Unrivaled Under The Heaven

Chapter 69 - The Halberd

Ignoring the matter with his sister, the grand elder requested him to write the recipe down, and doing as he had been told, Jason wrote it down before passing it to the grand elder to take a look at it.

Going through the content that was written inside, a frown was drawn on his face and Jason noticing this couldn't help but ask.

"So do you think that you can make the pill".

"It will be very troublesome and tiring for me but I believe that as long as the ingredients are complete, I will be able to make it" replied the grand elder.

"I hope they are among the batch that will be sent to the family" said Jason with a sigh.

"Big brother, what pill are you trying to make here" asked Hannah.

"I am trying to make a pill that will cure mother of the illness that has been troubling her" replied Jason with a smile on his face.

Hearing her brother talking about curing their mother, tears begin to flow from her eyes. Seeing his sister crying, Jason used his hand to wipe the tears off his eyes.

"You are no longer a kid so stop crying" said Jason with a smile.

Keeping the recipe in his robe, the grand elder begins with his work while the others watch from behind and after he is done with refining the pills, he gives them some before going to take his seat. Leaving the alchemy room after they were done cleaning the place, Jason took Hannah to the library.

"Big brother, what are we doing here" asked Hannah confused as to why her brother would come to the library.

"Your big brother is here to look for a book" replied Jason as he began to look for the book. Searching from one shelf to another as he was not able to find the book.

"Where could it be" mutters Jason to him.

"I told you it is no longer in this place but you won't listen. Keep on searching, maybe you will see it when the sun goes down" replied the bracelet in mockery.

"I guess I will just leave you here to help me search for the book" said Jason before walking out of the library. 

While leaving the library, the library attendant and the guard couldn't help but turn to look at him while he was leaving.

"He seems okay to me" said the library attendant after much observation.

"Yeah, maybe the grand elder has cured him of whatever that is wrong with him.

After leaving the library they went home and that is how the day ended and the next day and day after was spent in the alchemy room until it became the tenth day where he headed straight to the blacksmith to get his weapon.

"So is my weapon ready yet or do you want me to wait for more days before you hand it over to me" asked Jason as he walked into the room.

"It would be ready in a bit" replies the dwarf as he continues to hammer away at what he is waiting for.

"What a forger you are to make your customers wait for their weapon to be made" said Jason with a sigh.

The dwarf clenched his teeth together as he tried to stop himself from cursing at the annoying brat in front of him knowing who was behind him. After he was done hammering away, the dwarf placed the weapon into a drum of water before placing it down on the table.

"Finally I am done with these annoying brat weapons mutter the dwarf as he wipes the beads of sweat from his head.

"Is that my weapon you are hammering just now" asked Jason as he got up from where he sat to look at the weapon.

"Yes that is your weapon that I have been working on for days now kid, and let me tell you it took me two good days to finally break it down" replied the dwarf.

Looking at the weapon on the table, Jason couldn't help but ask with a frown on his face.

"What is this thing you made me".

"That is a halberd you are looking at" replied the dwarf with a proud look on his face.

"This is not what I asked for, so why did you make me this" asked Jason as he pointed at the halberd which looks like an axe with a pointing tip that looks like a spear.

"You told me to make you a spear and I made you one with two parts" replied the dwarf before picking the halberd up as he pointed it forward.

Making a light swing of the halberd before placing it back on the table.

"With this, you will be able to attack your enemy while dealing damage more powerful than a sword and also defend yourself against any attack" said the dwarf with a smile on his face.

"Okay, I think I can deal with that but why did you have to go as far as to make my weapon look uglier than what I told you to do" asked Jason.

"Ain't you the one that told me to make it look ugly to avoid your peers to not place it in their eyes so why are you complaining" replied the dwarf with a sad look on his face.

"That is because you made it look really ugly that what I expected, now tell me how am I supposed to walk around carrying this ugly halberd as a weapon, do you want me to look like a fool before my peers" said Jason.

"Alright that is it, I have had enough of all this nonsense. Since I am done making your weapon as promised, you may now take your leave before I mess you up with my tools" replied the dwarf who couldn't take it anymore as he brought out the hammer he used in forging.

"Hey take it easy man I was only playing with you, do I look like someone who is not satisfied with your excellent work" said Jason as he took a step back with a smile on his face.

"I don't care if you are joking or not, I just want you out of my workshop" yelled the dwarf in anger.

"Hey calm down man, I am here to talk to you about a proposal" said Jason seeing that if he didn't speak up quickly, he would be kicked out of the workshop.

Hearing that Jason has a proposal for him, the dwarf stops yelling as he places the hammer down before asking. 

"What proposal is that and it has to be something good else I will beat the hell out of you before kicking you out of this place not minding if you are the grand elder disciple".

"Well I am not his disciple actually, but back to what I have to say. I will be going out to train in the wild and I was thinking of letting you have the materials I acquired while I am in my trying as long as you agreed to make me something out of it" replied Jason.

"I can't just make you stuff kid, it will depend on the materials that you can find while you are in your training" said the dwarf as he finally put the hammer away.

"Alright then since it will depend on the materials I was able to get my hands on, then I will have to sell the ones that won't be useful to me at a discount price to you" Jason suggested with a smile.

"No problem since it will save me all the trouble of going from one place to the other in search of materials" agreed the dwarf as he extended his hand forward to have a handshake with Jason which signifies their partnership.

"I almost forgot, do you have one of those things that are used to store items because I don't have any with me" said Jason with an awkward laugh.

"Since we are now working together, you can have one of my storage ring" replied the dwarf before taking out his storage ring and passing it to Jason.

"Holding the ring in his hand, Jason quickly gave it a good look before keeping it in his robe which confused the dwarf.

"Why are you keeping it hidden instead of wearing it on your hand" asked the dwarf.

"That is because I don't want those from the family to snatch it from me" replied Jason before picking the halberd up and wrapping a cloth around it before hanging it behind him before walking out.

Walking out of the blacksmith shop with a wide smile on his face, Jason walks back to the alchemy room as he can't wait to show off his halberd to the grand elder and Austin.

"So you finally made up your mind to go into the beast territory" asked the bracelet with a light chuckle.

"It's about time I make a breakthrough" replied Jason.

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