Unrivaled Under The Heaven

Chapter 75 - Who Is Your Master

Not having the thought of taking a blow from the kangaroo since it will only cause him great damage, Jason begins to avoid its attack as fast as he can and at the same time tries to land a hit at the kangaroo but when he finds an opening, the other two arms will be there to interval making it difficult for him to land a hit and dodging the kangaroo attack is becoming difficult for him to dodge since he is not able to predict when the kangaroo will be using its other hand.

Pinning the halberd on the ground as he launched himself into the air to deliver a kick on the chest of the kangaroo which only caused it to stagger before gaining its balance.

"Man I can't believe it is going to be this difficult to even land a hit on this beast, tell me who taught you how to fight like that" said Jason as he distanced himself from the beast. 

"Why are you asking, do you plan to learn from its master" asked the bracelet.

"Is there anything wrong with that" replied Jason with a question. 

"Not at all you can learn how to fight like that after you have entered its stomach" said the bracelet with a light laugh.

"Then I will have to look for another master since I am not ready to go in there yet" replied Jason with a smile.

"So do you have a plan on how to slow the beast down or are you just going to stand there and fight it out with it" asked the bracelet.

"I have thrown all options out since I can't even land a hit on it" replied Jason with a sigh.

"It seems to me that you have learned to become dependent to the extent that you cant do things on your own" said the bracelet.

"Can't you see that the situation is unlike the other ones for me to take seriously since any wrong move I made will be the cause of my death" replies Jason.

"You lack fighting intent boy, if I remember correctly when you were battling the other kids during the tournament, you never give up even when you knew that it will be impossible for you to win instead you keep thinking of what to do while taking a beating. So while are you acting like a baby, where is your motivation to win kid" asked the bracelet with an intense voice.

"I am still the old me alright, and as you can see, I am trying to think of a way to get the beast down" yelled Jason out of anger.

"Then prove it instead of waiting until you ran out of energy" said the bracelet.

Taking a deep breath to calm himself down since he wants to avoid making mistakes out of being enraged, Jason begins to think about all the fights he has gone through and how he has come up on top including the ones he had after coming to the beast territory and that is when he remembered that he still has the liquid that he took from the spiky frog and a smile crawled onto his face. 

"Haha nice one, I think there is a way for me to do away with this fighting maniac and not just to cause a minor injury but to take it live" said Jason with a bright smile on his face.

"That is the spirit kid, coming here was not just for the purpose for you to get strong, it is also for you to learn how to survive in a dangerous situation without depending on others for help since they won't be there for you all the time" praised the bracelet.

"I know I cant depend on others for help but to trust myself since we got no one but ourselves at the end of the day" said Jason with a smile.

"So this plan of yours, do you mind sharing it with me and how sure are you that it will be enough for you to kill the beast" asked the bracelet.

"The probability that it will work is quite high as long as I can complete the task which is to use the liquid that I got from the spiky frog" replied Jason with a mischievous smile.

"That is quite an idea you have there kid, do you see how important for you to also take whatever you can since you don't know what you will face later on. Just imagine what would you have done if you have refused to take the liquid" asked the bracelet.

"I wouldn't have been this opportuned" replied with a laugh.

Throwing the halberd away, Jason raised his hand into a fist as he took a fighting stance and seeing the human was still full of energy, the kangaroo hopped up before going forward at Jason who also make his move as he threw his fist forward at the beast but quickly withdraw it before their fist could clash as he slid behind the kangaroo and did a swiping move bringing the kangaroo down but before he could get closed to it, it has already done a kick up.

"Come on, why don't you introduce me to your master" said Jason almost in tears.

"You know it can't hear you and by the way, it seems to be enjoying the fight" replied the bracelet.

"It can have it fun for now since it is going to die soon enough" said Jason before going for the beast. 

They begin to exchange blows with both sides doing their best to avoid getting hit as they continue to throw blows at each other. After doing his best to avoid getting hit, Jason failed to see the next blow coming from the arm that the kangaroo has not been using and took a hit in the stomach which brought him down but before the kangaroo could think of making a move, Jason's legs were already crossed between its leg as it was brought down.

Rolling to the side of the kangaroo fell as he deliver an elbow attack at the jaw of the beast before rolling to the side. 

"Finally I was able to land a hit on this fighting maniac" said Jason in excitement.

Getting up from the ground with an angry look on its face was the kangaroo as it spat to the side which a tooth flew out. And seeing the beast in this state, Jason couldn't help but feel a chill run down his spine as the kangaroo charged at him at a lighting speed as he was launched into the air before a punch follow up as he was sent crashing into the ground.

"Who would have thought that it wasn't taking me seriously this whole time" said Jason as he struggled to get up from the ground but he didn't have the time as the kangaroo hopped on top of him causing him to cough up blood.

The kangaroo hopped off him after the attack and stood to see if the human will be getting up and to it surprise, Jason was already up with blood flowing from the edge of his lip as he placed one of the pills that was given to him by the grand elder into his mouth to heal his injuries.

"Good thing I asked the grand elder for some pills else who knows what must have happened to me by now" said Jason with a smile as he wipe the bloodstain from his mouth.

"Lucky your body has been refined else you wouldn't need those pills since it will be impossible for you to get up from that kick" replied the bracelet.

Seeing that the human is up and doesn't seem to be injured even after it has stomped on him. Letting steam off its nose, the kangaroo charged at him but unknowing to the kangaroo, Jason was holding a container behind him as he threw it at the kangaroo while creating space between the two of them.

"Now let's see how you are going to stand out of this one" said Jason with a smirk on his face as he watched the kangaroo screaming in agony while running around the place. 

"Looks like you succeeded with your plan kid, now all that is left for you to do is wait for the beast to take its last breath" commented the bracelet.

"Yeah, and I hope it won't take too long for it to die cause I can't wait to take it blood and core" replied Jason.

After running for a while in pain, the kangaroo ran into a tree and fell on the ground where it struggle for about fifteen minutes before it stop moving. Walking toward the kangaroo as he looks at the kangaroo which some part of its body has holes that were caused by the liquid.

"Just look how nasty it looks, if it were not for the fact that I need it blood and core for my growth, I wouldn't have been so brave as to lay my hand on it" said Jason in disgust.

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