Taking out his mobile phone, Xu Hao dialed Liang Hongyu.

"Xu Hao, why did you think of calling me?" Liang Hongyu was very strange when he received Xu Hao's call. Although he is familiar with Xu Hao, Xu Hao almost never took the initiative to call him.

"Brother Hongyu, I want to ask you for a favor." Xu Hao said about Du Xiaoshan on the phone, and then said: "I need his detailed information, the more detailed the better!"

Liang Hongyu at the other end of the phone was silent for three seconds, then said, "OK, no problem. I'll give you a message before 8 o'clock tonight." Liang Hongyu said that and hung up the phone.

Put away his cell phone and Xu Hao returned upstairs.

Seeing Xu Hao coming back, Huang Xin quickly got up from the sofa and ran towards Xu Hao. Holding Xu Hao's hand, he asked, "Xu Hao, haven't you done anything stupid?"

Gently hugged Huang Xin. Xu Hao said, "sister Xin, don't worry. How can I do stupid things? Go to sleep and have a good rest. You'll leave it to me."

This time, Huang Xin is not as strong as before. But nodded meekly and said, "then promise me not to do stupid things."

"Sister Xin, I can't bear to die with the scum like Du Xiaoshan. Besides, how can I be willing to have an accident before I get sister Xin to bed." Xu Hao said, and his hand went down slowly along Huang Xin's Willow waist

"No shape." he clapped Xu Hao's hand open. Huang Xin gave Xu Hao a white look and said, "if you want to get your sister to bed, you have to refuel!" then Huang Xin looked at Xu Hao and turned into the bedroom.

After coming out of Huang Xin's house, Xu Hao went to the Administration for Industry and Commerce and inquired about the relevant processes of running the company. The relevant matters of Dongping agricultural products sales company must be handled as soon as possible, which is also conducive to the acquisition of all kinds of agricultural products.


Liang Hongyu's speed is very fast. In the evening, Liang Hongyu called Xu Hao to meet Xu Hao.

The place where they met was Yimei health club. There is no place safer and more reassuring than Yimei health club.

Seeing Liang Hongyu, Xu Hao knew that Liang Hongyu had done it well. Looking at Liang Hongyu, Xu Hao said, "brother Hongyu, thank you."

"You're welcome! Let's go up and talk." Liang Hongyu led Xu Hao into Yimei health club and took Xu Hao to his office. He took out the information Xu Hao asked him to check from the drawer and handed it to Xu Hao. Liang Hongyu said, "it's a very ordinary person, with bad deeds and nothing..."

Nodding, Xu Hao took the information Liang Hongyu handed him and looked at it carefully. Because of the short time, the information collected is not very comprehensive, but it is almost enough. Xu Hao did not expect that Liang Hongyu not only took drugs, but also participated in drug trafficking. However, he was lucky and escaped several times.

"Brother Hongyu, I have to ask you for a favor." looking at Liang Hongyu, Xu Hao said, "brother Hongyu, do you say that as Chinese citizens, we have the obligation to make our due contributions to building a harmonious society?"

Liang Hongyu didn't react and couldn't help looking at Xu Hao. When Liang Hongyu saw the smile on Xu Hao's face, he suddenly understood.

Looking at Xu Hao, Liang Hongyu asked, "why, has this man offended you?"

"That's right." Xu Hao leaned against the sofa in Liang Hongyu's office, looked at Liang Hongyu and said, "anyway, it's personal scum. If you can send it in, it's a contribution to the society."

Nodding, Liang Hongyu didn't ask much. Such a small thing is too easy for Liang Hongyu. People like Du Xiaoshan will not refuse to give him any money and ask him to do anything! As long as we get the evidence of Du Xiaoshan's crime, the police will deal with the rest. There is no need for Liang Hongyu to intervene too much!

"Wait for my news." Liang Hongyu smiled and said.

Liang Hongyu promised so happily, which was beyond Xu Hao's expectation. Originally, Xu Hao planned to give some blood to Liang Hongyu to do this. Now it seems that his idea is obviously superfluous.

After seeing Xu Hao off, Liang Hongyu dialed Tang Jing. On the phone, Liang Hongyu said the matter briefly, and then said: "although there is no evidence of Du Xiaoshan's crime in the police, there are some on my side, so I can send him in, so I made my own decision and agreed to Xu Hao's request, which can be regarded as eliminating harm for the people."

"Let's deal with this matter. I'll go back to Jiangcheng in two days." Tang Jing, who is in Yanjing, doesn't care much about this small matter. She is more concerned about the vegetables she brought back. Judging from the known test results, it has greatly exceeded her expectations.

Walking out of Yimei health club, Xu Hao knew that Du Xiaoshan should be arrested by Jiangcheng police soon. With what he did before and the influence exerted by Liang Hongyu, Jiangcheng police can't do anything special if they don't want to!

With a long breath, a stone in Xu Hao's heart finally fell to the ground. Although he can achieve the same effect by doing it himself, it will take longer. And now that Du Xiaoshan is an indefinite time bomb. I don't know when he will blow up! Therefore, in order to prevent Huang Xin from being hurt again, he can only ask Liang Hongyu for help.

Driving back to his residence, Xu Hao hesitated and knocked on the door of Huang Xin's house.

Seeing Xu Hao outside the door, Huang Xin said, "are you back? I'll cook for you."

Holding Huang Xin, Xu Hao said, "sister Xin, I'm not hungry. How are you? Are you feeling better?"

Smiling at Xu Hao, Huang Xin said, "I'm fine. How did you tell Du Xiaoshan? He called me not long ago and said a lot of strange things..."

"Don't worry about him." Xu Hao said with a smile, "sister Xin, don't worry, I've completely solved this problem."

"You shouldn't be..." Huang Xin said. She couldn't help reaching out and covering her mouth. Her face was full of surprise.

Seeing Huang Xin like this, Xu Hao said, "sister Xin, are you too imaginative? Don't worry, I won't do anything stupid. I'm still waiting for the day when sister Xin is willing to lie in my bed!"

"Virtue." Bai glanced at Xu Hao and Huang Xin said, "what my sister said counts. If one day, my sister will strip off and warm your bed in person!"

"Don't go back on your word," Xu Hao said excitedly. He wanted Huang Xin to write a note to avoid him going back on his word.

Seeing Xu Hao's eyes eager to eat himself, Huang Xin was afraid. He coughed and said, "well, it's getting late. I'm going to rest. Go back first."

With a helpless look at Huang Xin, Xu Hao said, "sister Xin, I'm leaving." Xu Hao turned and walked towards the door.

Looking at Xu Hao's lost back, Huang Xin couldn't bear to step forward and hug Xu Hao from behind.

Across the thin pajamas, Xu Hao enjoyed the soft touch of Huang Xin and gradually indulged in it

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