Unrivaled Under The Heaven

Chapter 64 - Research

"I guess you are going to have a wonderful time while working here" said the bracelet with a laugh.

"You better shut your mouth if you don't want me to make things difficult for you" replied Jason.

"Come on now is it my fault that you can't control that mouth of yours" said the bracelet.

"And if you don't control your speech maybe you won't like where I am going to keep you cause I am going to keep you in a place that will be very difficult for others to find" replied Jason.

"Okay, I guess I have enough fun already, now back to business. Do you want to go on an adventure inside the ruin" asked the bracelet.

"Of course I want to but the problem now is that I need to achieve a breakthrough into the foundation realm if I want to go with the rest of the family member" replied Jason with a frown.

"If only you have comprehended the first stage of the heavens law, then it would have been an easy feat for you to make it in a year" said the bracelet.

"I know but it is quite unfortunate that I am still far from comprehending it thanks to you" reply Jason as his voice has changed.

"You can't blame me for your incompetent boy, telling you how you can easily feel the earth energy will be no different from telling you to stop training your body and just lay in your bed how waiting for resources to fall in your legs" said the bracelet.

"Whatever, don't you have any idea how I can make it into the foundation realm apart from relying on the heavens law. Just like how I bathed myself in the blood of the beast previously" asked Jason as he decided to put the matter about the heavens law behind him.

"There are many ways for you to get stronger and going into the beast territory is one of them" replied that bracelet.

"Strike that out of the list since it is more dangerous" said Jason as he waved the idea out.

"Then how about refining your body but unlike the other time, you will need the blood of a powerful beast" asked the bracelet.

"How am I supposed to be a beast that is far more stronger than me" replied Jason.

"Then how about looking for the core of a beast and absorbing the essence that is still stored in it" asked the bracelet.

"If it is the beast core you are talking about, I have one with me here" replied Jason as he took out the beast core he took from the giant lizard but hid it quickly as he was afraid that the grand elder would find out about it. 

"You can use that core but the problem is that there is not much essence stored inside that will help you achieve a breakthrough into the next stage not to talk about breaking through into the foundation realm" said the bracelet.

"Well at least it is something, so tell me what other options do you have" asked Jason. 

"Will you agree to face lightning strikes" reply the bracelet with a question.

"And why would I be that foolish as to face a lightning strike, only a fool will be so bold as to face a lightening" reply Jason with a frown on his face. 

"That is the last choice you have kid and if it is still not enough, you can go to the fox family library to search for ways" said the bracelet.

"Like they are going to let a nobody into the library that easily" commented Jason.

"If it were to be then when you haven't won the tournament, I would have said that it is indeed impossible but not now that the grand elder is your boss. Going in will be as easy as killing a fly" said the bracelet.

"You have a point there but I still feel like I won't be granted access to read more books that will be more helpful to me" reply Jason with a sigh.

"What is wrong with you boy, I can't believe you could be this dumb. Can't you persuade him to grant you access into the other layer of the library as long as you don't have to read any technique that has to do with the family" said the bracelet.

"Let's me give it a try and see how things play out if he will be able to do as you say but I doubt that he will knowing how sneaky his character is" replied Jason as he made his way back to where the grand elder is resting.

Raising the lid of his eyes to see who is approaching him only to see that it was Jason who was approaching him. With a frown on his face, the grand elder didn't wait for him to come close before asking.

"What is it this time around boy and make it quick because this body of mine needs a break".

"Hahaha, I am sorry if I am disturbing your free time, I just want to make a little request since it has to do with me making a breakthrough into the next realm" replied Jason with a laugh.

"Since it has to do with your objective I will say you let it out quick" said the grand elder with a smile.

"Well I was thinking of going into the family library to see if there are any records that have means of breaking through stages quickly and since I am not a member of the family, I thought I should ask for permission from you" replied Jason. 

"And you think there are records about such things in the library" asked the grand elder as he raised his head to give Jason a meaningful look.

"It is called a library for a reason, if it couldn't hold any record about it then it should be able to have records about refining the body" replied Jason. 

The grand elder went into thought but it didn't take long before he quickly nodded his head as he made a little wave of his hand as a token could be seen laying in it.

"Here is my token, show it to the guard that is stationed there and you will be granted access inside, I hope you will be able to find what you are looking for kid" said the grand elder with a light chuckle as he passed the token to Jason.

"Thank you grand elder, I thought you are going to make things hard for me but who would have thought that you will be this caring as to give me a token. Now I know why the heaven still decided to keep you alive" praise Jason.

"You should mind what you search for while you are there if you don't want to be banned from going in and believe me when I say I won't be able to help you once you are banned from entering the library by elder Chris and for crying out loud, I am still strong and will be able to live longer than you if war were to break out now" said the grand elder with a twitched face.

"Don't worry I won't go as far as to read about the fox family" replied Jason with a smile on his face.

"Since you don't have anything else to say, can you leave me to enjoy my afternoon in peace" said the grand elder as he waved Jason away.

Walking out with a wide smile on his face as the grand elder went back to rest his back on the chair and was just about to close his eyes to nap but that was when Jason said out.

"If war were to break out, I would be the first to leave this place before any harm could come to my family, so you are still going to die before me".

Laughing as he made his way towards the door, the grand elder couldn't help but let out a sigh as he muttered to himself. 

"I wonder if he is not scared of me at all for him to say those words, if it were to be those kids from the family, it would have been very challenging for them to even ask me a question rather than saying foul words".

After making his way to the door, Jason saw Austin who was in a meditation state with his eyes closed, and he couldn't help but smile to himself as he said.

"Hey cheater, let's hope you will be able to breakthrough into the seventh layer of tempered body and not to talk about the foundation realm".

"Look who's talking, I think you are forgetting the grand elder saying I won't have a problem breaking through so I wouldn't have a problem with the foundation realm unlike you who is not even close to feeling the shackles that are binding you from entering the seventh stage" replied Austin with a smile.

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