Early in the morning, Bai Yan called Xu Hao to get up for breakfast. Seeing Bai Yan standing in front of the bed, Xu Hao opened his mouth. If he came to his mouth, he didn't ask after all.

When having breakfast, Xu Haoshi couldn't help but look at Bai Yan and say apologetically, "aunt Bai, I'm sorry, I yesterday..."

"What happened yesterday?" she raised her head and looked at Xu Hao. Bai Yan seemed to have lost her memory. She asked suspiciously, "look, aunt, you can't drink or drink. As a result, you drink fragments. What happened yesterday?"

"Nothing, nothing!" Xu Hao hurriedly said, lowering his head for dinner. Whether Bai Yan really drank the fragment or pretended to drink the fragment. All this means that yesterday's incident is over. Xu Hao was also relieved. Now this treatment method may be the most appropriate.

After breakfast, Bai Yan went to the vegetable field for routine inspection. Xu Hao wanted to follow him, but Bai Yan said that Xu Hao also drank a lot of wine yesterday and let him rest in the office. Xu Hao couldn't resist Bai Yan, so he had to stay in the office honestly.

Just when Xu Hao was bored, Huang Xin called. On the phone, Huang Xin told Xu Hao that she had selected several candidates and asked Xu Hao if she could come back as soon as possible, look at their resumes, and then arrange an interview.

"Sister Xin, I'll go back now. Where are you?" Xu Hao asked hurriedly.

Huang Xin yawned at the other end of the phone and said, "of course I'm at home. Is it a weekend? I haven't slept well for several days for your business."

"Sister Xin, how about I treat you to a big meal when this thing is finished?" Xu Hao said to Huang Xin on the phone.

Xu Hao hurried home and knocked on Huang Xin's door directly.

Because it was a weekend, Huang Xin wore pajamas directly at home. The neckline of the pajamas was wide open. When Xu Hao entered the door, Huang Xin bent down and took out a pair of slippers for Xu Hao from the shoe rack. Standing in Xu Hao's position, I naturally saw the scenery in Huang Xin's pajamas at once!

Although I have peeked several times before, today, from this point of view, it is another scene! Unexpectedly, sister Xin didn't wear underwear when she was at home!

Seeing Xu Hao staring at himself, Huang Xin thought of what had happened for a moment. Meimu glared at Xu Hao, and then walked angrily towards the sofa.

Xu Hao changed his shoes and hurried over. Dare not look at Huang Xin's eyes, sitting next to Huang Xin, Xu Hao asked, "sister Xin, didn't you say you have selected some candidate resumes?"

"It's all here." Huang Xin picked up her laptop from the tea table and clicked on the information of some candidates she selected.

As Xu Hao watched, Huang Xin introduced him, "The financial candidate is song Rui, a 22-year-old college student who has just graduated. The main reason for choosing her is that her family is in Jinma Town, which is relatively easier to accept the working environment of your company. Salesman, I have provided you with four candidates. Take a look at the specific situation. Two of them, although they have only graduated from high school, have some work experience and salary The requirements for capital treatment are also relatively low... "

After carefully reading the information of the five candidates provided by Huang Xin, Xu Hao said: "for a qualified salesman, education is not a problem. I pay more attention to this person's ability. However, this song Rui, who has just graduated and has no work experience, can she be competent for financial work?"

Although Xu Hao has never been to college, it is well known that college students can't learn anything useful in college, especially in some bad schools. Students are fooling around all day! Xu Hao is a little worried about letting such people take charge of the company's finance alone.

"From the social practice experience she filled in, the experience is lacking, but it is not a blank. Specifically, we have to wait for the interview to know." Huang Xin also has some headaches. According to the current situation of Xu Hao's company, those excellent talents with a little ability will not consider it at all. This is not a matter of salary, but everyone's understanding of their own value. Who doesn't want to have a better platform for their own development?

Nodding, Xu Hao said nothing more. Huang Xin is an expert in this regard. Xu Hao respects Huang Xin's decision.

"Then arrange an interview." Xu Hao looked at Huang Xin and said.

"I've arranged all the interviews." after taking a helpless look at Xu Hao, Huang Xin said, "I arranged the interview in a coffee shop. At that time, those people almost thought I was a liar when they heard that I had an appointment with them in the coffee shop!"

Huang Xin can't help it. You can't let them go all the way to Longwan village for an interview. If Huang Xin asks them to go to Longwan village for an interview, it's estimated that these people won't consider Xu Hao's company at all!

"Sister Xin, thank you." Xu Hao knows that Huang Xin has spent a lot of time on the five candidates. After all, his company has no advantage compared with other companies!

Smiled at Xu Hao and Huang Xin said, "no need to thank you. When you develop in the future, don't forget your sister Xin!"

"How can it!" Xu Hao said humbly, "I'm still waiting for sister Xin to warm my bed!"

"The dog can't spit out Ivory!" stared at Xu Hao, and Huang Xin got up and walked towards the bedroom.

Soon, Huang Xin came out of the bedroom. He changed into a dress with blue and white stripes, with a light white belt around his waist, showing his slender waist, straight legs wrapped in flesh colored silk stockings, and a pair of black women's shoes at his feet. The clothing is concise and close to the body, highlights the professional temperament, shows dignified, steady and elegant, and creates youth and vitality. The soft long hair spread over her shoulders, adding a sense of intimacy to Huang Xin.

"Sister Xin, you look so beautiful today." Xu Hao praised Huang Xin after staring at her for three seconds.

With a white look at Xu Hao, Huang Xin said, "I know I'm a liar. Don't you change your clothes?"

"I'll wear it like this. I'm dressed like a clown." Xu Hao smiled awkwardly and said. He has never been used to wearing formal clothes. In the past, when he was in the East China Sea, Xu Hao mostly wore casual clothes even for formal occasions.

"OK, let's go. It's almost time." he raised his hand and looked at the watch on his wrist. Huang Xin said.

They went out. Xu Hao drove Huang Xin to the coffee shop.

As soon as he entered the cafe, Xu Hao felt the men around him, and his eyes gathered on Huang Xin intentionally or unintentionally. Proud of his chest, Xu Hao stretched out his hand and gently grabbed Huang Xin's thin waist.

He stared at Xu Hao and saw that Xu Hao was like a belligerent rooster. Huang Xin couldn't help laughing.

"Why are you like a child? Well, well, you have to have an interview later." Huang Xin said. Take two steps quickly, and Xu Hao quickly followed up

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