Unrivaled Under The Heaven

Chapter 82 - Thousand Swords Cry

"I do remember which is why we need to find that book at all cost" said the bracelet.

"I know but first, I need to go see the grand elder since we don't know when the ruin is going to be opened" replied Jason.

"Then what are you waiting for just standing here" said the bracelet.

With a light chuckle, Jason got up did what is needed to be done at home before finally going to the alchemy room where he saw Austin sitting at his regular spot whenever he is in meditation. Seeing he just sitting there with his eyes closed, Jason could feel the air around him was different than the way it used to be which could only mean that he has also achieved a breakthrough into foundation realm.

"Let's just hope I came first" said Jason with a deep frown on his face. 

"With the aura that is coming out of him indicates that he has been in the foundation realm for a long time" replied the bracelet.

"What is wrong with him, can't he just lose a bet for once" said Jason in anger. 

"Hahaha, it is really true that you have always been on the loose end since you two started betting" reply the bracelet with a laugh.

"Yeah that is because he has been cheating the whole time. Just look at how he stole my kill when we were in the beast territory and now instead of him going to train on his own just like I did, he chose to rely on the family resources to grow" said Jason.

"You just don't rely on the family resources that much based on his personality, he has to train his body every day to be where he is now" replied the bracelet.

Why he was talking with the bracelet as he continued to walk, Austin was not able to detect that someone was around until Jason was close to the entrance when his eyes that were shut tightly suddenly opened as he yelled.

"Who is there and state what business you have here before taking another step forward.

"Quiet down you brute, can't you tell who has decided to come to pay a visit" replied Jason with a smile on his face.

"Oh I see that you have some guts to come here without a good reason" said Austin with a smile on his face as he got up and took a step forward.

When coming to the alchemy room, Jason decided to put on a mask to prevent Austin from recognizing him since he wanted to surprise him.

After taking a step out of the room, Austin stares at the young man who has bash in only for him to frown when he sees that he saw wearing a mask. His aura began to flare as he stared at Jason with killing intent in his eyes.

"I am warning you for the last time to turn around and leave at once before things get ugly" said Austin as he clench his fist. 

"Just because you have successfully breakthrough into the foundation realm, you now think you are strong enough to take me on what a joke, I would like to see things get ugly" replied Jason as he took a fighting stance before signaling for Austin to come at him.

"You must have a death wish for you to come here and I will be very proud to grant you that wish" said Austin before pushing his feet off the ground as he dashed at Jason with his hand clawed like a tiger.

Seeing that he was not holding back, Jason let out a laugh before driving his spiritual energy as he also charged forward before sending out a punch of his own which is coated with spiritual energy at Austin as the exchange blew before they were pulled back by an implosive force. and seeing that the stranger was able to withstand his punch even when he just breakthrough into the foundation realm, he could feel his blood boiling in anticipation to fight a worthy opponent as he stood up before cracking his fist as he said to Jason.

"Since you can exchange blows with me, I hope you won't let me down after taking more from me".

After saying those words, Austin charged at him once more and before Jason could ready himself for the attack, Austin was already in front of him as a punch was coming at him. Taking a deep breath before costing his entire body with spiritual energy as a defensive measure to shield himself from the attack and seeing this move, Austin couldn't help but let out a scoff as he said in disdain.

"You have not learned to utilize your energy in a battle and you still choose to come here to cause trouble".

After his fist connected with the shield that was created by Jason, a crack appeared before Austin took a step back with a wide smirk on his face as he said aloud.

"Let me show you how to use energy in battle" before he took his sword out and began to move his sword around and the more he moves the sword around the more images of swords begin to appear making it look like one is in an illusion.

"When did he start learning techniques of this level" said Jason in astonishment.

"Who knows but you have to take this attack of his serious because if you fail to protect yourself from this attack, I am sorry to say that you will be in great danger" replied the bracelet.

"You worry too much, as long as I can stop the real weapon the rest will have no effect on me" said Jason with confidence. 

"I am certain that the technique he is using is not that simple so get ready for anything" replied the bracelet.

Letting out a sigh, Jason brought out the halberd as he swung it to the side before fusing his energy into it as he waited for Austin to make his move. Seeing that the stranger has also brought his weapon out. Austin couldn't help but smile for he has not had the chance to test his new move out after mastery of it.

Taking a deep breath, he swung the sword before raising it close to his face as the sword images begin to merge with the sword making it shine brightly.

"Thousand swords cry" said Austin in a deep voice before slashing forward in great force as multiple swords made of spiritual energy begin to form in the air before charging towards Jason in great speed.

When Jason saw the number of swords that are coming after him, he couldn't help but grit his teeth together as he quickly move energy into his leg before performing the phantom kick technique as he stomp the ground while creating a big cloud of dust before the sword energy landed at the spot he was standing. After the whole attack has ended, Austin begin to wait for the dust to calm down only for him to see a shadow within the dust moving forward and he couldn't help but smile as he was happy that he will be able to have more fun until he saw the figure standing while breathing heavily with some part of his mask destroyed.

"I never thought you would be able to come out of that one in one piece" said Austin with a smile on his face. 

"How can I fall so easy for a weak attack" replied Jason as he spat to the side before lifting his halberd.

"I see that you still want more before you will be able to shut up and leave this place" said Austin as he raised the sword before swinging it around ready to make another move.

"Here goes the damn attack again, I don't think that I will be able to stop this one" mutter Jason to himself as he brought the halberd forward and make a powerful swing before slamming it on the ground while creating a disturbance in the earth as he tries to disrupt Austin channeling but to his surprise, Austin was still able to stand his ground as he continues to swing the sword around not feeling fraze by the disturbance.

After swinging the sword around, Austin was just about to unleash the thousand sword cry technique when he heard a bellow as he turned to see where it came from only for him to see the grand elder standing on the roof of the alchemy building. Putting his sword away as he pays respect to the grand elder before moving his gaze over to see what the stranger is going to do only for him to see that he was also paying respect to the grand elder.

"Why is he also paying respect to the grand elder when he should be running for his life" thought Austin to himself as he took another peek at the stranger.

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