking that it is an impossible task for the both of you to do but if you were to give it your all then breaking through to the foundation realm will be as easy as making a pill" replied the grand elder.

"And when you say is as easy as making a pill then you are probably saying that it is going to take forever because if I remember clearly, it takes time for a pill to completely be concocted" said Austin he finally loses all hope in taking one of the slots.

"That is where you are wrong Austin, you see pill-making don't take months to be fully concocted. All you need is patience and time" replied the grand elder.

"What a liar, some pills take years to be fully be concocted like the soul and body which is useful to those that are about to make a breakthrough into the nascent soul realm" said the bracelet.

"Grand elder you are saying that making pills don't take much time to make so why is it that the soul and body pill take so long to be made" asked Jason with a smile on his face as he finally have a way to get back at the grand elder.

"You little rascal, where did you hear of that pill" said the grand elder with a twitching face.

"Haha, are you surprised that I know of the pill, well if you must know my father has mentioned it before" replied Jason with a laugh.

"You have me there but still I believe you two can make it into the foundation realm in a year. I have great expectations for the two of you so don't let me down" said the grand elder as he went to take his seat.

"Great expectations indeed, how do you expect me who don't have anyone behind me to make it into the foundation early stage" asked Jason with a frown on his face.

The grand elder let out a light chuckle before replied.

"I believe before entering the tournament, you were in the fifth level of tempered body but looking at you now you are a sixth level tempered body. And Austin I once heard that you made an advance twice even though you were not given the best resources, so I doubt you two won't be able to make it into the foundation realm in a year's time".

"Grand elder, why don't you just make us a pill that will boost our cultivation instead of thinking of doing the impossible" suggested Austin with a hand on his cheek looking like someone who is in deep thought.

"That nice one Austin, who would have thought that you would have such an idea" said Jason with a wide smile on his face as he gave him a hug.

"Is not a big idea, I just thought it will be possible for him to make us a pill since he is an alchemist master" said Austin with a smile on his face.

"Who would have thought that someone who is not interested in pill making will be the one to come up with such an idea. But unfortunately for you, I cant make you any pill" replied the grand elder with a smile on his face.

"That's it, I have had enough of all this. You can go to the ruin for all I care since I am not a member of the family you can't force me" said Jason in anger.

"You are not a member of the family correct but you see, you are working under me so when I say you are going then you are going unless you are ready to leave now" replied the grand elder with a serious face.

"Now you are threatening to throw me out" said Jason.

"What else can I say, if you think you don't have what it takes to make it into the list then I guess you are not ready to work here" replied the grand elder with a smile.

"I can see that you are forcing me to take up the challenge before me and I am finding it difficult to ignore but the thing is if you will be true to your word cause I find it hard to believe that you are keeping a spot for me unless you want me to improve quickly so that you can spare with me" said Jason as he turned to look at the grand elder in all seriousness.

"Haha, you don't need to worry about that if I want to have a spar I can do that since I am the one limiting my realm" reply the grand elder with a laugh.

Seeing that Jason has agreed to the grand elder condition, he smiled as he took a step forward and said.

"I am also interested in these ruins and I would like to challenge myself".

"That is the spirit kid since you have made up your mind then I think I will have to support you guys also" said the grand elder.

"So you are going to make us the pill that will help boost our realm" asked Jason happily.

"When did you hear me saying I am going to make a pill that will help you improve your realm, when I said I am going to support the both of you, I mean to say that I will make some pills that will help you during your time in the ruin" replied the grand elder.

Jason couldn't help but let out a sigh with a bitter smile plastered on his face.

"I know that is what you meant since it is the least you can do".

"Well then I guess all that is left for me to do is to beat you in becoming the first to break through into the foundation realm" said Austin with a laugh.

"You cheater, not only did you steal my kill but you also have the gut to tell me that you are going to get to get to the foundation realm before me when you are a stage ahead of me" replied Jason with a frown.

"What can I say, you can't blame me for being a step ahead of you" said Austin with a laugh.

"Do you want to play a bet with me now if you dare" replied Jason with a smile.

"Well I was waiting for you to say the word this whole time so what is the losing going to do after it is over" asked Austin.

"Simple my friend, the loser will have to be slave of the other while in the ruin" replied Jason with a smile.

"Hahaha, I like that, since it is going to be a difficult task for me to walk around the place with my stuff I can just leave it all to you" said Austin as he busted into laughter.

"We will see who is going to be the one to carry stuff later" replied Jason with a running smile on his face.

Seeing the two competing with each other, the grand elder was all smile as he said to them.

"I like the competitive spirit between the two of you it kind of reminds me of how my friends and I used to be but it was quite unfortunate that they didn't make it out alive during the war".

"Don't worry old man I believe they are still very competitive in the yellow spring and are just waiting for you to join them since you are lonely here" commented Jason with a smile.

"I will someday but before I join them, I am going to make life hard for you since you want me dead that badly" replied the grand elder with a laugh.

"You are not going to die soon grand elder, I only made that statement because you were reminded about your friends" said Jason as he waved his hand in decline meant.

"I know boy but I am still going to make things hard for you since you care so much about my friends" replied the grand elder with a laugh.

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