Unrivaled Under The Heaven

Chapter 91 - Opening Of The Ruin

Jason could only shake his head as he turn to look at Austin before saying.

"Right now our top priority is to protect the Triplett if we want to have any chance to get our hand on any treasures".

"If only we can convince the others about this but nothing you say will be able to change them" replied Austin.

"Then we will have to do it ourself" said Jason.

"Well, it still depends on them because according to what I know about the Triplett, they don't really do things with others so it will be a miracle if they decided to work with us" replied Austin.

"How can a little assignment be this difficult, it is just for the time being inside the ruin so they should be reasonable" said Jason.

"The only best option we have now is for you to meet them now that we are not inside the ruin and beg them for protection while looking weak" suggests Austin.

"So now you want to make me into a laughing stock eh" asked Jason. 

"We have no other choice here man, look the only way we can stay close to them is by faking being weak. Although I can't go with you since they already am not weak" replied Austin.

"Do I look weak to you" asked Jason with a frown on his face.

"Haha, of course you are not but they don't know that since they haven't seen you in battle" replied Austin with a laugh.

"This is kind of irritating by the way where is elder luke and the others" asked Jason. 

"They must have gone somewhere to discuss when the seal will be completely down so until then, we are to take our rest" replied Austin.

After staying with Austin for a while, Jason proceed to meet up with the triplets who were still meditating but quickly open their eyes when they feel another energy in their midst. 

"Hey there the name is Jason, do you mind if a sit next to you guys" asked with a warm smile on his face. 

"What do you want" asked one of the tripletts with a deep frown on his face. 

"It's like this, you know we will be going into the ruin at any point in time, so I am here to seek protection from you guys" replied Jason while still keeping the smile on his face. 

"And what makes you think we are interested in keeping a burden" asked the eldest.

"Come on guys, you can't be that cold to a comrade" said Jason.

"Why don't you go ask the others for protection" they asked Jason.

"Why go to the weak when the three of you are here. If you are worried about being doing nothing, you can rest assured that I will be of more use" replied Jason.

"And of what use can you be to us" they asked. 

"I can help with carrying whatever you found while we are inside" replied Jason with a smile.

The trio gave each other a look before turning to give Jason their reply.

"We only one rule and that is you are allowed to speak unless you are being told to".

When he heard the rules, the smile that he had on his face suddenly turn into a frown.

'I am the one that is actually trying to protect you all and you still dare to give me rules. Austin you will pay for this humiliation that I have faced' thought Jason before forcing a smile on his face as he nodded in agreement to their rules.

"Good now if you don't have anything to say, you can take your leave. Come find when it is time to enter the ruin" said the eldest before they closed their eyes and went back to their meditation.

Getting up, Jason went back to Austin who has a funny look on his face. And seeing this, made Jason angry since it was all his idea.

"And why are you smiling" asked Jason with a smile on his face. 

"It's nothing, so how did it go" said Austin as he tried to hold the laughter in.

"Who would have thought that they will be so arrogant" replied Jason as he let out a sigh.

"What did they say to you" asked Austin with a smile. 

"You are to keep your mouth shut while we are inside and could only say a thing when you are permitted to" replied Jason with a frown.

"Wait you mean they said that to you" asked Austin with a shocking look on his face.

"This is what they said and I couldn't believe my ears" replied Jason.

"I guess their arrogant knows no bounds" said Austin as he shook his head helplessly before trying to comfort Jason knowing fully well that he might reject their rules.

"You don't have to console me for I am also gaining from it also since I will be the one in charge of keeping the treasures" said Jason with a cunning smile on his face.

"What do you plan to do" asked Austin when he saw the mischievous smile on his face.

"Nothing much, since they are giving me rules when I am protecting them, they will have to pay me for my effort" replied Jason as he still has the cunning smile on his face.

"I hope you don't plan to do anything stupid since they didn't force you to join them" said Austin.

While they were chatting, the ground begin to tremble causing everyone to lose their balance while those that are in deep meditation couldn't help but rise up as they all turn their gaze to where the trembling was coming.

"I think the seal is on the verge of disappearing" said someone from the crowd.

While everyone was looking into the distance, the elders that were in charge of the family came in as they begin to round up their members while waiting for the seal to completely disperse.

"Listen up everyone, once the door to the ruin is open, you will have to depend on yourself to survive so prepare yourself for the worst" said elder luke with a serious look on his face.

Just as elder Luke was advising his family members, the other elders were also doing the same time to their family members until the ground shook once more and this time a beam of light shot into the sky before a wide scream of light appeared before them. 

"Is that what we were waiting for all this while" asked Jason as he looked at the scream of light that is in the distance.

"Yeah, that is the entrance to the ancient tomb where we are supposed to start the hunt" replied Austin.

"What is even amusing about this whole thing is how were they able to tell that the seal is getting weak when you can't even see anything" asked Jason 

"That's because the seal was placed there by the family that was in charge of guarding the ruin" replied Austin.

"Oh well I better get going, see you on the inside" said Jason as he left to join the Triplett who was preparing to leave.

"Be careful you all and don't forget to watch out for each other" said elder Luke as they were about to leave.

"The family to get in first will have an advantage over the rest so you better be quick with your movement" said the eldest of the Triplett.

"Yes sir" replied Jason with a serious look on his face as he follow behind them.

Where their group was still running towards the screaming light, a shadowing figure suddenly hopped into the screaming light and disappeared out of sight.

"Who is that" asked one of the Triplett.

Turning around to give a count of everyone present only for him to see that those from the Allen family are no longer there. 

"I guess that they are from the Allen family since they are nowhere to be seen" said Jason as he reported to the Triplett.

"Didn't I tell you to keep silent unless you are told to speak" replied the eldest Triplett.

"Sorry boss, I just thought that I should inform you of who it was that made it into the ruin" said Jason.

"Next time you wait for instructions before speaking" said the eldest Triplett.

"Understood" replied Jason with a frown on his face.

'I will be your slave for today alright, but your treasures will be the price you will have to pay' Jason thought with a smile on his face.

"Stop smiling and move fast" said the Triplett as they make ease towards the screaming light.

While they were running towards the screaming light, other families has already jumped into the screaming light while they are still making way towards it.

"Looks like things won't be easy for us" said the eldest of the Triplett before they jumped into the screaming light.

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