Unrivaled Under The Heaven

Chapter 89 - Sense Of Danger

"First of all, don't start causing trouble with the other kids if you don't want your team to be tagged by the rest of the family" advises the bracelet.

"Come on now, I am bigger than that. Alright tell me when have I caused trouble" asked Jason. 

"Do you need me to remind you that wherever you go, there is bound to be a scene caused by you" replied the bracelet.

"Well you can't blame me for that since I always try to keep things on a low but those good-for-nothing bullies just can't mind their business" said Jason. 

"Like you can keep a low profile if you want to. By the way, I think you should go get whatever you are going to need on this journey before leaving tomorrow since there is still time" suggested the bracelet.

"I don't think I need anything for now" said Jason as he continued to head home.

On getting home, before Jason could think of doing anything, his mother walked in as she asked.

"So why were you summoned by the grand elder".

"Nothing much, they just wanted to let us in on some information about the ruin and to also give out pills before our departure" replied Jason. 

"So when are you leaving" asked Clara.

"Very early in the morning" replied Jason.

"Then you better go to sleep for tomorrow" said Clara.

With a nod, Jason went to sleep before it was early in the morning when he was woken up by his mother who went with him to wait for the rest to arrive at the gate while leaving Hannah to sleep.

The first person to arrive was elder Luke who nodded his head at Jason's mother when he caught sight of her strength before closing his eyes in meditation while they waited. It didn't take long before Austin arrived then there was Steven who frowned when he saw Jason standing on the side. It did take long before the rest of the group arrived before elder Luke opened his eyes before scanning the area and seeing that everyone had arrived, he began to speak.

"Our destination is the Wickross cave which will take us a whole three days to get there if we go through the beast territory and that depends on if you all can protect yourself from the sneak attack of a wild beast when we set out".

"Whoever that failed to protect himself from any attack will have themself to blame for being weak so you don't need to remind us of that elder Luke" commented Austin who has a smile on his face.

"Not everyone here is like you Austin so it is better to inform them so as for them to prepare themselves for the unexpected" replied elder Luke.

"If anyone should be informed about the upcoming danger one would face in the beast territory, then it should be that outcast" said Steven as he turned to Jason.

"I hope you remembered what the grand elder said about losing our slot if we were to cause trouble with one another" asked a kid who was a very good friend of steven.

"It's not like I am trying to cause trouble here but I am just stating the fact since he hasn't gone out training. What if he freaks out and passes out when a beast approaches him, I am just saying it for his own good so you don't have to worry about Henry even the grand elder will agree with me on this one" replied Steven.

All Austin could do was shake his head in pity since he has been to the beast territory with the said party and he knew how frightened his ability to avoid the beast is.

"For every one of you to be here. You must've prepared yourself beforehand so you better shut your mouth kid before I send you out of this place with a slap" said elder Luke with a frown as he was referring to Steven who was trying to cause trouble before they set out.

Lowering his head as he took a step back to avoid elder Luke's stare, Jason couldn't help but let out a chuckle before speaking out.

"Elder Luke please don't get mad at him since he is looking out for me and Steven if I may say, while we are inside the beast territory try to keep your mouth shut if you don't want to draw the attention of a beast".

"Who are you to advise me, you think I don't know about the incredible senses the beasts are in possession of" asked Steven with a frown on his face.

"Sorry man, I was just saying since you are looking out for my well-being, I think I should do the same" replied Jason with a laugh.

"Jason you better knock it off" said Clara with a frown when seeing how her son is trying to cause trouble.

Shutting his mouth after his mother's intervention, Steven also decided to keep his mouth shut since he can't get the upper hand in their little exchange. And seeing that they are no longer arguing, elder Luke cleared his throat before speaking up.

"Since you all are here, let's move out".

Taking the lead as he walked into the woods that lead to the beast territory with the rest of the kids following behind him.

"That it mother, see you soon" said Jason with a wide smile on his face.

"Take care of yourself and don't cause trouble with the others alright" replied Clara as she played with his hair before letting him go.

Waving his hand at his mother before going in to meet up with the team while his mother watched him as he was walking into the woods until she couldn't see him again and that is when she decided to go back home.

After catching up with the team, Jason went to meet the only person he knew which was Austin who was wearing a black robe that was made from the body of the horned leopard.

"So do you think we will be attacked by a beast" asked Austin with a smile as he continued to follow the group. 

"With this many people it is an understatement to say we won't be attacked by a horde of beasts' ' replied Jason.

"So are you going to let the elder know about your ability" asked Austin.

"Never, as long as he is here with us, we should be able to avoid casualty" replied Jason before turning to look at the robe that Austin was wearing. 

Seeing Jason looking at his robe, Austin couldn't help but laugh as he said. 

"Do you like it".

"Yeah, it really looks nice on you but my halberd looks cooler" replied Jason with a smile as he tapped the halberd.

"Has anyone ever told you that you are annoying" said Austin with a twitched face.

"Yes, the grand elder has said it countless times so I am no longer new to the word" replied Jason with a light laugh.

Austin was speechless to Jason's reply and was just about to speak up when he saw Jason frown.

"Is there a beast ahead of us" asked Austin as he pulled his sword from the sheath.

"Not just one but a bunch of them" replied Jason.

When Jason said the word, Austin didn't wait for a second before calling out to elder Luke.

"Elder Luke I think it would be safe for us to go that way, why don't take another path".

"And why did you say that" asked elder Luke as he stopped on his track.

"I just have this feeling that something bad would happen if we were to go any further" replied Austin.

"Oh please if you are scared you should just say that instead of saying we should take another path" said Gabriel.

"Did you hear me say that I am scared" replied Austin with grit teeth in anger at Gabriel.

"If you are not scared then let's go and if there were to be any beast in the promises, it shouldn't be a problem for us to take care of it" said Steven as he sided with Gabriel.

Looking at elder Luke to hear what he will say since he is the one leading the team and seeing the way Austin was acting, elder Luke let out a sigh as he said.

"Since you feel like it would be dangerous for us to continue in this path, then we will have to go the other way".

"But elder luke this is the fastest path out of the beast territory, if we were to take the other path then we will have to spend more days before we'll arrive at Wickross cave" complained Gabriel seeing that elder Luke was taking Austin's opinion.

"Have you ever seen Austin this worried before and besides I also feel like something was wrong with this path we are taking which is why I also agreed with him" replied elder Luke.

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