Hearing Huang Xin's promise, sun Mingde was also relieved. The reason why he gave such generous conditions was that he hoped Huang Xin would promise as soon as possible to avoid long dreams; Second, it also means to use this part of the equity to bind Xu Hao to their sun family nursery base. The unexpected appearance of Phoenix courtship orchid shows the effect of flower soil on inducing orchid variation!

Of course, the current financial situation of the sun family is also one of the reasons why Sun Mingde made this decision! At present, the cash on the account of the nursery base is less than 5 million, which is only enough to barely maintain the daily operation of the nursery base.

After obtaining Xu Hao's support, the sun family accelerated the pace of market expansion. No longer like the previous steady and steady approach, this time, the sun family's approach is extremely radical. It not only uses most of the cash in the company's account for market expansion, but also uses high-quality assets such as nursery base as collateral and borrows 500 million from the bank to help complete the expansion.

Because of this, sun Mingde could not bear the impact of the failure of the orchid Expo. This time, the sun family is almost desperate. Once the orchid Expo fails, the collapse of the sun family is inevitable. Therefore, this time, the sun family can only win but not lose!

Now the sun family has put all their bets on the upcoming orchid Expo. As long as the sun family wins the first prize again at the orchid Expo, all the difficulties of the sun family will be solved!

While Huang Xin promised to sell orchids, sun Mingde quickly ordered the legal director to draft the corresponding contract.

An hour later, under the witness of Xu Hao and others, Huang Xin signed an agreement with the sun family to sell orchids. In exchange, Huang Xin acquired a stake in Sunjia nursery base 3. At this moment, Huang Xin is worth tens of millions.

Of course, this part of Huang Xin's wealth is relatively empty. Unless Huang Xin realizes this part of the equity under special circumstances, otherwise, she is just guarding a golden mountain!

After signing the agreement, sun Mingde rushed back to the nursery base and left sun Xiaowen to entertain Xu Hao and Huang Xin.

Originally, sun Xiaowen intended to invite the management of some companies to dinner with Xu Hao and Huang Xin. However, Huang Xin didn't want to be so high-profile and refused sun Xiaowen's kindness.

Out of Shengshi flower company, Huang Xin is still like a dream. All this came so suddenly that it seemed unreal!

"Sister Xin, you're a multimillionaire now. Should we celebrate it?" looked at Huang Xin and Xu Hao said.

"OK, I'm happy today. Tell me what you want to eat?" Huang Xin is in a good mood now. She looks at Xu Hao and asks with a smile.

Staring at Huang Xin, Xu Hao said, "I want to eat the food you cooked by sister Xin!"

"Silly!" with a white look at Xu Hao, Huang Xin took the lead in getting into the car and said, "come on, there will be no food in the vegetable market in a while!"

"Coming." Xu Hao said and hurried into the car.

They went to the vegetable market to buy a lot of vegetables before they came home.

Put the dishes in the kitchen. Huang Xin said to Xu Hao sitting in the living room, "watch TV first, and I'll cook." with that, Huang Xin went into the bedroom, changed her clothes, and then went into the kitchen.

After a while, the kitchen gave off bursts of fragrance. Xu Hao went to the kitchen door and looked at Huang Xin, who was busy in the kitchen. He felt a burst of satisfaction! Huang Xin is such a gentle and virtuous woman. Like Bai Yan, she is a woman suitable for living!

Just as Xu haopan was wondering if he would take this opportunity to confess to Huang Xin, an inharmonious voice sounded outside the door - Du Xiaoshan came again!

Hearing Du Xiaoshan's voice, Huang Xin, who was cooking, was stunned. The spatula in his hand fell directly to the ground. The whole person was stunned and was at a loss.

He hurried into the kitchen and turned off the fire of the gas stove. Xu Hao helped Huang Xin out of the kitchen. "Sister Xin, sit down first and leave it to me!"

Holding Xu Hao's hand, Huang Xin said, "Xu Hao, don't do anything stupid."

Smiling at Huang Xin, Xu Hao said, "sister Xin, don't worry, I'm measured." then Xu Hao opened the door and went out.

Seeing Xu Hao coming out of Huang Xin's house, Du Xiaoshan scolded even worse, "I knew your boy was not a good bird. If you slept with my woman, you have to compensate me for my spiritual loss..."

"OK, let's go downstairs." Xu Hao said, holding Du Xiaoshan directly and walking downstairs.

People like Du Xiaoshan have already hollowed out their bodies by eating, drinking, whoring, gambling and smoking. Xu Haogen didn't need to work hard, so he easily dragged Du Xiaoshan downstairs.

"You... What do you want to do?" Du Xiaoshan was also a little nervous. He still remembered Xu Hao's beating him yesterday.

"Come on, how do you want to solve this matter?" Xu Hao asked bluntly, looking at Du Xiaoshan.

Du Xiaoshan was relieved to hear that Xu Hao wanted to reason with him. After sorting out the clothes messed up by Xu Hao, Du Xiaoshan said: "Huang Xin and I have an engagement, and her money for college is also from my family! It was agreed that she would marry me after graduating from college, but now Huang Xin has turned back..."

"Clean your mouth and say directly, how do you want to solve it!" Xu Hao asked without bothering to listen to Du Xiaoshan's nonsense.

"If you don't want me to pester Huang Xin, give me a million yuan, and I'll roll away immediately and promise not to bother you again. How about it?" Du Xiaoshan looked at Xu Hao and said, "I've heard that Huang Xin is doing well in Jiangcheng. Can't I even take out this money?"

Looking at Du Xiaoshan's virtue, Xu Hao knows that even if he gave him a million today, he will have to come back and continue to blackmail Huang Xin when he finishes his extravagance. We must find a way to do it once and for all!

"I'm not afraid to tell you the truth, Huang Xin. I haven't even touched her. You've taken the lead. You're not at a loss!" Du Xiaoshan came up to Xu Hao's ear and said very badly. That look, how obscene, how obscene.

"OK, one million, I promise you." looking at Du Xiaoshan, Xu Hao said, "tomorrow, it's still this time. You'll wait for me here and I'll give you money!"

"Refreshing! As soon as I look at you, I know you are a pleasant person!" Du Xiaoshan said happily: "how about Huang Xin? Isn't she good? I don't want to tell you. Huang Xin is in our village. It's the most beautiful..."

"Get out!" he kicked Du Xiaoshan, and Xu Hao said, "if I hear you say a bad word about Huang Xin again, I'll keep you from seeing the sun tomorrow!"

Struggling to get up from the ground, Du Xiaoshan scolded and said, "what's the thing? Get the money ready quickly. If I don't see the money tomorrow, you don't want to live in peace!"

"Get out of here!" Xu Hao scolded at Du Xiaoshan, who didn't want to see Du Xiaoshan's disgusting face for a second!

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