Unrivaled Under The Heaven

Chapter 70 - Fear My Return

"So what option are you going to pick kid" asked the bracelet.

"I will be going for both the blood and core of the beast that I slay" replied Jason.

"I don't think your body will be able to handle that amount of energy so stop being a greedy kid" said the bracelet.

"It is not me being greedy but trying to meet up so that I won't be left behind to sit with the grand elder all day when I should be having fun exploring a ruin" reply Jason.

"I know you really want to go but that will not be possible if you end up harming yourself" said the bracelet.

"Can we stop talking about me getting injured here and let's not forget that you are the one that came up with the idea in the first place" reply Jason.

"And you are the one that asked me if there is a way for you to make a breakthrough into the foundation realm, so why are you putting the blame on me" asked the bracelet.

"Things would have been different if you just told me about either of the two options but you didn't" replied Jason.

Continuing on his way to the alchemy room while he argued with the bracelet, it didn't take him much time before he got there where he saw Austin meditating. Not wasting the time that was presented to him to shine, Jason took the wrapped halberd from his back before unwrapping it.

"Hey Austin take a look at my new weapon" called out Jason as he slammed the tail of the floor while creating a crack on it.

Austin couldn't help but smile when he saw where Jason had landed his weapon on without Jason noticing it.

"Looks like you can't live a day without causing trouble. Well let's see how the grand elder is going to handle this matter" said Austin as he couldn't stop himself from laughing.

"What has gotten into him for him to act this way" said Jason to himself as he don't understand why Austin is acting strange. 

"Hey kid takes a good look at where you drop the halberd, I think you need to learn to control your strength" advises the bracelet.

Shifting his gaze to where the tail of the halberd is only for him to see a crack in its wake and it is a big crack at that.

"I am doomed, how am I supposed to explain what happened here to the grand elder" said Jason as he just stood there looking at the crack.

"What is going on here" asked the grand elder as he walked in only to stop on his track as he looked at the crack below the halberd.

"I can explain to the grand elder, it was never intentional" replied Jason when he saw the look on the grand elder's face.

"I see that you now have a new weapon and have yet to control your strength" said the grand elder as he continued to look at the crack before lifting his eyes on the halberd.

"It is just as you said grand elder, I just dropped it not knowing that it will cause this amount of damage" replied Jason with a bow.

"What an ugly halberd this is, I don't see the need for you to show me such an ugly thing" commented Austin as he continued to laugh.

"How about we have a look at what this new weapon of yours can do" said the grand elder as he ignored Austin.

"I don't want to waste much of your time so I will try it out when I have free time" replied Jason.

"I won't force you kid but it would be more beneficial for you if you let me try it out with you" said the grand elder.

"Maybe another time" replied Jason as he kept the halberd back on his back.

"Whatever you say kid and as for that crack, you better think of a way to fix it" said the grand elder before going back to relax on his chair.

After keeping the halberd, Jason began to work on the crack until he was completely done fixing it before he turned to Austin who was laughing at him earlier.

"Since you were laughing like a fool earlier I think you might be looking for a fight, so if you are still interested in battling with me then why don't we go for a little spark" asked Jason with a smile on his face.

"I can see that you have really become arrogant these days and with a new toy in hand, your arrogance knows no bounds but like every other day, I will still come out on top as the victor" replied Austin.

"Talking is cheap, why don't we let our fist do the talking" said Jason as he clenched his face.

Austin was just about to get up and approach Jason when the grand elder voice echoed from where he was resting.

"If you two want to fight that badly, then you can do that when you are out of here and not when you are at work" said the grand elder voice.

After being warned by the grand elder, Jason left to do his thing by the side while Austin went back to his meditation. While he was meditating for hours, it was finally time for him to breakthrough. Still with his eyes closed, Austin began to absorb more energy until he couldn't anymore and that is when a shockwave left his body as it went a furnace but before it could get to the furnace, a barrier that was made from spiritual energy rose up and the shockwave slam into the barrier as it went out without making a sound.

"I see that you finally made a breakthrough into the seventh layer of tempered body" said the grand elder as he walked out with his hand behind his back.

"Wait did he just breakthrough" asked Jason in surprise.

"Yes I did Jason and now I am not that far from reaching the foundation realm unlike you hahaha" laughed Austin after replying to Jason.

"I hope you have the face to endure the insult when I beat you to becoming a foundation realm practitioner" said Jason.

"Enough you two, Austin I believe now that you have made a breakthrough, your father will be willing to spend resources on you, so use it to your advantage and don't slack in your training" said the grand elder.

"I won't let the resources my father would give me stop me from training since it was by training my body to the extreme that I was able to achieve my breakthrough" replied Austin.

"That's the spirit kid, now all that is left for you to do is make a breakthrough into the foundation realm and you will have taken your spot" encouraged the grand elder while stroking his beards.

"I will try my best grand elder" said Austin with a bow.

"And as for you Jason, I see that you are not interested in going with the others so be prepared to be my loyal assistant" said the grand elder to Jason who was just watching from the side.

"How do you expect me to make a breakthrough like him when I don't have anyone backing me not to talk about the time to train" asked Jason.

"I know you are going to use that as an excuse since you are not a member of the family but still you should be able to make it before the time to set out so stop being lazy" reply the grand elder.

"I am not being lazy the thing is I don't have much time to practice" said Jason with a sigh.

"If you don't have enough time to practice, then make one yourself. You have all the time in the world so just provide some result instead of complaining" reply the grand elder.

"Wait you mean I can actually take the time off until I have achieved a breakthrough into the foundation realm" asked Jason.

"Yes since you are going to use working here as an excuse, it is better you just stay at home until the appointed time" replied the grand elder.

"Alright then, since you have already given me permission to take a break at work, I will do my best to make a breakthrough before the time to set out but before that, can you lend me some pills to help with injuries since I am going to take an intense training" said Jason with a happy look on his face.

"Here this should be enough for training but just in case it is not enough, you can always come back for more" said the grand elder as he passed Jason a mini bag that is filled with pills.

"Thank you grand elder and as for you Austin, fear my return" said Jason in excitement before taking his leave.

"Why do I feel like I have made a big mistake" said the grand elder as he watch Jason walking away happily.

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