Unrivaled Under The Heaven

Chapter 92 - The Poisonous Lake

Right after everyone had gone into the screaming light, it suddenly disappeared returning the weakrose cave back to the way it used to be. 

"Now they have until two months before they will be expelled out of the ruin" mutter elder Luke as he placed his hand before his back.

Meanwhile, after going through the screaming light, everyone was brought to a forest covered with thick trees and they were left confused about what they were supposed to find.

"What are we supposed to do now" asked someone from the crowd.

"Over there are those from the Allen family" pointed another person. 

Seeing the Allen's still running even after they have come inside, the rest begin to put the piece together. 

"If I am not mistaken, then I will say we are still far from reaching the ruin" said the eldest Triplett to his group before moving.

While everyone was moving toward the area that the Allen family took, they failed to observe their surroundings as the trees they were passing through began to come to life. Taking the form of some beast before giving chase and they still failed to notice it.

Everyone has been running for a while with no hope of seeing the exit so they have to stop as they begin to think of what to do next but that is when they all knew that their life was in danger the moment they set foot in the forest.

When they saw the horde of beasts that were behind them, they couldn't help but take out their weapons as they got ready for battle.

"Listen up everyone, at a time like this we put our differences aside and try to take down all these beasts before we continue our race to the ruin. For there will be no point for us to continue if we fail to get rid of them" said Sam from the Phoenix family.

There was no argument about what he said since the beasts before were many in number. Letting out a deep road, the beasts begin to charge forward and it was the same with the families as they clashed together letting out all they had as they tried to defeat them but to their surprise, it seems like their attacks were not very effective against the beasts. Whenever there is a cut in any of the beasts, it would heal almost instantly making it look like they have not received any scratch making it a bitter fight for the families and some are beginning to lose hope.

"I don't think we will be able to get rid of all these beasts with the way things are going" said someone from the ghost family. 

"Don't give up, we just have to hold on until we figure a way to get rid of them" encouraged Diana.

"Before someone could think of a solution, we will be dead by then" said someone else.

Why they were complaining, a big bang was heard and the next thing they saw was a beast being sent flying before bursting into pieces. They turned to see who could do such damage only to see Adam placing his hand down and at the same time, they heard a slashing sound and the next thing they saw was another beast falling down before breaking apart.

"Go for the head if you want to take them down easily" said Adam before moving to another beast.

After they received the hint from Adam, they were all hyped up as they went from one beast to another while taking them down. It didn't take long before they were able to take care of all the beasts and when the group thought that they would be taking a break, they saw Adam and his members running deep into the forest.

"Those guys don't even know when it is time to take a break" said Steven with gritted teeth as he also made it easy. 

The group started their journey once more and finally, they were out of the forest and what was before them was a green lake with bubbles coming out of it. They all stood as they watched the lake since it is not what they can just cross over.

"Even the Allen family are also confused about what to do" murmurs someone.

"It is more important to observe this lake before having any thought of crossing over" said another.

While they were watching the lake, a leaf was seen floating toward the lake and the moment it touched the surface, it quickly turned to ash leaving everyone with a shocking look on their face. 

"Just as I thought, the lake is not normal in any way" said Adam with a hand on his chin as he began to think.

"What should we do now since we can't go through the lake to get to the other side" asked Jason.

"One more word from you and you will be left on your own" replied the eldest Triplett with a frown before turning his attention back to the lake.

'One more word from you three and I will go do my own thing since I am not a member of your family it wouldn't mean anything' said Jason in word.

After waiting for a while and no one was thinking of making a move, people begin to crack their brains thinking of a way to make it past the lake when they saw someone throwing a truck into the lake and they all turn to see what will happen only to see that the truck was still perfectly fine until it begins to show sign of decay before rotten completely.

"We only have one minute to make it to the other side before the truck is completely gone" said the eldest Triplett to his group before turning to Jason who was still staring at the lake.

"I want you to go and bring six trucks and make it quick" he ordered. 

Jason turned his gaze from the lake as he looked at the Triplett with a confused look on his face as he was about to ask if they were talking to him but before he could say a word, they were already yelling at him.

"What are you waiting for just standing there, ain't you the one that said you won't be useless while you are with us. Now go get those trucks" ordered one of the Triplett.

"Yes boss" replied Jason with a frown as he went back into the forest before coming out with a big tree which he placed down before the Triplett as he began to cut it down into six parts.

"Just take a look at the time that you are coming when almost everyone has finally made it to the other side" criticizes one of the Triplett.

Jason looked up to take a look at the surroundings and truly the place was almost emptied. With a frown on his face, Jason turned back to the Triplett as he said.

"You know we would have made it to the other side if we all went to get the truck in the first place".

"Are you questioning us or what" asked the eldest in anger.

"I am only stating the fact since everyone here did the same, which is why they can cross to the other side on time. If we did the same I am sure we would have been close to the ruin by now" replied Jason angrily. 

"We would have gotten close to the ruin, yeah but it all depends if there is no danger ahead so it is also great that we are not there yet so let's move" replied the eldest as he calmed down after hearing Jason reply and knew what they did was wrong.

After throwing the trucks into the lake, they begin to tiptoe from one truck to another quickly since they won't be able to hold their weight. After they have made it to the other side, Jason lets out a sigh before he begins to access his surroundings.

"This area seems too quiet for my liking" said Jason with a frown.

"Nothing about the whole place is normal so why does it look strange to you" commented one of the Triplett.

"Come on guys let's move and don't forget to keep your guards up" said the eldest as he led the group into the new part of the forest that they are in.

After walking for a while, they begin to see a trail of blood along the way and they couldn't help but frown as they continue to follow where the trail was leading to and they were able to see the source after walking for some time.

In front of them laid a bloody body with no means of identifying who it came from since it was dismembered.. The eldest bent down to take a look at the body before raising after he was done accessing it.

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