After recording Xu Hao's requirements for the company's personnel one by one, Huang Xin said: "from your requirements, it is estimated that you can only lower the applicant's education and work experience, otherwise, you can't recruit people at all based on the current situation and salary of your company!"

With a helpless wry smile and shaking his head, Xu Hao said, "sister Xin, just look at the details. My requirements are not high. As long as the recruited people can maintain the operation of the company. Anyway, the company has just started, and there is no need for people with special working ability to open up new territory!"

"OK, I have a general understanding of your requirements. I'll select some suitable resumes and send them to you later. If you want to see the right ones, we can make an appointment for an interview." Huang Xin said, and suddenly thought of a question. Xu Hao's company doesn't even have an office, so you can't let others go to Longwan village for an interview? In that case, others must think that this company is a black company!

"You try to give me a problem." reluctantly glanced at Xu Hao and Huang Xin said, "forget it, I'll find a way. The way is always more difficult than the difficulty. Besides, it's graduation season now. Don't worry about recruiting no one!"

"Sister Xin, thank you so much. If you don't dislike it, I'll just make a promise." looking at Huang Xin, Xu Hao said cheaply.

After giving Xu Hao a white eye, Huang Xin said, "OK, I'll go back to the company first. When the results are out, I'll find you."

"Then I'll send you." Xu Hao said and personally sent Huang Xin downstairs to the company. When he saw Huang Xin enter the company, Xu Hao turned and left.

The recruitment is entrusted to Huang Xin. Xu Hao can rest assured. After all, Huang Xin eats this bowl of rice and recruits several people. For her, it's no problem at all.

Taking advantage of this free time, Xu Hao finally completed the company registration.

The legal representative of the company is Bai Yan, which is also the decision made by Xu Hao after careful consideration. Let Bai Yan be the legal representative, at least to a great extent, to avoid some unnecessary trouble. Xu Hao doesn't know how much energy the Xu family's enemy in the East China Sea has! However, since those people can destroy Xu's group and kill Xu Hao's parents, it is enough to show the strength of these people!

Therefore, before he is fledgling, Xu Hao should hide behind the scenes as much as possible and don't attract the attention of those people!

In order to celebrate the establishment of the company, Bai Yan specially made a big table at the vegetable base. Because Xu Hao has no relatives in Jiangcheng, and Xu Hao doesn't want to publicize this matter, he didn't invite others.

"Today, we must have a good celebration." Bai Yan said happily as she picked up her glass. Bai Yan blushed after drinking some wine.

Looking at Bai Yan, who had drunk a lot of wine, Xu Hao also raised his glass and said, "aunt Bai, thank you!"

"Silly boy, what's aunt Xie doing?" Bai Yan smiled and drank the wine in the cup.

Terry Chui and Huang Xin drank two bottles of Baijiu for their joy. Originally Baijiu Terry Chui and Baiyan can not afford to drink, so suddenly drank so much liquor, two people do not know how to finally lie on the bed.

When Xu Hao woke up thirsty in the middle of the night, he found that they didn't even take off their clothes and lay in bed. Fortunately, it was summer, otherwise they would have caught a cold if they slept like this.

Because people who drink too much wine will get hot, she untied several buttons on Bai Yan's lady shirt. Standing in Xu Hao's position, you can even see Bai Yan's black bra exposed by unbuttoning.

Swallowing his saliva, Xu Hao leaned towards Bai Yan. After drinking a lot of wine, Bai Yan's face became red, which made Xu Hao want to kiss. Gather around Bai Yan, Xu Hao slowly lies down and kisses Bai Yan's cherry lips. His hand was dishonest and stretched into Bai Yan's clothes and violated it wantonly

The sleeping Bai Yan seems to have a shameful dream. When she woke up suddenly, she saw that Xu Hao had taken off her coat and was about to take off her jeans!

Hurriedly grabbed the scattered clothes around her to protect the spring on her chest, and Bai Yan looked at Xu Hao. There is anger, blame, and a trace of shyness and reluctance in his eyes!

"Aunt Bai, i..." Xu Hao doesn't know why he did this. Seeing Bai Yan's eyes with many meanings, Xu Hao blamed himself!

As a once dissolute childe, the women Xu Hao experienced couldn't count their hands! Today, with the strength of the wine and the white Yan at the moment, Xu Hao naturally couldn't help it.

Silently dressed, Bai Yan glanced at Xu Hao and said, "I don't blame you for today's business. However, I have to reiterate that I'm your aunt and will always be!" with that, Bai Yan got up and went out.

Xu Hao hurriedly chased out, but Bai Yan walked into her own room and locked the door.

"Aunt Bai, I'm sorry, i..." Xu Hao wanted to say I'm sorry, but he didn't know where to start.

"Well, it's getting late. Hurry back to bed." after a while, Bai Yan's calm voice came from the house. Xu Hao doesn't know what Bai Yan really thinks, but at the moment, Xu Hao can't do anything.

Leaning against the door of the room and hearing the sound of Xu Hao walking away, Bai Yan squatted down and cried! Bai Yan doesn't know why she cries. However, she knew that her crying had nothing to do with Xu Hao's behavior today. In fact, Bai Yan didn't feel angry about what Xu Hao did today! Even, when she subconsciously avoided, there was a trace of reluctance in her heart!

During this time, the ambiguity between her and Xu Hao, intentionally or unintentionally, did not have the reason for her connivance. If she hadn't been greedy for the steadiness and warmth in Xu Hao's arms, how could so many things happen between them!

"Xiaohao, aunt knows your mind. But we can't, we really can't!" she covered her mouth with her hand, and Bai Yan's heart is also very tangled. These days, Xu Hao also slowly walked into her heart, but she is ten years older than Xu Hao, and she is commensurate with Xu Hao's mother as a sister. Therefore, she and Xu Hao must not cross that gap, never!

Back in the room, lying on the bed with the fragrance of Bai Yan, Xu Hao couldn't sleep. He doesn't know how to get along with Bai Yan in the future? What if Bai Yan doesn't pay attention to him or even manage the vegetable base and agricultural product sales company? What did he do then? Can he shoulder such a heavy responsibility alone?

Lift your hand up, Xu Hao said, "let you control this hand! Something's wrong this time?"

Looking at the ceiling, Xu Hao was not sleepy at all. His heart was tangled. I hope tomorrow will come early and I'm afraid of dawn. He didn't know how Bai Yan would deal with it after dawn!

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