Unrivaled Under The Heaven

Chapter 81 - Lamenting About The Past

Understanding that it was quite natural for that dwarf not to have the money with him since he came unexpectedly, Jason just asked with a smile. 

"So how many spirit stones do you have with you". 

"I should have up to fifty if I am not mistaking" replied the dwarf.

"I will have that for the main time, maybe by tomorrow I will come over to get the remaining balance" said Jason with a smile. 

The dwarf also agreed to it as he passed a pouch that is containing fifty spirit stones over to Jason before saying.

"You really need to take your bath boy".

"I know already, so there is no need for the reminder" replied Jason with a twitched face.

Since they don't anything to talk about, the dwarf excuses himself as he went back to hammering the weapon he was forging. After taking the spirit stone and making sure of the amount that is stored inside of the pouch, he greeted the dwarf farewell before taking his leave. After leaving the blacksmith shop, Jason made his way back home before he will be called a mad person since even his business person tries to harm him. 

After walking all day while trying to get home, it took him quite a while since he started avoiding the guards that are in a patrol to not cause trouble. When walking towards where their tent is, Jason couldn't help but smile when he saw Hannah and his mother discussing.

"Good to see you guys sitting together at a time like this" said Jason as he got close to them. 

Lifting their head to see who it was that said those words and the two of them couldn't help but frown when they saw the way the person was dressed.

"What is a madman like you doing in a place like this, shouldn't you be out there in the street looking for any rubbish to eat" replied Hannah.

"Come on don't tell me you did not recognize me Hannah" said Jason almost in tears when he saw the way Hannah was acting.

"How can you say your sister did not recognize you just because your hair has grown" replied Clara with a light chuckle as she gave her son another look.

"You crazy girl, so you knew it was me and you still have the guts to call me a madman" said Jason with a smile as he pulled Hannah into his arms and began to play with her hair.

"You are the one that chooses to walk around looking like one so you can't blame me for calling you one" replied Hannah with a laugh as she tries to free herself from his hold.

"I can see that you have not been taking good care of yourself while you are on your training" said Clara.

"I am doing just fine, mother, so how are you feeling" asked Jason with a smile on his face. 

"I am doing great and you have to thank your sister here for taking good care of me all this while that I have not been around" replied Jason.

"It is what she's supposed to do anyway since you are her mother also" said Jason with a smile before turning to look at the distance with a sigh before continuing.

"I guess I will have to check on the grand elder tomorrow to see if the pill is ready".

"Oh by the way brother Austin has been coming to see you for some days now" said Hannah.

"What did he want to see me for again, I know he must be here to see how I have progressed so far" replied Jason with a cunning smile on his face. 

"You must have been thinking of doing something bad to brother Austin for you to have that ugly look on your face" said Hannah in disgust as she looked at her brother.

"And who told you that I have bad intentions just because of my smile" replied Jason in surprise that Hannah has been looking at him.

"If you don't have any bad intentions in mind, you wouldn't have that look in your face" said Hannah as she raised a brow at him while waiting for him to come up with an excuse.

"I don't have to answer to a little girl like you so stop bugging me" replied Jason.

Shaking her head in shame before going back to sit with her mother, and seeing the two getting at each other again, she couldn't help but let out a laugh before calming herself down.

"So how was your training" asked Clara after calming herself.

Instead of replying to his mother's question, Jason took a step back as he released his energy into the area. The difference between the body tempering and the foundation realm is when one is at the tempered body realm, that can't release spiritual energy from their body but once they made a breakthrough into the foundation realm, they would be able to release their spiritual energy in the area and at the same time, they get to fight with it instead of using their fist as a weapon to fight. 

Seeing the energy flowing around Jason, their mother couldn't help but open her mouth in amazement since it was very difficult for one to raise his or her realm by three stages within a year without having resources but her son just did.

After letting his energy out for a while, Jason pulled it back before turning to his mother with a smile on his face as he said.

"So what do you think".

"I am speechless here, for you to achieve a breakthrough into the foundation realm in a year shows how talented you are my son. It is only a shame that our family was destroyed before you are old enough to start your training" replied Clara with a sigh.

"That reminds me, do you know of any secret art that our family has that has to do with a part of the body glowing" asked Jason.

"Our family doesn't have secret art with that manifestation, why are you asking" replied Clara as she raised her head to look at Jason.

"Nothing mother, I was just thinking for our family to be eliminated overnight due to us having an amazing technique" said Jason as he began to laugh awkwardly.

"Are you sure that was the reason why you are asking" asked Clara with a frown on her face as she looked him in the eyes.

"Yes, mother it was only for that reason that I asked" replied Jason seriously.

Clara stared at him for a while after the reply he had given before shifting her gaze to look at the sky before saying. 

"Our family was not eliminated because we are in possession of a secret technique or resources but instead it has to be the work of a family who has a dispute with our family head for them to send the Wallace family which is the family of assassins".

When his mother was narrating the story of why their family was eliminated, Jason's fist was clenched in anger before taking a deep breath as he asked his mother.

"Do you know who it was that sent the attackers".

"Our family has been in conflict with many powers so it will not be easy to know who the culprit is" replied Clara with a deep sigh.

"Whoever it would be, will have to pay dearly for destroying our family" said Jason in anger.

"You don't need to do that Jason, it is all in the past now" replied Clara as she tried to calm him down.

"It must have been in the past but there is no way I will be able to find peace if I don't get my revenge on the so-called family who hired the Wallace family " replied Jason as his mind is already made up.

All Clara could do was just stare as she knew there is nothing that she will say that is going to change her son's mind. After the matter with the family was over. They begin to talk about his training and what must have happened for his robe to be ragged before going to bed.

The morning.

Jason woke up early as he began to cultivate the heavens law as usual before having a chit-chat with the bracelet.

"Looks like the glow did not originate from my family so where could it have come from" asked Jason.

"I have my suspect all this while and was just waiting for you to ask your mother" replied the bracelet.

"And what could that be" asked Jason. 

"What else could it be if not for that book you picked up in the library" replied the bracelet.

"So it seems and if you still remember, the book also has a red glow around it before I picked it up" commented Jason as he remembered about the glow.

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