Unrivaled Under The Heaven

Chapter 93 - Threat Underground

"So what do you think must have happened to the owner of the body" asked one of the Triplett.

"I don't know, when I take a look at the body, I didn't find any beast marking on it and since it was dismembered, it would be difficult to identify the cause of its death" replied the eldest of the Triplett.

"Maybe they have started fighting each other the moment they made it to this part since the ruin will be very close" suggested Jason.

"I don't think that should be the case. If it were to be a fight, you would be able to tell with one glance through how messing the surrounding will be" replied the eldest of the Triplett.

"I guess you are right about that" said Jason after observing the area but was not able to find any sign of fighting.

While he was observing the area, Jason took note of a piece of cloth that was pinned to a tree as he went to pick it up before looking around again.

"The owner of the body is from the Platton family" said Jason after seeing the color of the piece which is blue.

"Let's go forward and you all will have to be careful since we don't know what is happening here" commanded the eldest of the Triplett as he took a step forward.

The group continued with their journey and after walking for a while, they saw another body along the way which belong to a member of the phoenix family, and just like the previous one, they were not able to identify what caused its death. Deciding to ignore the body since it's of no use to them, the team continues with their journey, and this time they were not able to see any dead body along the which clarifies Jason's motion of it being caused by a fight.

Since there was nobody, the team just concluded that it should have been caused by something else and they have dealt with it but all that change when they walk into an area that was filled with five dead bodies belonging to every family.

"This is really strange. How come there is a body to each family here" asked the eldest with a frown on his face.

"Maybe they were sent to get rid of what is causing all this death" suggested Jason.

"If that is the case, then it is likely that whatever that is causing all this death is very powerful. I pray we don't come in contact with it" said the eldest of the Triplett.

"Yeah, for all five members to lose their life while trying to stop it, it is likely going to be an ancient beast that is keeping guard over the ruin" suggested the bracelet who was also curious about the mysterious death.

"Do you think it was caused by an ancient beast" asked Jason with a shocking look on his face. 

"Probably since there is no sign of a beast marking on them, it must be a powerful beast who has gained intelligence" replied the bracelet.

"If it is really the handy work of a beast, then I am not interested in going into the ruin" said Jason since they couldn't come on top in a fight against the beast, there is no need to think if he will be able to do it.

"Relax boy, I am only saying due to the fact that there is no sign left behind by what is doing all this" replied the bracelet in a chuckle.

After going through the bodies and was not able to see anything, the group begin to move ahead until they get to an area that the other family members are as they were just standing still not even daring to make a move which was strang but they still decided to ask.

"What are you guys doing just standing there, have you all finally given upon entering the ruin" asked the eldest of the Triplett as he took a step forward.

"Don't come near just stay where you are if you still plan to keep your life" yell Diana in concern.

"What is going on here" asked the eldest of the Triplett with a frown on his face.

"There seems to be a beast underground that only moves through sound" replied Diana.

"So you guys are just going to stand there all because of a beast that is underground" said Jason in surprise at how they are standing when they could just look for the beast and kill.

"I believe you saw those dead bodies on your way coming here you moron, do you think they are weak when they decided to put their life on the line just so we can understand its pattern" replied Adam in anger.

"So even after they put their life on the line just so you could figure a way to defeat the beast only for you to end up like this" said Jason as he wave his hand on them. 

"You… you just pray I don't get my hands on your else I will make you regret the day you were born" yelled Adam in anger.

"Then what are you waiting for. I will be standing here so you don't have to stress yourself that much" said Jason with a smile on his face. 

"I thought you said you needed protection from us so where did you get the strength to play with someone who could kill you within minutes," asked one of the Triplett.

"Haha, that is because he won't want to waste his time on someone as useless as me" replied Jason with an awkward laugh.

The Triplett who asked Jason the question, couldn't help but shake his head before turning to Adam who was still angry as he asked.

"So where you people able to figure anything about the beast that will be useful to us".

"We didn't even have the time to study it before they were all killed" replied Adam with a sigh.

"Meaning they all died in vain" said Jason.

"They did not die in vain for now we know that the beast is agile and has a powerful claw and it is small in size which is why we have not been able to kill it" replied Diana.

"I see, no wonder even Adam is having a hard time" commented the eldest of the Triplett.

"Hard time or not, we need to get rid of the beast before we ran out of time just standing still like a statue" said Jason.

"Since you are so eager to enter the ruin. Why don't you help us get rid of the beast than" replied Steven. 

"I am beginning to wonder if you will die of heart attack if you don't pie me off" said Jason with a frown on his face.

"No offense man but since you are dying to get inside. While don't you just help us out" said another person. 

"Come to think of it, weren't you the one that said why is it taking so long to get rid of the beast. Since you are already here, why don't you just help us out" added Adam with a cunning smile on his face.

"Oh please, am I the only one who is going to benefit from the ruin if the beast were to be slayed, and let's not forget that I might even lose my life there to one of you. So just man up let's go take that beast down already" replied Jason as he turn them down knowing full well that they are thinking of using him to learn more about the beast.

No one agree to take a step forward when Jason said those words making clear that they still cherished their lives even though they are here to hunt for treasure. And seeing that they were not making any moves, Jason let out a sigh as he said out loud for everyone to hear.

"Who would have thought that the so called genius of the families will be this scared when facing a beast even though they are much in number. What a joke you all turn out to be" he said as he spat to the side in disgust.

When the crowd heard his word, they begin to rage but still chose to stay still.

"Here you are saying those words like you are any different, ain't you also a member of the Fox family shame on you boy" said someone from the Platton family.

"Don't get me wrong man, I am only just residing in the Fox family since mine is no more so does that make me a member of the family" asked Jason with a smile on his face.

"If you are not a member of the Fox family, how were you able to get in here" asked the same person.

"Let us just say I was born lucky alright" replied Jason with a laugh.

"I wonder what the grand elder sees in him for he to give the slot out to him" said Steven with a frown.

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