Unrivaled Under The Heaven

Chapter 84 - Nascent Soul Realm

The whole day was spend helping the grand elder with herbs as he was concocting a pill until it was finally time to call it a day. Jason didn't wait to have a chat with Austin as he was in a hurry to give his mother the pill and knowing how excited he was about being able to heal his mother, Austin just let him go.

It didn't take him much time before he was able to get home.

"Where is mother" asked Jason he saw Hannah coming out of the tent.

"She's inside rest, is there a problem" replied Hannah with a frown. 

"Not at all" said Jason with a smile before going in.

The moment he entered the tent, he saw his mother resting with her hand placed on her stomach. Noticing that someone is watching her, she turned her gaze to see who it was only to see that it was Jason. 

"You are so early today Jason did the grand elder send you away because you stop going to work" asked Clara since it always gets dark before her son use to come home.

"No mother, it just that there is nothing much for us to do today so I decide to come early" replied Jason with a laugh before going to sit down by her side. 

"The grand elder would not let you go home this early either unless you have done something wrong" commented Hannah who rush into the room when she saw the way Jason was acting.

"Actually I came early to give you something" replied Jason as he took out the pouch that was given to him by the grand elder before passing it to his mother.

Taking the pouch from Jason, Clara opened it to peep at what was inside only to see gray pills inside and she turned to look at Jason who still has the smile on his face.

"What is this pill for" asked Clara.

"This pill will surely cure you of your illness" replied Jason.

"A pill that can heal my wound, what a joke" said Clara with a chuckle. 

"It true mother, I have to a heavy price just so the grand elder could concoct the pill for you" replied Jason seeing that his mother doubted about the pill healing her.

"What a minute, is this the pill that you and the grand elder were talking about the other day that I went with you" asked Hannah.

"It sure is and as you can see it is finally done now all that is remaining is for mother to take it" replied Jason.

When their mother heard that the grand elder was the one who made the pill, she turn to look at Jason what a painful look on his face as she asked.

"What price do you have to pay for him to waste his time to make the pill because I know you won't be able to pay him if he were to request for money".

"It not something that will bring us trouble so you don't have to worry mother" reply Jason.

Seeing that Jason was not willing to tell her what the price was, she could only let out a sign before picking a pill from the pouch and threw it into her mouth then closing her eye. About five minutes later, she opened the eye once more before staring at Jason and Hannah.

"So how do you feel now" asked Jason when seeing their mother looking around. 

"I still feel the same. See I told you no pill will be able to heal my sickness" replied Clara with a sigh.

"That is not right, it should have healed you so why is it taking so long" said Jason when he heard his mother reply.

"Don't take it to heart son, I know you did all you can…" Replied Clara whose body choke halfway through her words and begin to twitch in pain. 

Seeing his mother like this, Jason couldn't help but step forward as he asked worriedly. 

"What is wrong mother".

"I don't know, I just feel my body heating up like a raging volcano" replied Clara as she coils in the bed.

"Hey what is wrong with my mother" asked Jason to the bracelet.

"I think the pill is not taking effect which is why she is in pain" reply the bracelet after accessing the matter.

"How is she supposed to be in pain if it is truly working" asked Jason. 

"That is because the wounds are been fixed at the moment" replied the bracelet.

"The pill is fixing the wounds in her" mutter Jason in a voice that only he can hear.

"Big brother, is mother going to be okay" asked Hannah who faces is filled with tears.

"You don't have to worry Hannah, mother is going to be alright" replied Jason with a smile of assistance.

"You think so" asked Hannah.

"Sure, let me wipe those tears off your face it is not nice for a pretty like you to be crying" replied Jason before squatting and begin to wipe her face. 

After wiping the tears off her face, they stood at the side as they watch their roll in pain and after watching for a while they couldn't take it anymore and decided to go wait outside. They waited for an hour and their mother's scream was still on until some minute it begin to less until she became quiet.

"Let's go check on her" said Jason as he hold Hannah in the hand before walking into the tent. 

When they got in, they saw their mother meditating with her eyes close. Hannah tried running to her but before she could, Jason held her down. Confused as to why her big brother would stop her from going to meet their mother, Hannah was about to say something but before she could, Jason place a hand on his lip signaling her to keep quiet.

"Looks like she has finally recovered from her injuries" said the bracelet.

"It seems that way but why is it taking long for her to get up" replied Jason.

"I think she is recovering are strength since it has been long that she has been so healthy" said the bracelet.

As they were discussing, Jason suddenly felt the spiritual energy in the area suddenly getting intense as he turn to look at where the energy is coming from only to see that it was coming from his mother. Not knowing what is happening, Jason has to turn to the bracelet as he asked.

"Why is the energy around her so intense".

"Your mother is about to breakthrough" replied the bracelet.

"But she has not been cultivating for a long time so how come she's about to breakthrough now" asked Jason.

"With all the pills that she has been taking for years, it is only natural that the remaining energy that is stored in her will be released now that she has fully recovered" replied the bracelet.

"So that explains it, I wonder what level she is going to achieve after this is over" said Jason with a smile on his face.

After absorbing the spiritual energy around her, she suddenly opened her eyes and there was an abusted of spiritual energy pushing both Jason and Hannah backward before it stopped. Getting up from her meditation, their mother took a step forward, and with every step that she takes was graceful. After her recovery, her skin begins to regain its color with and the scars that were in her body were no longer there.

"She's done with her breakthrough and with the aura that is emitting from her, it is not as strong as the one coming from the grand elder but it should be the same with the elders of the family" said Jason with an amazing look on his face. 

"She is in the nascent soul realm so you can't compare her to the grand elder who is an ascension realm" replied the bracelet.

"Is he that strong" asked Jason with a shocking look on his face. 

"Of course how did you think he became the grand elder of the family if he is a weak cultivator" replied Jason.

After she has finally subdued her energy, she walks up to Jason and Hannah with a smile on her face as she said.

"I never thought that a day will come when I will be free from this pain. It is all thanks to you my son and now that I have regained my strength, you don't have to worry about my well-being anymore".

"It is good to see that you have recovered now mother, I cant wait to see the look on the face of the other kids when they see you walking fine" said Jason with a laugh.

"Now that I have recovered, you will have to start your training Hannah" said Clara as she smiled at Hannah who was just staring at her.

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