Unrivaled Under The Heaven

Chapter 87 - The Guest

The next morning.

Jason was all hype up as he went to the alchemy room with a smile on his face only for all that to be shattered when he saw Austin was sitting on the ground meditating.

"Don't you have anything to do apart from meditating" asked Jason after getting close to him.

"This is just me resting after tending to things inside unlike you who usually comes late" replied Austin.

"Whatever so is the grand elder in" asked Jason as he don't have the time to argue with Austin.

"Yeah, he is preparing to make a pill" replied Austin before going back to his meditation.

Reserving the comment he had for Austin for later as he went into the alchemy room to meet the grand elder who was sitting close to a furnace with his hand on the cheek like someone who is in deep thought.

"Eh hmm," Jason cleared his throat to get the grand elder.

Turning around to see who it was only to see that it was Jason.

"What is it that you want this time round" asked the grand elder knowing too well that the only way Jason will come to him is only when he requires something.

"Hey, I never told you that I need something from you so why the attitude" asked Jason. 

"Like there is any other reason for you to distract me at a time when am preparing myself for concocting a pill, so if you have anything to say be fast with it" replied the grand elder with a frown. 

"Since you already know why I am here, I will just go straight to the point. Do you know where I can get a lightning orb" asked Jason with a smile on his face. 

"Lightning orb, and if I my asked what do you need it for" replied the grand elder with a question.

"You see there is this technique that I am practicing and the requirement for practicing it is either extracting lightning essence from the lightning orb or by taking a lightning strike and since taking a lightning strike is a death sentence for me, I have decided to use the lightning or" said Jason as he begins to explain to grand elder.

"Why did you have to go so far as to cultivate such technique" asked the grand elder after hearing that the technique he is practicing is not an easy one.

"What else can I do other than to take it" replied Jason.

"You should have come to me kid" said the grand elder. 

"Then I will be indebted to the family" replied Jason without holding back.

Letting out a sigh after Jason has stated the reason why he didn't come to him for help, the grand elder turns his attention back to the furnace before saying. 

"If you are looking for a lightning orb, then the best place for you to start your search is the capital".

"So there is no way I will be able to find it here" asked Jason.

"Nope, you would be lucky if you can find it in the capital" replied the grand elder before he begin to heat the furnace.

Seeing that there is no way he will be able to get the lightning orb he quickly sealed his mind to use the lightning that was inside the tower to temper his body as he went to sit by the side while watching the grand elder making pills. The concocting has been on for an hour and the grand elder was not even close to finishing the K when Austin suddenly walked in as he bowed before saying. 

"Grand elder, there is a lady that is here to see you".

"I don't have the time to spare with anyone now so send her away" replied the grand elder. 

Doing as the grand elder has instructed, Austin went out only to come back a minutes later.

"She refused to leave saying she is willing to wait until you are free" said Austin with a bow.

"You can go back to what you are doing" replied the grand elder with turning his attention from the furnace.

After Austin has left, Jason turns back to the grand elder with a smile on his face as he said.

"Looks like even the mighty you still have a lover".

"Better watch your tongue boy because you don't know where you will end up" replied the grand elder with a frown.

Keeping his mouth shut after seeing that the grand elder was not happy about his comment and decided to just watch him as he continue to concoct the pills. It took the grand about two hours and some minutes before he was able to completely concoct the pill he was working on.

Keeping the pill away, the grand elder decided to take a little liquor before going to see who came to look for him. Following the grand elder from behind was Jason who was also surprised to see that someone came to look for him but all that change when he saw that the guess was no other than his mother. With his mouth wide open, Jason yelled as he asked.

"Mother what are you doing here".

"Wait is she your mother" asked the grand elder surprised as he turned to look at Jason. 

'Weren't you the one who has been joking about the other party being my lover, now the jokes are on you' thought the grand elder before he was called back to reality by Jason's mother's word.

"Indeed I am his mother" replied Clara with a frown.

"So to what pleasure do I own this visit" asked the grand elder after knowing the identity of the other party and he began to observe the other party only to have a shocking look on his face. 

'Who would have thought that she will be as strong as the elders of the family. But then again why make her son go through all those hardships if she is really this strong' thought the grand elder with a shocking look on his face.

"I am here to thank the grand elder for healing me of the illness that has been troubling me for years" replied Clara as she kowtow to the grand elder sincerely.

"Please raise, you should be thanking your son here for putting more effort in finding the cure to your illness, all I did was just concoct the pill that's all" said the grand elder as he told her to get up.

"I know about that but it is not an easy fit to concoct pills so it is right for me to show my gratitude" replied Clara.

"Okay then do as you place" said the grand elder before turning to Jason who was standing beside him as he continue.

"For your mother to be here, it means that the pill actually works so why didn't you tell me".

"Please forgive me, I was all caught up by my Cultivation technique and forgot to tell you" replied Jason with a smile on his face. 

"Well I will let this matter slip since I am happy that I was able to help" said the grand elder as he placed his hand behind his back. 

After Clara has thanked the grand elder, they move in to discuss about Jason's departure to the ruin since it is right to ask for the parent's permission but to the grand elder's surprise, Clara easily agreed about her son going without taking much time to think about it.

"You know I am not forcing you to accept so you can take your time to think about it" said the grand elder as he was surprised by the lady's reply.

"Jason has told me about it already and he is inclined of going there so no matter what I say, it won't be enough to persuade him from going" replied Clara with a sigh.

"I see, then there is no need for me to worry too much about this matter" said the grand.

"Well there is another matter I would like us to talk about and that is what will happen to the items he brought out of the ruin" asked Clara with a serious look on her face. 

"I assure you that your son will be keeping whatever he manages to bring out of the ruin since they are just sent there to train in the first place" replied the grand elder with a smile.

"One more thing. Why is the family doing all this when he is not a member of the family" asked Clara with a frown.

"This is not the family showing him care but just me trying to help bring out his potential" replied the grand elder.

"Since my curiosity has been cleared, I guess I don't have to worry about anything" said Clara.

"Like I said lady, as long as your son is still with me you don't have to worry about anything" replied the grand elder.

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