Unrivaled Under The Heaven

Chapter 94 - Pray I Don't Get Out Of Here

"That's because he saw potential in me unlike you who only know how to bark" said Jason.

"Alright that's enough, we are supposed to think of a way to kill the beast and not to fight among ourselves" commented the eldest Triplett.

"So what do you think we should do at a time like this" asked Diane.

"Since you say the beast is a fast runner, we will need someone who is also faster to distract the beast while we think of a way to end it" suggested the eldest of the Triplett.

"That can also work too but the problem now is who can give the beast a good challenge" asked trace of the ghost family.

"Yeah, how are we supposed to find someone who is faster on his leg" said someone from the phoenix family.

"I volunteer to be the bait" said Adam.

"Alright now that we have Adam who will be the beast opponent, let's get to work" commanded Jason as he swung the halberd to the side.

Ignoring Jason, Adam took a deep breath before turning to the eldest of the Triplett who came up with the idea as he said.

"I hope this plan of yours will work".

"I am not too sure if it will work but I have twenty percent that it will work" replied the eldest of the Triplett.

"Is it that high then I guess it is worth risking my life for" said Adam.

"Come on guys we need to hurry up before it gets dark" hurried Jason.

Adam turns his gaze at Jason with a frown on his face before looking at the sky and truly it will be nighttime soon which will be bad news for them since they won't be able to see clearly. Adam began to drive his energy as he started running at great speed with the crowd prepared to make a move once the beast came out and to their shock after running for five minutes, there was no sight of the beast which was making them think that maybe it had already left the place.

Seeing that the beast is not chasing after him, adam was also having the thought wand finally stop running but the moment he did, the ground began to shake, and that is when a hairy beast came out of the ground and dash at adam with is claws stretch forward readily to slash him but before it could get close, Adam has already adjusted himself as the beast went past him, wasting no time, Adam quickly started running since he knows he won't be able to outrun the beast in the first place.

"You guys better be fast with your attacks" yelled Adam while running.

"Don't worry if they fail to do anything, I will always have your back" said Jason with a loud laugh.

They couldn't help but twitch their face in anger as they began to launch a series of attacks on the beast which easily went past the attacks as it continued to chase after Adam. While they were busy attacking the beast, Jason was just standing at the side while watching them attack the beast since he didn't know of any long-range attack.

"You know it would have been better if you were the one being chased by the beast at least by now you would have found a way to land a hit on it due to the technique you are practicing" said the bracelet.

"Then they will know of my secret attack and think of a way to counter it, not going to happen besides since the big shots are here while wasting my energy fighting the beast and rendering myself useless for everyone to slaughter" replied Jason.

"With the way things are going do you think they will be able to kill the beast before they run out of energy" asked the bracelet.

"Can't you tell that they are holding some of their strength back" replied Jason with a smile on his face.

"You should join the fight instead of just standing here watching" said the bracelet.

"Do you think I am just watching them struggle against the beast, I am just waiting for an opening to land an attack on it" replied Jason with a smirk on his face. 

"I see and here I thought you are just hiding like a coward" said the bracelet.

Doing his best to avoid getting slashed by the beast and at the same time letting out a barrage of attacks but whatever he do, was not able to get to the beast even when he is the closest which was really annoying for someone of his standard to be having a hard time with a beast all because he was slow in his attack.

While they were all struggling, a clapping sound was heard as a halberd was seen flying towards where Adam and the beast were standing, and the next thing that happened really shocked the crowd as they saw the beast bore into the ground for protection before the attack could make an impact. 

Seeing that the beast has retreated, Adam lets out a deep breath as he can now take a rest since it is exhausting to run around while fighting. 

"I hate when they run away just as my attack is about to connect" said Jason with a sigh as he made an attempt to retrieve the halberd.

Jason had just taken a step when he heard a rumbling sound coming from beneath his feet. With advice from the bracelet, Jason was able to move out of the spot before the beast could lunge on him. Rolling to the side as he turned to Adam who had a bead of sweat coming from his head.

"Hey bro the beast is out, get ready to continue your objective" said Jason.

"I think I will pass this time around, just help me out with the running for a while until I recover my energy" replied Adam with a bitter expression on his face.

"What, how am I supposed to run that long until you recover your energy" said Jason as he continued to avoid the beast.

Everyone was surprised to see that Jason was doing fine avoiding the beast attack but was complaining, so why is he complaining about not being able to last until Adam has recovered enough to fight when he is doing great compared to those that lose their lives while trying to make the beast let it guard down so we can attack it.

Seeing the amusing look on everyone's face really made Jason angry as he began to yell at them.

"What are you all looking out, can't you see that I am trying my best to hold the beast down just so you could ruin your attack on it".

They quickly snap out of it and were just about to attack the beast when they suddenly heard Steven speak up.

"There is no need for us to worry about him running out of steam with the way he is avoiding the beast it won't be wrong to say that he will be able to for an hour before he runs out so let's take the time to gather enough energy and rain a powerful attack on the beast not giving it time to make a run for it".

Everyone quickly retreated their energy as they found sense in what Steven just said. Meanwhile, Jason felt like crying as he spoke up.

"Don't listen to that moron guys, he is just looking for a way to get me killed all because of a little conflict between us".

"Jason you should know that what I am doing is for the greater good of us all so stop all this complaining and continue to keep the beast busy while we prepare an attack that will end all this slaughter caused by that beast" commented Steven with a righteous look on his face. 

"Just pray to your god that I don't make it out of this alive else you won't believe what I am going to do to you Steve" said Jason with an angry look on his face 

"Yeah, we will think about that after we have dealt with the beast so just hold on until then" commented Diana as she began to gather her energy with a happy smile on her face. 

And the same thing was with the rest of the family since they don't have any time left before the day gets dark which will be a big disadvantage for them, they went into a meditation state as they begin to gather their energy.

Left with no choice, Jason grits his teeth in anger when he saw no one was listening to him and decided to avoid the beast attacks as he buys them time to gather enough energy for the big attack as he makes way to where the halberd is since there is no way he will be able to defend himself against the beast claws with his bare hand. Ll

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