Unrivaled Under The Heaven

Chapter 90 - The Other Families

After elder luke has stated his reason why he agreed with Austin's idea of taking another path, both Steven and Henry were not happy seeing the elder this way. Looking at the unwilling in their face, elder luke couldn't bother himself with them as he turn around to take the other path but before leaving he said. 

"If you think I am wrong, you can go yourself beside it didn't matter if were to split along the way as long as we get to the weakrose cave there should be a problem".

Seeing that elder Luke meant what he said, Steven and Henry could only grit their teeth as they follow the group.

"Let's see if you will be able to depend on elder luke once we are inside the ruin" said Steven with a frown.

"And here I thought he is fearless, who would have thought that he would be so scared once we are inside the beast territory" added Henry.

Jason could only turn to Austin with a wide smile on his face who could only let out a sigh before turning away.

"That is what I get for trying to save their asses" said Austin.

"Haha, that is what you get when someone doesn't like you. Even when you are trying to help them it will feel like you are trying to help yourself" commented Jason with a laugh.

"At least we were able to avoid getting ambushed by the horde of beasts" replied Austin.

The group travel for hours and during their travel they encounter some beast which elder Luke defeated with ease while sometimes, some of the members would dash out to fight any beast that will come their way before elder Luke could make a move making it look like they are in a training session. It became nighttime and they are still far from coming out of the beast territory.

"I think we should rest here and take the time to recover our energy before continuing our journey tomorrow" said elder Luke as he climb a tree before closing his eyes to meditate.

"We should have been out of this place by now if we had gone through that path" said Steven as he put his axe by the side before sitting down.

"Tell me about it, now we have to stay here for another day, and let's not forget about keeping watchful eyes while we rest" complained Henry.

"You can always go back to take that path if you are not satisfied with this" said Jason with a smile as he walked past them. 

"This kid is getting on my nerves each passing day" said Steven with a frown as he watch Jason walk away.

"Be patient my friend once we get into the ruin, it will be just us against him. Let's see how he is going to deal with it when the time comes" whisper Henry to Steven whose frown turn to a smile. 

"Hahaha, I can't wait to get my hands on him" said Steven with an evil grin on his face. 

The night was not a peaceful one since they will have to wake up whenever they heard the sound of a beast even when they have elder Luke to protect, they still couldn't sleep. In the morning they did not even take a little time to adjust their state of mind before moving out.

Their team was finally able to come out of the beast territory after spending another night there but the problem now is that they are exhausted to the extent that even continuing the journey was a problem for the team and they have no choice but to take a rest.

"Who would have thought that it would be this difficult to get to the weakrose cave" said Jason as he took a sigh.

"Do you think it would be an easy trip to get there" asked Austin.

"Well it should have if it were to be just me with no one to bother me while I make my way through all those beasts" said Jason.

"It would have been an easy trip for you if you went on your own" replied Austin.

While the duo were chatting, the grand elder suddenly spoke up.

"Listen up everyone, we only have one hour to spend here since we are already running late on the meeting with the other family before the seal is completely opened".

"Guess we won't be waiting more time here" said Jason with a smile.

"The quicker we get there the better" replied Austin.

"With all that has happened, I believe we are going to be the last to arrive" said Jason. 

"They say we are always late in whatever they do so they won't be surprised if we were to arrive late" replied Austin.

"Looks like your family really holds up to their reputation" said Jason with a laugh.

The group set out once more after their short break and they begin their journey again and this time around there was no longer break since they don't want to keep the other families waiting. After another two days' journey, the weakrose was now in view. Making ease as they make their way in.

The first thing they did when they arrived was take a sit as they begin to breathe heavily while even bothering to look at the others who have to arrive before them.

"Just take a look at them, they came late and still fail to greet us like they are more superior to us" said someone from the Allen family.

"Just let them be since they won't last long inside it is better they just enjoy their time here" commented another member of the Allen family.

The other families were also saying bad stuff about them to the extent that they can hear what they were saying.

"Who are they by the way, just take a look at the way they are looking at us in disdain" asked Jason as he turned to look at the group.

"Those set by our right are from the Allen family, if there is anyone we should be wary of among the eight of them, then it should be Adam who is standing close to that female. It is rumored that he breakthrough into the fourth layer boy tempered body at a very young age" replied Austin.

"He is a total freak, so what about the other family" asked Jason. 

"Those that are dressed in blue robe are from the Platton family and the strongest among them should be Diana, those on red are from the phoenix family with Sam being their strongest fight" replied Austin.

"Now we are left with those sitting by the side without paying any attention to us" said Jason as he turned to the area where the said party is sitting.

"Oh, I didn't see them early due to the type of cultivation they practice which makes them almost invisible for others. They are from the ghost family and Trace being their strongest fighter is said to be very mysterious so you have to be careful when you are around him" replied Austin.

"You really know more than I thought you would Austin" praised Jason. 

"It is nothing, if you were a member of the family, you should have also had information about everyone standing here" replied Austin.

"I guess you are right about that. So tell me, who do you think is our strongest fighter" asked Jason with a smile on his face.

"Do you see those three standing close to Henry and Steven" replied Austin with a question as he turned to look at three boys who were in deep meditation.

"Yeah I see them, if I am not mistaken, they never said a thing while we were traveling so what is wrong about them" asked Jason.

"They are said to be Triplett and have their strength shared so if they were to go toe to toe with either of the five strongest from the other family, it will be difficult to determine the winner" replied Austin.

"So you are saying those three are the strongest our side has to offer" said Jason with a frown.

"I think so, is anything the matter" asked Austin as he was to what Jason meant by the word.

"When the other families are sending their strongest fighters, your family just has to send three brothers to stand as a single entity, okay let me ask you a question. What would have if one of the brothers were to lose his life before they went with the others, what do you think would happen" replied Jason.

"Then we will be at a disadvantage throughout our time inside the ruin" said Austin with a frown as he finally understood what Jason was getting out. 

If they really lose the brothers, it would be very difficult for their family to move around which means they would be dead before they would be able to find any treasure.

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