Unrivaled Under The Heaven

Chapter 80 - Going Back

After their discussion, Jason went for a rest before continuing with his hunt and he didn't only hunt stronger beasts since he also needed more so the weaker ones were also hunted down. 

A year later.

Deep inside the beast territory, where there was silence lies the skeleton of a beast with a young man who has long hair that went all the way down to his knee squatting close to the beast motionless before his body began to move. 

"Ah finally I am now a fully pledged foundation realm practitioner" said Jason with a smile on his face. 

"Congratulations kid, it has been a long rough year but you finally did" praised the bracelet.

"Yeah, it has really been a rough year living amid those savage beasts" replied Jason as he stood up and looked at the sky with his hands spread.

"Now all that you need to do is go back before you get left behind" said the bracelet.

"There is no way I am going to miss it for the world" replied Jason with a smile on his face before continuing.

"I can't wait to see the shocking look in the face of Austin when he sees that I have made it into the foundation realm before him". 

"I am sure he will be speechless when he sees you" said the bracelet with a laugh.

Taking a deep breath as he begins to survey his surroundings before walking away with the halberd hanging on his shoulders. While he was walking out of the beast's territory, he came in contact with some beast but they quickly flew away in fear. There was one time that he walked into the resting ground of a powerful beast and instead of the beast attacking him, it quickly got up and walked away.

"It seems like the whole beast is scared of you kid" said the bracelet with a chuckle.

"It is only a fool that wants its blood drained out of its body will be so foolish to come at me" replied Jason seriously.

"Haha, I still remember when you came here to begin the hunt you always depended on me for protection but now you don't even need me to walk back home" said the bracelet with a laugh.

"It is what you called growing up. I can't believe that there will come a day where I will be able to walk freely in the beast territory" replied Jason.

"Be careful kid, deep down in the beast territory lies where the real monsters are" said the bracelet as he reminded him that he has not gone deep into the beast territory.

"Yeah I know and it won't be long before I go there to hunt for more resources" replied Jason.

"I can see that mysterious glow has gotten into you but I hope it is for the better" Said the bracelet.

"Who cares, as long as I will be able to cover for my lack of resources I am okay with it" replied Jason as he continued to walk out of the beast's territory.

After journeying out of the beast territory in three hours as he stood a foot out of the beast territory, Jason turned around to look at the beast territory with a sad look on his face as if he was unwilling to leave. 

"So sad that I have to leave those precious resources too early" said Jason with a sigh.

After lamenting for some time, Jason turned around as he continued to walk back to the fox family territory until he finally arrived and the first thing he did was to visit the blacksmith. Going through the market since it was the closest path to go there, Jason was amazed by how the whole place was bustling with people who came to get their needs, and whenever get closed to him, they couldn't help but take a closer look at him as he looks like a mad person due to how he was dressed in tattered clothes with the stinky smell that is coming from his body.

"Why are they looking at me like that" said Jason with a confused look on his face. 

"Did you take a good look at yourself before deciding to come here" asked the bracelet.

"Not really, is there anything wrong with the way I look" replied Jason with his question.

"You kind of look messy kid" said the bracelet.

And just like the bracelet has said, Jason has not had the time to take his bath, and fighting with the beast all the time has made his clothes end up with holes all over it. 

"Since when did an insane person be allowed to come in here" said a lady who walked past him and couldn't help but speak when her nostril was assaulted by a foul smell.

"It is your father, mother, and relative that is insane and that is if they are still alive" cursed Jason as he stared at the lady like a madman.

"He even has a foul smell coming out of his mouth" said the lady with a hand on her nose as she ran away.

Looking at the lady as she stormed away when grumbling and he couldn't help but shake his head as he let out a sigh before saying. 

"Let's be quick with this before more people begin to get angry at me".

"You should be happy that no one recognizes you since your hair has grown so long" commented the bracelet.

Making ease to the blacksmith shop before someone will recognize him. After getting to the blacksmith shop, Jason didn't bother to knock before walking in as he saw the dwarf hammering away as usual.

"Hey, how is work going" said Jason with a smile. 

The dwarf stopped hammering as he turned around to see who it was that came into his shop without knocking, only for him to see a young man with a ragged close smiling at him and the dwarf couldn't help but wear a frown on his face.

"What is a madman doing in my workshop" said the dwarf as he picked his hammer up before walking forward as he was ready to hammer the living hell out of the madman.

Seeing the angry look on the face of the dwarf, Jason couldn't but stop smiling as he quickly tried to explain himself but before he could even say a word, the dwarf was already on the move as he swung the hammer down skillfully at Jason as he was ready to smash him out of his workshop.

"Hey what are you trying to do partner" asked Jason as he ducked to the side to avoid the attack.

"Partner indeed" replied the dwarf with killing intent in his eyes as he continued to swing his hand on Jason.

"Stop it will you or do you want me to fight back" said Jason in anger that the dwarf still dares to attack him even when he is trying to explain himself.

"Don't hold back you freak" yelled the dwarf as he swung the hammer down with full force.

Seeing the dwarf still attacking him, Jason was left with no choice but to fight back as he pulled the halberd out to defend himself against the attack. When Jason brought the halberd out, the dwarf stopped his attack midair as he stared at Jason in shock before putting it down. 

"Is that you, what happened to you for you to be like a madman" asked the dwarf.

"Finally you are ready to talk, and about the way I am looking right now, it is due to the training I told you about" replied Jason with a sigh as he put the halberd away.

"I see so how was your training in the wild, did you manage to bring me any treasures" asked the dwarf with a smile on his face. 

"Of course I did although they are not the best one could call a treasure but at least they are still something" replied Jason with a smile as he passed the storage ring to the dwarf.

Taking the storage ring from Jason, the dwarf begins to search the storage ring looking at the content that was inside with a happy expression on his face before taking his eyes off the ring before saying to Jason. 

"They sure are valuable treasures and anyone who has an interest in collecting resources will pay a huge price to get them".

"So do you think you can make something out of them" asked Jason.

"Although they are valuable resources, they can only be used to supplement any weapon" replied the dwarf.

"So how much are you willing to pay for them" asked Jason.

"I am willing to pay you two hundred spirit stones for all of them but I won't be able to pay you right now since I am short on funds" replied the dwarf before putting the storage ring in his robe.

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