Unrivaled Under The Heaven

Chapter 85 - Lightning Boot

Looking at her mother, Hannah lost the word as all she could do was just stare at her but after some time she asked.

"Are you really going to train me mother". 

"Yes Hannah" replied Clara.

"But I don't want to mother" said Hannah with a conflicted look on her face. 

"Silly child, how are you going to take care of yourself when your brother and I are not around to look after you" asked Clara with a smile on her face. 

"That is because you two will never leave me alone" replied Hannah.

"You can't be certain that we won't, so you need to begin your training as soon as possible" said Clara before walking out of the tent. 

Seeing that her mother is insisting she train, Hannah couldn't help but turn to her big brother for help only for him to turn her down. Left with no choice, Hannah has to comply and left the tent to meet up with their mother leaving only Jason behind in the tent.

"Haha, who would have thought that Hannah will begin her training the moment mother recovered," said Jason with a laugh.

"At least you won't need to worry too much about her safety" commented the bracelet.

"I think so. So now that I have made a breakthrough into the foundation realm, do you think I will be able to gain some access to the bracelet" asked Jason.

"Yes kid and by the way, why are you asking" replied the bracelet with his question.

"After battling with Austin and seeing him use that technique, I think it high time I get one too before I get left behind" said Jason.

"Which is why you wanted to come into the space after you have abandoned it" said the bracelet.

"I didn't alright, I was busy with training which is why I haven't been able to come" reply Jason.

"You can come in to take a look at the manuals that are stored here when you are ready" said the bracelet.

After the short discussion with the bracelet, Jason went to the side and sat down before sending his consciousness into the bracelet. And unlike when he used to come into the space there was fog all over the place making it difficult for him to see but now that he has breakthrough into the foundation realm, he could see some part of the space although it was Jason a little part but it was still better compared to when he has not breakthrough.

"Do you see what I was trying to explain to you. The more you attain a new realm the more access that will be granted to you" said the bracelet with a chuckle when he saw Jason looking around the place in surprise.

"So where am I supposed to go" asked Jason after taking a look at the place.

"Come, I will take you there in no time" replied the bracelet as he began to lead the way.

After walking for a while they were able to get to a chamber that was filled with ancient scrolls, Jason made his way in to take a look but to his surprise, not all the scrolls that were stored there were visible for him to see which pledge his interest as he has to turn to the bracelet.

"Why is that scroll so blurry making it difficult for me to read".

"That is because your realm is still too low for you to practice the technique and only when you acquire the said technique, would you be able to see what it was" replied the bracelet straight away.

"I see, well since that is the case then I will have to look for what to learn before my time here is up" said Jason before he continues to look at the scrolls.

Moving from one scroll to another in search of what would pledge his interest and after going through so many scrolls, he was able to pick a scroll as he opened it to give it a look with a satisfied look on his face.

Seeing that Jason was done searching for the scroll, the bracelet moves closer to him as it stared at the scroll that Jason was holding.

"Is this the one you chose" asked the bracelet.

"Yes I think this Supreme Heavenly Lightning Cultivation Manual is more suited for me" replied Jason with a smile.

"I must say that this technique will be very useful for you if you were able to master it to the final stage but to do that won't be easy since you will need to temper your body with lightning" said the bracelet.

"And how am I supposed to do that" asked Jason.

"The only way to do that is either by taking the strike of lightning or absorbing the essence from a lightning orb" replied the bracelet.

"Won't I die from taking one strike, so how am I supposed to temper my body when a single strike is more than enough to take my life" said Jason out of fright.

"Relax kid, I thought you wanted to practice a strong technique, and let's not forget that this technique is one of the best there is and others can also practice it as long as they were able to refine their body with lightning" replied the bracelet.

"I want to cultivate the best but I don't remember saying I am ready to die just to master the technique, so what is with all this nonsense" said Jason.

"And who told you that you are going to die just because you are practicing it" asked the bracelet in annoyance. 

"Isn't that what you are implying when you said I will have to temper my body with lightning energy" replied Jason with a frown.

"It is just a strike and nothing more and by the way if you were able to find the lightning orb then there is no need for you to face the lightning strike" commented the bracelet.

"You are just making it sound like it will be easy for me to find the lightning orb" said Jason.

"I believe you know that there is no free meal in the jungle, you will have to work hard to get what you want" replied the bracelet.

"Even if there is no free meal in the jungle, there is also an easy way for one to get a meal in the jungle so tell what other way can I cultivate this technique" asked Jason.

"Well there is indeed a way for you to cultivate the technique but it could only be used for the first stage so if you want to cultivate the second stage to the fifth stage then you will still have to go through the baptism of lightning" replied the bracelet.

"Since I will be able to cultivate the first stage then there is no problem" said Jason with a smile as he fuse his energy into the scroll to activate it.

After fusing his energy into the scroll, the scroll glow before it began to dim and Jason felt a slight headache as he took a step back ready to complain but then some inscription begin to appear in his consciousness not wasting much time as he immersed himself in learning the technique and after some time later Jason opens his eye in shock as he looks at the bracelet that was floating beside him.

"What do you have to say about the technique" asked the bracelet.

"Well it is really a powerful technique and it since like I will be cloaked in lightning armor if I were able to cultivate it to the end" said Jason with a sigh.

"Yeah isn't that amazing to be able to dress in lightning while scaring the living hell out of your opponent" asked the bracelet excitedly.

"It is but that is only when I have cultivated it to its peak will I be able to scar my opponent away" replied Jason.

"You can't just wake up one day to become strong, as long as you are diligent in your cultivate it should be no problem for you kid" said the bracelet.

"I know which is why I am going to use the little time I have to cultivate the first stage which is the lightning boot. So tell me about the other method I can use to cultivate the supreme heavenly lightning cultivation manual" asked Jason.

"Come with me then" replied the bracelet as it begins to lead the way to another tower that was not too far from the one they are in. 

Now standing in front of a tower that was enclosed in darkest, Jason wore a frown on his face as he stared at the tower.

"And what am I supposed to do in this abnormal place" asked Jason.

"There is a formation set in this tower which can draw the power of lightning.. Now all that is left for you to do is go in there and get your body tempered by the weak lightning strike created by the formation" replied the bracelet.

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