Unrivaled Under The Heaven

Chapter 83 - The Cure

After they have paid their respect, they both raise up before waiting for the grand elder to speak.

The grand elder didn't say anything as he just stood on the roof with his hand placed behind his back as he said while looking at Jason.

"I never thought you will be coming this early".

"That is what I also thought but here I am" replied Jason with a chuckle.

Seeing the two having a conversation as if they knew each other, Austin couldn't help but turn to look at the grand elder before turning his gaze back at the stranger.

"For you to come back is either you have achieved a breakthrough into the foundation realm since you can stand your ground against Austin" said the grand elder. 

When Austin heard what the grand elder was saying, he suddenly thought of one person who would be so bold as to come to the refining room to cause trouble. 

"I could've thought that I recognize that voice" thought Austin as he stare at Jason attentively.

"Well, I actually breakthrough not quite long so I decided to come back as soon as possible to ask when we will be setting out" replied Jason with a smile.

"Haha, I knew you will not let me down boy and as for the time of departure, it has not been decided so you still have time to prepare" said the grand with a laugh as he descended from the rooftop.

"So you finally decided to come out of your hidden place out of shame that you couldn't beat me to the bet eh" said Austin as he walked to Jason with a proud smile on his face. 

"Oh please spare me all that rubbish you leech, I can never hide from someone who can't do things on their own without relying on their family for help" replied Jason as he took off the mask.

"Ha, what a lame excuse that is, anyways since I won the bet you will have to follow my command while we are in the ruin" said Austin as he busts into LM laughter.

"Cant you stop saying that at times like this we should be talking about how we are going to survive there and besides how am I supposed to go in search of treasure when I will be carrying your stuff" asked Jason in anger.

"I don't care and you should have thought about it before accepting the challenge" replied Austin.

"Whatever you say man, so grand elder is the pill ready yet" asked Jason as he ignored Austin.

"It was very tasking on my part since not all the required herbs were found among the herbs that were delivered to the family so I have to go look for them myself" replied the grand elder.

"So were you able to find them and made the pill" asked Jason in excitement since the grand elder went in search of the herbs himself, there is no way on earth that he will not be able to find them.

"Well I did and I have to say that the pill is quite powerful" replied the grand elder with a smile on his face as he pulled a small pouch out of his robe as he passed it to Jason.

Taking the pouch from the grand elder, Jason opened it to peep at what was inside only for him to see five gray small pills which are not letting out any energy and he had to turn to the bracelet for confirmation.

"Hey is this the pill that you are talking about".

"Well it is, although its quantity is not that high but it should be more than enough to heal your mother of her illness" replied the bracelet.

"Finally my mother wont is in pain any longer after today" said Jason before keeping it away and bow to the grand elder.

"You don't have to go that far to thank me boy since it is my duty as an alchemist to do whatever I can to save a patient and let's not forget about you going all out to make it into the slot even when you are not a member of our family" said the grand elder as he gesture for Jason to get up.

"Well I am not going there for the sake of the fox family rather I am going there to look for treasures" replied Jason with a chuckle as he raised from his bow.

"You can do what you like when you are in since the reason why you all are going in was to hunt for treasures but don't forget to look at for each other while you are at it" said the grand elder.

"Yeah about that, I heard it is going to be really dangerous down there" asked Jason.

"There is no free meal in the jungle so I how you guys are prepared because you are going to face danger unlike you have never faced before" replied the grand elder before turning around and walk into the alchemy room with the two standing outside. 

"Are you scared of going now that you heard that there is going to be more danger when we enter the ruin" asked Austin with a smile on his face as he turned to Jason.

"Huh, what is there for me to fear. After all that I have been through why training, there is no human in this world that is going to scare me to death" replied Jason with a scoff.

"I hope you know that humans are more terrifying than a beast kid" said the bracelet with a chuckle.

"They are all the same to me" replied Jason to the bracelet.

Seeing that Jason was confident that he will be okay, Austin couldn't help but ask.

"By the way, how did you manage to come out of that attack of mine without a scratch".

"I believe you will be able to get the answer to that question of yours if go check the spot out" replied Jason as he pointed at the angle that he was standing.

With a curious look on his face, Austin went there to take a look only for him to see a big hole and he couldn't help but give Jason a look only to see the latter smiling.

"Did he hide inside this hole but then how did his mask become so damaged" thought Austin as he gave the hole one last look before going back.

"Do you understand how I was able to come out of your attack without a scratch now" asked Jason with a smile.

"If I am not mistaken, you hid in there to protect yourself" replied Austin with a serious look on his face. 

"I know you won't believe me if I were to tell you so it is better I let you see it for yourself" said Jason with a laugh.

"If you were able to avoid getting hit by my attack, then how did the mask you were w wearing become damaged" asked Austin since he don't understand how he was able to protect himself while his mask was damaged.

"Well that happen while I was trying to force myself into the hole" replied Jason.

"I see that you didn't lose your senses while you were out training and else it would have been a difficult task for you" said Austin with a smile as he now has the answer to his question.

"Same with you too Austin, I never thought that you will be able to master a technique right after your breakthrough" complimented Jason.

"Well it was all my father's doing after my breakthrough, he give the thousand swords cry technique to me which is a wind element attributes" said Austin.

"Wind attributes" asked Jason in confusion as to what attributes get to do with technique.

"Yeah and it is the same with any other technique for the foundation realm practitioner and above depending on the attribute that is suitable for you" replied Austin.

"I think I have a little understanding of what you are trying to say" said Jason as he placed his hand on his chin like someone who is in thought.

"You better go talk to the grand elder and see if he will be able to find a technique that is suitable for you to master before we move since it will be very beneficial for you" suggested Austin.

"There will be no need for that since I have my means of getting what I want" replied Jason with a smile.

"If you say so then there is no need to bother myself with it" said Austin before turning around and went into the alchemy room.

Before Austin could step inside, Jason suddenly said. 

"I believe I have fulfilled my promise".

"And what would that be because I don't remember you promising me anything" asked Austin.

"The fight that you have always wanted" replied Jason.

"It doesn't count as one" said Austin with a smile before walking in.

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