Unrivaled Under The Heaven

Chapter 74 - Four-arm Kangaroo

Waking in the night in search of a beast that is sleeping, Jason went deep into the beast's territory only to see a beast with a higher realm but all thanks to the bracelet, he was able to avoid them. Searching for about thirty minutes there was no sight of beast which gets Jason worried if he will be able to get any beast core with the way things are going.

"Where in hell are these beasts hiding" asked Jason with his head moving from one side to another in search of beast.

"This is what I am talking about, unlike the weaker beast, they make sure to protect themselves while they are sleeping in a place that matches the color of their skin, making it difficult to be seen while others are sleeping in the trees. So the best time for you to hunt them would be in the daytime unless you plan to battle with those beasts that hunt at night" replied the bracelet.

"How am I supposed to hunt those beasts when I can barely see now" said Jason.

"Then I suggest you look for a place to rest until the sun sets before continuing with the hunt" replied the bracelet.

"I think that is what I will do" said Jason before looking for a place to rest.

And it didn't take him too long to see a place to lay down but the problem here is that a beast has already taken the spot as its resting ground. The moment Jason stepped foot on the ground, the beast quickly opened its eyes as it let out a grunt before standing up showing its humanoid features.

The beast that Jason came in contact with was a four-arm muscular kangaroo with fangs hanging out from the side of its teeth. Looking at the beast in front of him, the first word that came out of Jason was.

'I am doomed'

"Hey you bastard, this is your work right. Trying to get me killed" said Jason as he turned tail and ran away.

"I did know there was a beast hiding here and for it to be able to conceal its energy, its realm may be in the foundation realm" replied the bracelet.

"There is no way I am going to last against such a beast even if Austin was to team up with me, we'll still be unable to defeat it" said Jason. 

Seeing the human running away, the kangaroo begins to give chase while throwing things at him but he was able to avoid getting hit and continue to run for his life.

"While is that stupid beast chasing after me when it should be sleeping" said Jason in fear as he continued to run.

"How do you expect it to go back to sleep when there is food in front of its face" replied the bracelet.

"Since there is food in front of it, then why can't it just lay down and enjoy its meal" said Jason in annoyance.

"How can it enjoy its meal when the meal is moving" replied the bracelet with a light laugh.

"If the meal can't stay in place then it should hit it with something then" said Jason.

"Hahaha, you are it meal kid and if you really want it to have its meal, then stop running and lay down for it to eat you up" replied the bracelet as he couldn't stop himself from laughing. 

"Damn you beast, just you wait after I become a foundation realm expert, I am coming for your head" said Jason in anger as he made a run for it.

"Instead of you shutting your mouth and running for your life, you are trying to make the beast angrier. It seems to me that you really want to die so badly" replied the bracelet.

"A real man will not go and attack his enemy from behind; instead he will inform them beforehand and let them prepare for what is to come" said Jason.

"Well let's just hope you will be able to come out of this in one piece real man" replied Jason.

"Of course I will be able to as long as I can get to the safe zone" said Jason with a smile.

"You would have run out of steam before getting there since you will have to concentrate while running for your life to find the location" replied the bracelet.

"That was the plan that I had earlier, you see I have already memorized the way back so it won't be a problem for me" said Jason.

"Now I see why you were willing to go after a strong beast, you are depending on that horned leopard home for protection" commented the bracelet.

"You have said it all, and as long as the mother won't be coming to look for it cub, I will be safe there" replied Jason.

After running for some minutes, Jason was able to make her way back to the safe zone as we may call it for now. Sitting on the grass while breathing heavily as he looked at the kangaroo as he waited to see what its next move would be.

"It seems to be hesitating whether to enter or not" said the bracelet.

"You don't need to worry about that stupid beast, it might look terrifying but it won't be so daring to come here" replied Jason with a smile on his face.

"I doubt it, just take a look at its eyes you will see that there is no sign of fear" said the bracelet.

"If it is not afraid of coming inside then while is it still standing outside" asked Jason as he got up from the ground getting ready to run.

"Maybe it doesn't want to share its meal with the horned leopard which means it will be waiting for you to come outside" replied the bracelet.

"Since it did not know about the horned leopard's death, then I don't have to worry myself over nothing" said Jason with a sigh.

Now looking at the beast, Jason couldn't help but stick his tongue out as he made a funny face at the beast which enraged it as it hopped up before charging into the safe leaving Jason speechless as he turned tail and ran again. 

"Why do you have to go and provoke the beast" asked the bracelet.

"I wasn't trying to provoke it, I was just trying to make it laugh" replied Jason while running.

"Well now that it is laughing, while don't you stand your ground am playing with it" suggested the bracelet.

"I would play with it if it were to be a bit weaker" said Jason almost in tears.

"You need to think of a way to outrun the beast before the others get involved" suggested the bracelet.

"What do you think I should do then" asked Jason.

"Turn around and fight like a real man" replied the bracelet.

"You know I can't beat this beast" said Jason with a frown when he heard the bracelet reply.

"I am not asking you to kill it, all you just have to do is to try and weaken it" replied the bracelet.

Thinking about the bracelet plan and knowing fully well that he could weaken the beast if he were to put his heart in it, Jason stop running as he brought out the halberd and seeing the human finally ready to face, the kangaroo placed it fist in front of it face before smashing them together happily.

"Just because you have four muscular arms doesn't mean that I am scared of you" said Jason before charging at the kangaroo.

Swinging the halberd at the kangaroo only for the kangaroo to use its hand as a weapon to block the attack before throwing the other fist at Jason who couldn't react on time and get hit which forced him to create a distance between them.

"I don't think this beast is any different from the other beast" said Jason as he tries to endure the pain that he is going through.

"You got that right, those hands have been tempered through many battles so unless it is a treasure that you are using to attack it, I don't think you will be able to cause any damage to those hands" replied the bracelet.

"And how am I supposed to fight it since I am not using a treasure? What am I supposed to do" asked Jason as he continued to avoid the kangaroo attack.

"Go for it stomach, although it is not going to be an easy thing since you will have to defend yourself against its attack" replied the bracelet.

Having a plan in mind, Jason continued to dodge the kangaroo attack as he aimed to strike its stomach but the problem he was having now was how is he going to do that when the kangaroo has another arm ready to strike at any time the opportunity to present itself.

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