Unrivaled Under The Heaven

Chapter 79 - Discovery

Looking at the state he was in,Jason couldn't help but let out a long sigh before tossing a pill into his mouth as he begin to recuperate. It didn't take him much time before the effect of the pill runs out making him take a look at his leg once more to see if there is still a wound but to his surprise, the wound was still there but it has healed a little. 

"How do I get into this mess once again" asked Jason with a bitter smile on his face as he tries to make it seem like he is not in pain. 

"If we were to recount from the time I warned you to let the little beast go until the time the mother gets involved, you will notice that it was quite exciting" joked the bracelet.

"Yeah now look where the excitement has landed me" said Jason with a chuckle.

"You need to get that leg healed before you get attacked by another beast" advised the bracelet.

"I am contemplating here, how many pills will be needed for the wound to heal and what will be left of the pills" said Jason as he bought the pouch that the pills were stored as he begin to count how many were left.

"You can worry about that later since you won't be able to use them once you are dead" replied the bracelet as he reminded him that he is not in a safe environment.

"I guess I will have to take two to see if it will be enough" said Jason before taking two pills from the pill as he threw it on his mouth and shut his eyes as he went into meditation. 

It took him an hour and some minutes for him to complete used up the pill and the wound was still there but was already getting healed up. Taking another two pills which finally heal up the wound as he rose and look at the beast still laying on the ground.

"Now that I have dealt with the issue of my leg, let us move on to the next task" said Jason excitedly as he walked towards the beast.

Taking out the dagger once more as he stabs it into the body of the beast before placing his hand on top of the beast for support and that is when his hand begins to glow again and blood begins to spill out of the body of the beast before converging together and sip into his pores which later result to him screaming in pain as more blood continue to flow into his poles. While all this is happening, the body of the beast was letting out steam while the body is getting dried up. After the whole blood has been absorbed into his body, all that was left of the beast was its skeleton that seems to turn to dust if it was touched.

Letting out a deep breath as he fall on the ground while facing the sky with a happy smile on his face.

"I guess I have a linking to how this glow works" said Jason as he continue to breathe heavily.

"So the only way that you will be able to use that power is when you killed a beast that is stronger than you" question the bracelet as he still thinks the same way because Jason has been hunting weaker beasts to experiment on but nothing happens until he killed the buffet.

"I am not certain that's how it works but I think it is the only clue we have right now but there is another problem" said Jason.

"And what could that be" asked the bracelet.

"Do you think the absorption is only limited to beast or are humans also included" replied Jason with a puzzled look on his face. 

"It is not certain yet, I hope you are not thinking of trying it on humans boy" asked the bracelet.

"Nope but if the opportunity should present itself I will eventually" replied Jason with a laugh.

"I hope you are not going into the wrong path kid" said the bracelet with a sigh.

Jason just laughs it out as he continues to rest since it was not easy to endure the pain of your skin heating like it is going to bust. After resting for a good long time, Jason finally got up as he turned to look at the beast only for him to twitch his mouth as he said.

"Well, I was expecting that. Good thing I manage to secure one of its horns before its death".

"So now what" asked the bracelet when he say Jason was up.

"For now I am going to take a nap since it is already getting dark then look for a beast that is not that strong to use as a test" replied Jason as he walk out of the place before looking for a safe place to rest. 

The next morning.

Jason was already out searching for a beast and after absorbing the blood of the beast, Jason received a boost in his cultivate which gave him the motivation to go after beasts and coming in contact with a beast that was a bit stronger than him which he struggles against before he was finally able to kill the beast before placing his palm on the beast which caused his hand to glow with the blood of the beast surging into his body along with the pain that goes together with it.

After confirming that the only way to activate the glow was by killing a stronger beast, Jason couldn't help but yell in excitement for once he has found an easy way to reach the foundation realm except for the problem of killing the beast.

"So now that you have found the trick to activating that strange power, what are you going to do" asked the bracelet.

"I will be going after stronger beast if I want to beat Austin to the bet before the opening of the ruin" replied Jason with a wide smile on his face. 

"I thought you have forgotten about that since you haven't shown any sign that you are taking it seriously when all you do is go after weaker beast" said the bracelet.

"That is Just me trying to see how powerful I am" replied Jason.

"And by attacking weaker beast is the best way to test your strength" asked the bracelet.

"Well it was the easiest way since facing off against those mighty beasts will be classified as suicide" replied Jason.

"But you were able to hold your ground against them and you have always ended up as the victor" said the bracelet.

"Well the first time was all thanks to the external while the rest was a fluke" replied Jason.

"There is no way you are going to call that a fluke for it was by your endurance that you were able to make it this far" said the beast. 

"Well whatever, I am going to hunt for more beasts in other to boost my cultivation" said Jason in anticipation as he jump off the tree into another in search of a beast to use as fuel to boost his cultivation.

Moving from one branch to another in search of a beast, Jason would have been in a fight with more than ten beasts whose realm was far higher than his were it not for bracelet who has been guarding him.

After managing to find a beast, Jason went into a fight with a beast that came out of nowhere and tried to bite his leg off but he was able to react on time resulting in the beast missing its target. After killing the beast Jason absorbed its blood as usual until there was nothing left for him to absorb.

"Here I am thinking that I will be able to make a breakthrough into the eighth layer of tempered body" said Jason with a sigh.

"If it were that easy to breakthrough to another realm, then you would have seen a lot of experts patrolling the fox territory with their shoulders raised high" replied the bracelet

"It should be easy alright. Even with the use of the heavens law, I still couldn't breakthrough into the eighth layer of tempered body" said Jason.

"Well at least you have made a lot of progress compared to when you started cultivating the heavens law" replied the bracelet.

"You are saying I am making progress but when will I be able to understand the earth and move into the next stage" asked Jason.

"Soon kid, don't just rush it, '' replied the bracelet with a sigh.

"It's getting long enough and you are telling me not to reach it. Why don't you just let me in on the secret of understanding the earth" said Jason in anger.

"How I wish I could but I can't since I will be hindering your growth" replied the bracelet.

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