Unrivaled Under The Heaven

Chapter 65 - The Glowing Book

"We are going to see if being a step ahead of me will put you in a better position to win bet" said Jason with a smile on his face.

"I can see you have found a way to speed up your cultivation and so do i" replied Austin as he also smiled.

"Oh, I see that you have discovered the energy that is filled in this place for you to say that but what I have is far more better than the energy that is flowing here" said Jason.

"There is really that much of an energy in this place" asked Austin with a confused look on his face before closing his eyes as he tried to feel his surroundings and it didn't take long before a smile could be seen on his face.

"I believe this is what you are trying to hide from me am I right. Now I know why I always feel so refreshed after meditating, now I have more chances to break through into the foundation realm all thanks to you Jason" added Austin.

"Me and my big mouth, anyways I wouldn't count on the little energy store here if I were you" replied Jason with a smile.

"I know that you are trying to make me lose interest in meditating here but it won't work Jason and by the way, I still have other means to speed up my cultivation" said Austin.

"Well since that is not the only option you have, then I guess I have to be on my way and start working if I still want to beat you to it" replies Jason as he makes his way out of the alchemy room.

"You think I don't know you are going to the family library to search on how to make a breakthrough quickly" said Austin with a laugh at Jason, who was walking out not long just halted his step as he turned around in shock.

"How did you know that I am going to the library" asked Jason.

"Haha, I won't I know when you don't know how to keep your voice down" replied Austin with a laugh.

"Do you think it is funny" asked Jason with a frown on his face. 

"Yeah man, I wish you could see the look on your face" replied Austin as he couldn't stop himself from laughing.

"I wonder if you will be able to continue laughing if I should kick your face off" said Jason.

"I would like to see you try by the way we still have a match, we can have it outside if you think you are strong enough to stand on equal ground with me" replied Austin as he began to stretch his body indicating that he is good to go.

"You must think that I will be scared of you just because you are this close to your breakthrough but I am not. We'll have our fight another day" said Jason as he turn around as he walk out of the alchemy location and headed for the library which didn't take him long to reach as he quickly brought out the token that the grand elder gave him for the guard to check if it is the real thing before he was let in.

After he was allowed access to the library, the first thing Jason did was to look around as it was his first time entering the library. Walking to a shelf as he picked up a book title "the continent" as he gave it a little flipping before putting back into the shelf with an amusing look on his face.

"Are you surprised that the world you live in is this big" asked the bracelet as he understood the meaning behind the expression he had on his face. 

"Who would have thought that we are actually living in a small part of the continent" replied Jason.

"Don't worry kid, when you are strong enough to watch out for yourself then you can journey into the unknown" said the bracelet with a chuckle.

"Yeah and the first thing I will do is take my revenge" replied Jason.

"Do you mind forgetting about revenge for now and look for what you are here for" said the bracelet as he reminded Jason of their mission.

Taking a walk around as he begins to search for records that had to deal with breakthrough and body refining and were able to pick a few books as he head to an empty sit as he got through the record and to his shock, what was written inside was exactly what the bracelet said and there are some of the options that were not recorded like Absorbing the essence from the beast core directly.

"Looks like there is no other option open for you kid" said the bracelet.

"Looks like I will have to start killing beast then taking their core for my cultivation use or I can go buy some in the market which is easier except for the part that I have to pay for them" reply Jason with a sigh.

"Killing a beast is the most effective since you will be only absorbing the essence stored inside and you will be killing two birds with one stone" said the bracelet.

"But how am I supposed to kill two birds with one stone when I can't protect myself down there" asked Jason with a frown on his face.

"You still have me remember, finding those that are weaker than you shouldn't be a big deal for me" replied the bracelet in assurance.

"Then how am I supposed to dodge the grand elder after promising not to go into the beast territory again" asked Jason.

"You can just go without telling him" replied the bracelet.

"If I should go, then it will be well known that I went back to the beast territory and with his strength, charging in to get me out for a beating will be an easy task for him" said Jason as he with a fearful look on his face.

"You will have to think of a way for you to go without him knowing" replied the bracelet.

"I heard you but before I could do that, I think I should take the opportunity that was presented to me to go through some books" said Jason.

"Good idea since I am already getting tired of dealing with a dumb kid" commented the bracelet.

"You are looking for a fight now huh" said Jason.

"But it is the truth. Why don't you go search for records about some technique since there should be some stored him" replied the bracelet.

Getting up as he begin to around from one shelf to another in search of a technique but couldn't find any and was getting tired of it but that all change when he saw an old record with a faint glow at a place where no one would have ever thought something was kept there. Making his way to the spot where the book was kept as he stretched his hand forward to pick it and the moment his hand came in contact with the book, he felt strength leaving him as he begin to see things blurry while swaying around.

"Hey, Jason are you okay" asked the bracelet when he saw the way Jason was acting.

"I don't know what is happening to me, I just feel dry of energy and where did the book go" said Jason as he couldn't see the book anymore.

"Who cares where it went, all that matters right now is how to get you back to being fit since we don't what is happening to you" replied the bracelet.

"I think I will just head home and rest. Maybe I will go back to the way I used to after a day of rest" said Jason.

"Good idea but do you think you will be able to walk home in this state" asked the bracelet worriedly.

"I think I can manage" reply Jason as he begin to walk towards where he sat to read when he suddenly fell on the ground unconscious.

The library attendant was just walking by when he saw someone lying on the ground as he went close to check if the reader is dead but felt his pulse was getting weak as he begin to panic and called for all personal to call that a reader was dying. Reaching where the voice of the library attendant was, the rest were shocked to see that a kid was lying on the ground and the guard who let him in was the first to speak out.

"What happened to the kid".

"I don't know, I just saw him lying here" replied the library attendant.

Squatting on the ground as he places his finger on Jason's neck to feel his pulse only for him to notice that his aura is dropping by the second.

"We need to take him to the grand elder in the alchemy room" said the guard as he quickly picked Jason up and ran out of the library.

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