Unrivaled Under The Heaven

Chapter 86 - Getting Whipped

After the bracelet commended the tower to Jason, Jason did not walk in as he stood his ground while looking at the tower before saying to the bracelet.

"Since it is not the real thing, is it going to hurt like really bad".

"How are you going to temper your body if you don't go through the pain" replied the bracelet.

"I just asked you a simple question which needs a simple answer, is it going to hurt" said Jason.

"Of course it is going to hurt, but unlike the real thing you can endure the pain. So stop talking and go in there" yelled the bracelet.

"Okay I am going" said Jason as he begins to walk into the tower.

After getting inside Jason could see it the interior clearly now unlike when they were outside the tower and above the tower lays thousands of lightning preparing to descend at any time as he look for a spot to sit. Settling down on a spot that seem to be safer, Jason let out a sigh as he lift his head to look at the bracelet.

"I am not sure if u will be able to survive this attack. That damm bracelet better not be lying to me about this being a bolt of lightning created from formation" said Jason to himself before preparing himself to take the strike.

After he was done adjusting his state, Jason begin to wait for the lightning to gather momentum before falling down and when the first lightning hit him, he only grits his teeth and it was the same with the second strike and third but when it gets to the four strikes, he couldn't help but moan in pain and with the look of thing, with every strike that falls on him, it the next set of lightning will become stronger.

The tempering continued for a long time until he couldn't take it anymore and decided to leave the tower and while he was leaving, he was also getting hit by the lightning until was he finally out of the building before it all stopped. Walking up to the spirit of the bracelet that was waiting for him at the entrance, Jason couldn't help but let out a deep breath.

"How did it go" asked the bracelet when he saw Jason walking out.

"Horrible, I almost got fried in that place" replied Jason.

"Haha, I know you are going to say that knowing the kind of person you are" said the bracelet with a chuckle.

"Do you think it is easy to endure getting whipped by lightning when the next whip will be as twice as strong as the first one" asked Jason with a frown on his face. 

"It should be very easy for someone like you who has to refine his body with the blood of a beast" replied the bracelet.

"It seems like to you as long as I have refined my body, I am in a different league compared to those that have not gotten their body refine" said Jason.

"That is because your body is resilient and it was to be someone else who has not refined his or her body before, it will be hard for them to endure more than twenty lightning strike" replied the bracelet.

"That is no longer my problem since I have tempered my body enough to use the first stage which is lightning boot" said Jason as he waved his hand at the bracelet.

"And who told you that you will be able to use the technique now just because you got hit by some lightning" replied the bracelet.

"What are you saying, didn't I go into the tower to get whipped by lightning, so why are you saying that I won't be able to use the technique" asked Jason with a smile.

"That is because your body is still far from being tempered by lightning making it difficult for you to master the first stage" replied the bracelet.

"So you mean I will have to continue using that tower unlike my body is completely tempered" asked Jason.

"Yeah, remember when I said the lightning is created from a formation making it a made man lightning, so you cant expect it to be as strong as the real thing" replied the bracelet.

"Which is why I have to temper my body more in the tower" said Jason as he finally get what the bracelet is trying to say.

"Exactly, so always make sure to be mentally prepared when coming since you don't have much time on hand before you set out for the ruin" replied the bracelet.

"Ah, seems like there is no end to this lightning torture" said Jason with a sigh.

"You just have to endure for a short while before you will be able to master the first stage" replied the bracelet giving Jason a word of encouragement.

"And then I will have to face the real thing. I guess my search for the lightning orb begins now" said Jason with a sigh before leaving the space.

Opening his eyes with a sting of pain in his head which was caused by the time he has spent in the space. After some time the pain go away and Jason began to look around him to see if there is anyone in the tent only for him to see that he is all alone and that was not all as he noticed that he has been in the space for about five minutes and it felt like an hour has passed that he has been.

"Looks like time moves faster why one is inside the space" mutters Jason to himself before getting up to stretch his body only for him to hear Hannah complaining from the outside. 

Going out to see what is making her complain only for him to see her sitting by their mother's side. Taking a step forward was more than enough for their mother to notice his presence as she turned around with a smile on her face to look at Jason.

"You are done with your meditation so soon" asked Clara.

"Yes mother, I was just trying to relax my mind from all the stress" replied Jason with a smile.

Clara just nodded before turning her attention back to Hannah who was laying on a tree.

"So what are you two talking about for Hannah to complain" asked Jason as he also took his seat.

"I am just telling her how she is going to be really busy with training from now on" replied Clara.

"But how do you plan on training her when she doesn't even have a cultivation technique she is using" asked Jason.

"That won't be a problem since she can just practice the same technique as me" replied Clara.

"I guess luck is on your side Hannah, I never have any technique as easy as you" said Jason with a smile as he stroked her hair. 

"It is not about being lucky but rather I am better than you in anything" boosts Hannah.

"Oh really, then how do you explain how I was able to breakthrough into the foundation realm while you have not breakthrough into the first layer of tempered body" asked Jason with a cunning smile on his face.

"That's because you started before me but it is not too late anyways since mother will be helping me out, It will only be a matter of time before I catch up to you" replied Hannah.

"And who told you that you will be able to catch up with me ahh" asked Jason.

"As long as Hannah is diligent in her training then with the help of some special elixirs, Hannah could very much move quietly from the first layer of tempered body to foundation realm" answered Clara.

"Hey is that true" Jason asked the bracelet thinking that his mother was just bluffing. 

"Yes, it is but to get a herb that has been absorbing spiritual energy from the earth for a long time won't be easy to find" replied the bracelet.

After getting answers from the bracelet, Jason turned back to his mother with a smile on his face as he said. 

"It is possible for her to move to the foundation realm in a day but that is only if she could find it".

"Finding it could be very difficult but there are also other ways to boost her realm" replied Clara with a smile. 

"I should be the one you should be helping not her" complained Jason when seeing their mother showing Hannah more care.

"You are already far ahead in your realm unlike your sister who has not even begun her journey so it is natural that I show her more care" replied Clara.

When their mother made the statement, Jason couldn't agree more since she has not neglected her training just so she could care for their mother so it is the least they could do for her.

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